Welcome to our new Conversation Alive website!
We are currently working to bring you more exciting ways to interact with classes and much more!
Check out this week’s topics!
Thursday Oct 3, 5:00 PM
Friday Oct 4, 9:30 AM
Friday Oct 4, 2:00 PM
Saturday Oct 5, 10 AM
Thursday Oct 3, 5:00 PM
Round 1
- What is the most valuable possession you own? Why is it important to you?
- How do you feel about people who place a lot of importance on material possessions?
- What is the most sentimental item you own? Why is it special to you?
- Material: relating to physical objects rather than the mind or spirit.
- Possession: the state of having, owning, or controlling something.
Round 2
- What are some of the root causes of poverty in your country?
- How do you think poverty affects people’s mental health?
- What are some of the most effective ways to reduce poverty in your opinion?
- Deprivation: the lack or denial of something considered to be a necessity.
- Indigent: poor; needy.
Friday Oct 4, 9:30 AM
Round 1
- What is your definition of privacy? How has it changed over time?
- Do you think that privacy is a fundamental human right? Why or why not?
- In what ways do you think technology has impacted our privacy? Are there any benefits to this?
- Transparency: the quality of being open and honest about something
- Surveillance: the act of carefully watching someone or something, especially in order to prevent or detect a crime
Round 2
- What are some of the reasons why people procrastinate? Are these reasons universal or do they vary across cultures?
- Do you consider yourself a procrastinator? Why or why not? What tasks or projects do you typically procrastinate on? Why?
- What are some effective strategies for overcoming procrastination? Have you tried any of these strategies before? If so, which ones worked best for you?
- Delay: to make something happen at a later time than originally planned or expected
- Indecision: the inability to make a decision quickly and confidently
Friday Oct 4, 2:00 PM
Round 1
- Do you think that race is a social construct or a biological fact? Why or why not?
- In what ways do you think race affects our daily lives? Are there any benefits to this?
- Do you think that affirmative action is an effective way to address racial inequality? Why or why not?
- Discrimination: the practice of unfairly treating a person or group of people differently from other people or groups of people
- Stereotype: a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing
- Prejudice: an unfair and unreasonable opinion or feeling, especially when formed without enough thought or knowledge
Round 2
- What is your definition of religion? How has it changed over time?
- Do you think that religion is a force for good or evil in the world? Why or why not?
- In what ways do you think religion has influenced art and culture throughout history? Are there any examples that stand out to you?
- Do you think that religion is necessary for a person to live a fulfilling life? Why or why not?
- Monotheism: the belief in one god
- Polytheism: the belief in many gods
Saturday Oct 5, 10 AM
Round 1
- What is the most exotic cuisine you have ever tried? What did you like or dislike about it?
- Do you prefer eating out alone or with friends? Why?
- What is the most memorable restaurant experience you have ever had?
- What made it so special?
- Reservation: An arrangement made with a restaurant in advance to eat there at a particular time.
- Menu: A printed list of meals that a restaurant serves.
Round 2
- What are some safety measures you take to protect your home from burglars or intruders?
- Have you ever been in a situation where you had to use your first aid skills?
- What happened?
- What are some safety precautions you take when cooking or using electrical appliances at home?
- First Aid: Emergency medical treatment given to an injured or sick person before professional medical care is available.
- Burglar: A person who enters a building illegally with the intention of stealing.
- Precaution: A measure taken in advance to prevent something dangerous, unpleasant, or inconvenient from happening.
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