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Wednesday, December 06, 2023 09:30 PM - Extra Class December 6
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Round 1

What do you plan on doing today? Do you like doing chores? Do you feel like you’re doing a great job in life? What’s an activity you’re doing more now than ever before? When’s the last time you spent time doing nothing? What activities do you think future generations will enjoy doing? What is your best friend doing now?


  • Exertion: The use of physical or mental energy to do something, especially when it is difficult.
  • Effort: An attempt to do something, especially something difficult, often requiring a lot of physical or mental energy.
  • Application: The act of putting something on a surface or bringing something into contact with a surface. In a more general sense, it refers to the use of something for a particular purpose.


Round 2

How many people do you work with? How many times have you found a bug in your house? How many times have you been in an airport? How many times have you been to the beach? How many glasses of water do you drink daily? How many people helped raise you? How many times this week has it rained in your country? 



  • Role: A part or character played by an actor or actress in a film, play, or television production.
  • Pebbly: Covered with pebbles.
  • Nurture: The process of caring for and encouraging the growth or development of someone or something.

Round 3

Do you usually prepare your own lunch? Did school prepare you well for life? What’s the best way to prepare for a job interview? What’s the best dish a friend has prepared for you? How would you prepare for an earthquake? What’s the best way to prepare potatoes? When is a time you felt unprepared?



  • Arrange: To put things in a neat, attractive, or required order. 
  • Assemble: To fit together the separate component parts of (a machine or other object). It can also mean to gather together in one place for a common purpose .
  • Ready: Prepared for immediate action or use. It can also mean willing or eager to do something .

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Monday, December 25, 2023 05:00 PM - Week 52 - Meeting 1
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Christmas, No session

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023 07:30 AM - Week 52 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

What has been the best moment of your life? Where is somewhere you’ve never been, but you’d like to go? Have you ever been to Italy? Have you ever been stung by a bee? Have you ever been tricked by someone? Have you ever been injured?



  • Exist: To have actual being; be real; to be present in a particular place or situation.
  • Occur: To happen; to take place; to come to mind.
  • Happened: To take place; to occur; to come to pass


Round 2

What is the most beautiful stone? What is your birthstone? Have you ever skipped stones across a body of water? Would you rather see huge stones on a mountain or go to a beach full of little stones? Have you ever kept a stone from a place you’ve visited?


  • Mineral: A naturally occurring, inorganic solid that has a crystalline structure and a well-defined chemical composition.
  • Matter: Anything that has mass and takes up space. It can exist in three states: solid, liquid, or gas.
  • Rock: An aggregate of one or more minerals, or a body of undifferentiated mineral matter. 


Round 3

Have you ever slammed on the brakes while driving? If you could only replace brakes or tires on your car, which would you choose? When was the last time you had to ‘pump the brakes’ (stop what you're doing)? Would you rather drive down a long, open road or a winding road where you’d have to brake a lot?



  • Decelerate: To reduce the speed of something or to move at decreasing speed.
  • Abrupt: Sudden and unexpected, often causing shock or surprise.
  • Stop: To cease moving or operating, to come to an end.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2023 09:30 PM - Week 52 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

What is your life calling? Are you good at calling your family members? Did you ever experience name-calling in school (or did you ever call other kids names)? Do you get a lot of spam or robots calling your phone? Who are you calling when you need someone to talk to?


  • Purpose: The reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.
  • Vocation: A strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation.
  • Rang: Past tense of ring. Audible sound.


Round 2

Who was the last person you physically pushed? Would you go to the concert of your favorite artist if it was very crowded with a lot of pushing? When is a time you pushed yourself to your limits? Have you ever pushed a door you were supposed to pull? How many push ups can you do?


  • Shove: To push something or someone with force.
  • Thrust: To push something or someone suddenly and with force .
  • Persevere: To continue doing something despite difficulty or delay in achieving success .


Round 3

How many lights do you have on in your house right now? Do you prefer a city with lots of lights or rural areas with nearly no lights? Do you prefer to decorate your home with bright lights or dim lights?  When you turn off the lights at night, can you see the stars in your city? 



  • Shiny: Having a bright or glossy surface that reflects light.
  • Visible: Able to be seen, especially because of being in a range of colors that can be seen by the human eye.
  • Electromagnetic: Relating to the interrelation of electric currents or fields and magnetic fields.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2023 07:30 AM - Week 52 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Who do you treat like a queen? Would you rather be a queen/king or a political leader? Do you know the first names of any queens? If you could be the queen/king of any country, which would you choose? Would you rather meet the Queen of England or the current leader of your country?



  • Royalty: A group of people who are members of a royal family, especially the king, queen, and their children.
  • Monarch: A sovereign head of state, especially a king, queen, or emperor.
  • Superior: A person or thing higher in rank, status, or quality than others of the same type.


Round 2

How many people have lived in your house at the same time? Do you feel like you’ve lived a full life? What’s the best place you have lived and why? What’s something everyone who has lived should try? When is a time you lived without regrets?


  • Reside: To live in a particular place.
  • Cohabitate: To live together in a relationship when not married.
  • Existed: To have actual being; be real.


Round 3

Have you ever given a speech before? If someone handed you a microphone right now and told you to give a speech, which topic would you choose? Would you get nervous if someone told you to give a speech? Would you rather give a speech that’s funny or sincere? Have you ever had any issues with your speech?


  • Lecture: A formal talk on a serious subject given to a group of people, especially students.
  • Address: A formal speech delivered to an audience.
  • Articulate: To express oneself clearly and effectively.

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Thursday, December 28, 2023 05:00 PM - Week 52 - Meeting 5
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Round 1


Have you ever seen a double rainbow? Have you ever been bar hopping? Have you ever seen a cactus? Have you ever bought someone flowers? Have you ever played darts before? Have you ever slammed doors in an argument before? Have you ever been bar hopping?




  • Marvel: To be filled with wonder or astonishment.
  • Desert: A barren area of land where little precipitation occurs and consequently living conditions are hostile for plant and animal life.
  • Lively: Full of energy and enthusiasm; active and outgoing.


Round 2

Are you hungry right now? What’s the hungriest you’ve ever been? What’s a dish that will always make you hungry when you see it? Would you rather feel hungry or thirsty? Do you often feel hungry? When is the last time you felt hungry? If someone showed up at your house hungry, what would you choose to feed them?


  • Ravenous: Extremely hungry.
  • Sufficient: Enough to meet the needs of a situation or a proposed end.
  • Mealtime: The usual time for a meal.


Round 3

Have you ever left a business a bad review? What’s the biggest tip you’ve ever left (if any)? If you left now, how long would a flight to Germany take? Have you left home before? Have you ever left a party because it was so bad? What country is directly to the left of you?



  • Leave: It means to go away from” or “to abandon. 
  • Depart: to go away or leave.
  • West: the direction towards the point of the horizon where the sun sets at the equinoxes, on the left-hand side of a person facing north, or the part of the horizon lying in this direction.


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Friday, December 29, 2023 09:30 AM - Week 52 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Do you like eating oranges? Do you own any clothes that are orange? Do you know anyone who is allergic to oranges? Would you rather eat an orange, mandarin, clementine and nectarine? What dishes that incorporate oranges taste great?



  • Citrus: a genus of flowering trees and shrubs in the rue family.
  • Juicy: containing much juice; succulent.
  • Reddish: somewhat red; tending to red; of a light crimson color .


Round 2

Have you ever been scorned by someone? Alternatively, have you ever scorned someone else? Do you usually scorn or embrace new technology? What is something you always scorn? What is an outfit trend that you would scorn? When is the last time you felt scornful?




  • Contempt: a feeling that someone or something is worthless or beneath consideration; the state of being despised.
  • Derision: contemptuous ridicule or mockery.
  • Disdain: the feeling that someone or something is unworthy of one’s consideration or respect; contempt .


Round 3

How does your country view going to therapy? Are you good at advocating for therapy? What are some of the advantages of going to therapy? What countries provide the best therapy services? Is it expensive to attend therapy in your country?  



  • Treatment: Medical care given to a patient for an illness or injury.
  • Remedy: A medicine or treatment for a disease or injury.
  • Psychoanalyze: To treat mental illness by talking to someone about their feelings, experiences, and memories.


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Friday, December 29, 2023 02:00 PM - Week 52 - Meeting 7
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Round 1


Do you prefer showering during the morning or night? Have you ever seen the ocean at night? Is it safe to walk around your neighborhood at night? How many hours of sleep did you get last night? What is a night you’ll never forget? When is the last time you got a nightmare? What are some outdoor activities that are better at night? 



  • Darkness: the quality or state of being dark: such as a : the total or near total absence of light There was almost no light when he opened his eyes again. 
  • Inadequate: not adequate; insufficient for a purpose .
  • Starry: full of or lit by stars .


Round 2

Would you rather travel the world alone or with a friend? Would you rather get a free massage or a free bag of groceries? Would you rather produce music or Broadway shows? Would you rather have a super small house or a medium sized house full of uncomfortable furniture? Would you rather drink hot soda or cold soup?


  • Lonesome: Solitary or lonely; remote and unfrequented.
  • Compose: Write or create; phrase with great care and thought.
  • Unbearable: (adjective) not able to be endured or tolerated.


Round 3

What do you have in mind for the next 5 years of your life? Would you be more afraid of someone with mind control or a gun? Are you good at minding your business? Is your mind or body stronger? What’s a chore you don’t mind doing? 


  • Planning: The process of making plans for something; the control of urban development by a local government authority, from which a license must be obtained to build a new property or change an existing one.
  • Fearful: Feeling or showing fear or anxiety; causing or likely to cause people to be afraid; very great.
  • Powerful: Having great power or strength; having control and influence over people and events; having a strong effect on people’s feelings or thoughts.

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Saturday, December 30, 2023 10:00 AM - Week 52 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Have you ever been caught stealing something? When is a time you were caught ‘red handed’? When is the last time you caught a cold? When is a time you caught someone doing something they shouldn’t? Have you ever caught covid? Have you ever been caught cheating in school?



  • Snitch: An informer.
  • Apprehend: Arrest for a crime.
  • Surprise: An unexpected or astonishing event.


Round 2

Do you like pizza? What are the best toppings on pizza? What’s the name of the best pizza place you’ve been to? Do you have a local pizza store (if so, what is the name)? Do you like pineapple on pizza? What pizza chains are you familiar with? How much does pizza cost in your country?


  • Baked: Cooked by dry heat in an oven.
  • Savory: Having a pleasant taste or smell.
  • Edible: Fit or suitable to be eaten.


Round 3

What type of cloth are the majority of your clothes made of? Do you shower using wash cloths? Do you sew cloth often? Do you usually use cloth or paper towels to clean? What type of cloth is the most comfortable to wear? 



  • Woven: Refers to a fabric or material made by interlacing threads or yarns at right angles to each other. This process creates a stable and structured textile.
  • Felted: Fabric made by matting, condensing, and pressing fibers together, usually through heat, moisture, and agitation. This results in a dense and sturdy material, commonly used in applications like hats and carpets.
  • Fabric: Cloth or other material produced by weaving or knitting fibers.

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Monday, January 01, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 53 - Meeting 1
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No session. Happy new year!!

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Tuesday, January 02, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 53 - Meeting 2 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Business Networking and Communication

  • Question: Reflect on a memorable networking event you attended. What strategies did you use to initiate conversations, and how did you follow up with the connections you made? Share any challenges or successes you experienced.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Networking (noun): The process of making and cultivating professional relationships, especially to advance one's career.
  • Question: In today's global business environment, effective communication is crucial. Discuss some cultural differences in communication styles that you've encountered or heard about. How can understanding and adapting to these differences enhance business interactions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Effective (adjective): Producing the intended or desired result; successful.
  • Question: Imagine you are negotiating a business deal with a client from a different country. What considerations would you take into account to ensure successful communication and collaboration? How might cultural nuances impact the negotiation process, and how can you navigate them effectively?
  • Vocabulary:
    • Negotiating (verb): Discussing the terms of an agreement to reach a mutually acceptable outcome.


Round 2

Topic: Leadership and Teamwork in the Workplace

  • Question: Describe a situation where you had to take on a leadership role in a professional setting. What challenges did you face, and how did you motivate and guide your team to achieve a common goal?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Leadership (noun): The action of leading a group of people or an organization.
  • Question: In a team-oriented workplace, how do you ensure effective communication and collaboration among team members with diverse backgrounds and skills? Share an example of a successful project where teamwork played a crucial role.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaboration (noun): The action of working with others to produce or create something.
  • Question: Discuss a time when you had to navigate a conflict within your team or between colleagues. How did you approach resolving the conflict, and what strategies did you use to promote a positive and cooperative work environment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Conflict (noun): A serious disagreement or argument, typically a protracted one.


Round 3

Topic: Professional Development and Career Advancement

  • Question: Think about a time when you set a challenging professional goal for yourself. What steps did you take to achieve it, and what skills or knowledge did you acquire along the way to enhance your career?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Professional Development (noun): The process of improving and increasing capabilities, skills, and knowledge related to one's career.
  • Question: Discuss the importance of continuous learning in today's fast-paced business world. How do you stay updated on industry trends and acquire new skills to remain competitive in your field?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Continuous Learning (noun): The ongoing process of acquiring new knowledge and skills throughout one's career.
  • Question: Imagine you're advising a colleague on effective networking for career growth. What strategies would you suggest, and how has networking positively influenced your own professional journey?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Networking (noun): The process of creating and maintaining professional relationships to advance one's career.


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Tuesday, January 02, 2024 09:30 PM - Week 53 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: New Year's Resolutions

  • Question: If you were to create a " List" of New Year's resolutions for the upcoming year, what exciting and ambitious goals would you include? Share your dreams and aspirations, whether they're related to personal growth, travel, or new experiences.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Ambitious (adjective): Having or showing a strong desire and determination to succeed; requiring a lot of effort and skill.
  • Question: Imagine you have a magical wand that can help you stick to your resolutions effortlessly. What resolutions would you make, and how would this imaginary wand ensure your success? Get creative with the magical elements you'd incorporate into achieving your goals.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Effortlessly (adverb): With ease or without much difficulty; smoothly.


Round 2

Cultural Diversity in the Workplace

  • Question: Share an experience where cultural differences positively impacted a project or work outcome. How did diverse perspectives contribute to creativity and problem-solving within your team?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Cultural Diversity (noun): The presence of various cultural groups with distinct values, beliefs, and customs within a workplace or community.
  • Question: Discuss a challenge you faced when working in a culturally diverse team. How did you overcome communication barriers or misunderstandings, and what did you learn from that experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Communication Barriers (noun): Obstacles that hinder effective exchange of information between individuals or groups.
  • Question: In what ways can a company promote an inclusive and culturally sensitive work environment? Share examples of initiatives or practices that encourage respect and understanding among employees from various cultural backgrounds.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Inclusive (adjective): Embracing and valuing diversity; ensuring that all individuals feel welcome and respected.


Round 3

Topic: Sustainable Living

  • Question: Describe changes you've made in your daily life to live more sustainably. How do small individual actions contribute to a larger positive impact on the environment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Sustainable (adjective): Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without harming the environment, society, or economy.
  • Question: Discuss the importance of sustainable practices in the workplace. How can businesses implement eco-friendly policies and encourage employees to contribute to a greener and more environmentally responsible work environment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Eco-friendly (adjective): Not harmful to the environment; designed to have minimal impact on nature.
  • Question: Imagine a community project focused on sustainability. What initiatives could be implemented to promote green living and raise awareness about the benefits of sustainable practices among community members?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Initiatives (noun): New plans or strategies introduced to achieve a particular aim or goal.

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Wednesday, January 03, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 53 - Meeting 4
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Round 1


Topic: Self-Improvement

  • Question: If you were a superhero with the power of self-improvement, what skills or qualities would you enhance, and how would you use your newfound abilities to make a positive impact in your daily life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enhance (verb): To improve or increase the quality, value, or effectiveness of something.
  • Question: Share a short and funny anecdote about a time when you attempted a self-improvement challenge. What was the goal, and how did it turn out? Embrace the humor in the journey of personal growth.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Anecdote (noun): A short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person.
  • Question: If you had a magical self-improvement mirror that could reflect your best qualities, what positive traits would it reveal? How would seeing these qualities daily inspire you to continue your journey of self-betterment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Reflect (verb): To show or express something; to mirror or display.


Round 2

Topic: Your Country

  • Question: If you were a tour guide for a day, what three must-visit places would you recommend to someone visiting your country for the first time? Share a brief description of each spot and what makes them special.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Must-visit (adjective): Essential or highly recommended places to see or experience.
  • Question: Imagine your country is hosting an international food festival. Which three traditional dishes would you showcase to represent the rich culinary heritage of your culture? Briefly describe each dish and the flavors they offer.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Culinary (adjective): Relating to the practice of cooking or the art and science of preparing food.
  • Question: If your country had a mascot, what would it be, and why? Describe the characteristics and symbols that would represent your country in a fun and memorable way.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Mascot (noun): A person, animal, or object adopted as the symbol of a particular group or event and believed to bring good luck.


Round 3

Topic: Your Weekly Routine

  • Question: If your typical week had a soundtrack, what three songs would capture the essence of your daily routine? Share the titles and explain why each song reflects a specific part of your week, whether it's work, relaxation, or a favorite activity.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Essence (noun): The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something.
      • Question: If you could add a new and exciting element to your weekly routine, what would it be, and how would it bring a refreshing twist to your usual schedule? Dream up a fun addition that enhances your week.
  • Vocabulary:
    • Refreshing (adjective): Giving new strength or energy; reinvigorating.
  • Question: If your week were a movie, what genre would it be, and who would play the lead character (you)? Describe the plot briefly and highlight the key scenes that represent the ups and downs of your weekly adventures.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Genre (noun): A category of artistic composition, characterized by similarities in form, style, or subject matter.

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Thursday, January 04, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 53 - Meeting 5
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Round 1


Topic: Difficulties in Learning English as a Second Language

  • Question: What level or aspect do you find most difficult about learning English, and how do you tackle it? Share your strategies for overcoming language-learning obstacles.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Obstacles (noun): Something that blocks or hinders progress; difficulties or challenges.
  • Question: Imagine English as a puzzle, and grammar is one of the trickiest pieces. What grammar rule or concept gives you the most trouble, and how do you unravel the mystery of mastering it?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unravel (verb): To solve or understand (something) that is complex or mysterious.


Round 2

Topic: Pros and Cons of Living Abroad

  • Question: If you were to create a travel brochure highlighting the pros of living in a foreign country, what enticing features and experiences would you include to attract potential residents?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enticing (adjective): Attractive or appealing, especially in a tempting way.
  • Question: Imagine you have a magic crystal ball that reveals the potential cons or challenges of living abroad. What cautionary advice would you give to someone considering the move, and how could they turn these challenges into opportunities?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Cautionary (adjective): Serving as a warning to avoid danger or mistakes.
  • Question: If you had a time machine and could visit your future self who has lived abroad, what insights about the experience—both positive and negative—would you want to gain? What advice would your future self offer to navigate the highs and lows of expatriate life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Expatriate (noun): A person who lives outside their native country.


Round 3

Topic: Mixed Questions

  • Question: Would you rather live without the internet or love for one year?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Love: the biggest human feeling
  • Question: Imagine you're the host of a talk show where you interview fictional characters from books. Which character would be your first guest, and what intriguing questions would you ask them about their adventures?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intriguing (adjective): Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.
  • Question: If you had the chance to join a space mission to explore a distant planet, what three items would you bring, and what questions would you hope to answer about the mysteries of the universe?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Mysteries (noun): Things that are difficult or impossible to understand or explain.

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Friday, January 05, 2024 09:30 AM - Week 53 - Meeting 6
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Round 1


Topic: Advice

  • Question: If you could travel back in time and give your younger self a piece of advice, what would it be? Share the wisdom you'd impart and how it might positively impact your past decisions and experiences.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Wisdom (noun): The ability to make sound decisions and judgments based on knowledge and experience.
  • Question: Imagine you are an advice columnist for a quirky magazine. What amusing or unconventional questions do you anticipate receiving, and how would you creatively respond to offer valuable and entertaining advice?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unconventional (adjective): Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
  • Question: Create a short story where two fictional characters seek advice from a talking object (e.g., a wise tree or a talking hat). What humorous or insightful guidance might the object provide, and how do the characters react to this unconventional source of wisdom?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Insightful (adjective): Having or showing a deep understanding or perception of a situation.


Round 2

Topic: Healthy Lifestyle Choices

  • Question: Share your favorite form of exercise or physical activity. How does staying active contribute to your overall well-being, and what tips do you have for maintaining a regular exercise routine?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Well-being (noun): The state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy.
  • Question: Discuss the importance of a balanced diet in maintaining good health. What are some nutritious foods you enjoy, and how can individuals make informed choices when it comes to their dietary habits?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Balanced Diet (noun): A diet that provides all the essential nutrients in appropriate quantities to promote overall health.
  • Question: Explore the impact of stress on health and ways to manage it effectively. How do you personally cope with stress, and what advice would you give to someone trying to create a healthier work-life balance?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Cope (verb): To deal effectively with something difficult or challenging.


Round 3

Topic: The Seven Wonders of the World

  • Question: If you had the chance to visit one of the ancient wonders, such as the Great Pyramid of Giza, what specific details or features would you be most excited to see, and what questions would you ask about its construction and history?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Excited (adjective): Having a strong feeling of enthusiasm or eagerness.
  • Question: If you could add an eighth wonder to the list, what modern marvel would you choose, and what unique qualities would make it deserving of this prestigious title?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Marvel (noun): A wonderful or astonishing thing; a marvel is something that causes wonder or astonishment.
  • Question: Imagine you're a tour guide for a day at one of the seven wonders. What interesting anecdotes or stories would you share with your visitors to make their experience memorable and educational?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Anecdotes (noun): Short, amusing, or interesting stories about real incidents or people.

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Friday, January 05, 2024 02:00 PM - Week 53 - Meeting 7
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Round 1


Topic: American Culture

  • Question: If you could attend a major American cultural event, such as a music festival or a sports championship, which one would it be, and what aspects of American culture do you think would stand out during the experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Aspects (noun): Different features or components of something.
  • Question: Imagine you're hosting an international potluck dinner to showcase American cuisine. What three iconic dishes would you include, and how would you explain the cultural significance or history behind each dish?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Iconic (adjective): Widely recognized and well-established as a symbol of a particular quality or concept.
  • Question: If American culture were a movie, what genre would it be, and which elements of American life and society would play the starring roles? Describe the plot and characters that represent the essence of this cultural blockbuster.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Blockbuster (noun): A highly popular and successful production, especially in the entertainment industry.


Round 2

Topic: Airplanes

  • Question: If you could design your own futuristic airplane, what unique features or amenities would you incorporate to make air travel more enjoyable and efficient?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Futuristic (adjective): Having or involving very modern technology or design that represents the future.
  • Question: Imagine you are a pilot for a day. Describe the exciting route you would choose to fly, and what breathtaking landmarks or scenery you would want passengers to experience during the journey.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Breathtaking (adjective): Extremely exciting, beautiful, or surprising.
  • Question: If airplanes had personalities, what kind of personality traits do you think a passenger airplane should have? How would this personality enhance the overall flying experience for travelers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Personality traits (noun): Characteristics or qualities that define an individual's distinct character or behavior.


Round 3

Topic: Hobbies and Interests

  • Question: If you could have any unusual hobby or skill, like mastering the art of fire juggling or becoming a professional trampoline tester, what would it be and why? Get creative and share your dream eccentric pastime!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Eccentric (adjective): Unconventional, peculiar, or unusual in behavior or appearance.
  • Question: Imagine you are a character in a fantasy novel, and you have a unique magical hobby. What would your enchanting pastime be, and how would it contribute to the plot of the story? Feel free to invent your own magical world!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enchanting (adjective): Delightful or charming in a way that seems magical.
  • Question: If you were to organize an out-of-this-world event centered around your favorite hobby, what would it be? Describe the details, from the theme to the activities, and explain why people would be excited to attend your extraordinary gathering.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Out-of-this-world (idiom): Extraordinary, amazing, or incredibly impressive; beyond what is typical or expected.


* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Saturday, January 06, 2024 10:00 AM - Week 53 - Meeting 8
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Round 1


Topic: Travel and Adventure

  • Question: If you could teleport to any place in the world for a weekend adventure, where would you go and what exhilarating activities would you indulge in? Bonus points for creativity and unique destinations!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Teleport (verb): To transport or be transported instantly from one location to another, as if by magic.
  • Question: Create your dream travel itinerary for a week on a deserted island. What essentials would you pack, and how would you spend your days to make the most of this Robinson Crusoe-style experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Itinerary (noun): A detailed plan or schedule for a journey, including destinations, activities, and times.
  • Question: You've just discovered a magical door that leads to a fictional world from your favorite book or movie. Which world would you enter, and what adventures or escapades would you embark on while you're there?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Escapade (noun): A reckless adventure or prank; a wild and daring undertaking.



Round 2

Topic: Food and Culinary Adventures

  • Question: If you could host a themed dinner party inspired by your favorite movie or TV show, what would be the theme, and what dishes would you serve to bring the story to life for your guests?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Themed (adjective): Having or showing a particular subject or style.
  • Question: Imagine you are a contestant on a cooking show where you have to create a dish using three mystery ingredients. What would those ingredients be, and how would you combine them to impress the judges and win the competition?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Contestant (noun): A person who takes part in a contest or competition.
  • Question: In a world where desserts and sweets have magical properties, what enchanted treat would you create, and what extraordinary effects would it have on those who taste it?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enchanted (adjective): Under a spell; magical or charming.



Round 3

Topic: Extraterrestrial Life

  • Question: If you were to encounter friendly aliens visiting Earth, what cultural exchange activity would you organize to showcase the best aspects of human civilization?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Extraterrestrial (adjective): Relating to or originating from outside the Earth or its atmosphere.
  • Question: You are on a space mission to explore a newly discovered planet. What three items from Earth would you bring to represent our planet, and why?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Space Mission (noun): An organized effort to explore outer space, usually involving spacecraft or probes.
  • Question: If you could communicate with an intelligent alien species using only emojis, which emojis would you choose to convey a message of peace and friendship?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intelligent (adjective): Having the ability to learn, understand, and apply knowledge.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Monday, January 08, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 54 - Meeting 1
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Round 1


Topic: Superpowers and Abilities

  • Question: If you could have any superpower for a day, what would it be and how would you use it? Explore the possibilities, whether it's flying, invisibility, or something entirely unique!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Superpower (noun): An extraordinary ability or skill beyond normal human capabilities.
  • Question: Imagine you wake up with the ability to communicate with animals. What adventures would you have, and which animal would you be most excited to talk to? Share a whimsical scenario involving your newfound ability.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Communicate (verb): To exchange information or ideas through speaking, writing, or other methods.
  • Question: You've been granted the power to time travel to any historical event or era. Where and when would you go, and what fascinating things would you want to witness or experience firsthand?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Time travel (noun): The concept of moving between different points in time.


Round 2

Topic: Futuristic Technology

  • Question: If you had the chance to try a cutting-edge technology that hasn't been invented yet, what would it be, and how do you envision it enhancing your daily life or experiences?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Cutting-edge (adjective): Using the most advanced and innovative techniques or methods.
  • Question: Imagine a day in the future where everyone has a personal robot assistant. What tasks would your robot assistant help you with, and how would it make your day more enjoyable or efficient?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Assistant (noun): A person or device that helps or aids someone in a particular task.
  • Question: If you could have a superpower based on futuristic technology (like invisibility or teleportation), which one would you choose, and how would you use it to your advantage in everyday life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Superpower (noun): An extraordinary or supernatural ability that goes beyond the capabilities of normal humans.



Round 3

Topic: Technology and Future Gadgets

  • Question: If you could invent a futuristic gadget to make everyday life more fun or efficient, what would it be, and how would it work? Describe its features and the impact you think it would have on people's lives.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Invent (verb): To create or design something new.
  • Question: Imagine a day in the life of someone living in the future. What kind of technological advancements do you envision, and how might people interact with everyday objects or devices in innovative ways?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Advancements (noun): Developments or improvements in technology or knowledge.
  • Question: If you could have a conversation with a robot that possesses artificial intelligence, what topic would you choose to discuss, and what kind of insights or information do you think the robot could provide? How might this interaction be different from talking to a human?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Insights (noun): Deep or profound understandings or perceptions into a subject.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Tuesday, January 09, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 54 - Meeting 2 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1


Topic: Business Etiquette and Communication

  • Question: If you were attending a high-profile business dinner with international clients, what cultural etiquette considerations would you keep in mind? How might these nuances differ from your own cultural practices, and how would you navigate them with finesse?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Etiquette (noun): The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.
  • Question: Describe a memorable business presentation or meeting you've attended. What strategies did the presenter use to engage the audience, and how did effective communication contribute to the success of the presentation?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Presentation (noun): A formal talk, often accompanied by visuals, given to an audience for the purpose of informing, persuading, or entertaining.
  • Question: In a world where virtual meetings have become the norm, what tips would you share for effective online communication in a business context? How can professionals maintain professionalism and engagement in a virtual environment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Virtual (adjective): Existing or occurring online, typically in a simulated or electronic environment.


Round 2

Topic: Creative Problem-Solving in Business

  • Question: Imagine you are part of a team facing a challenging business problem, and your goal is to come up with an out-of-the-box solution. What creative approach would you propose, and how might it positively impact the company?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Out-of-the-box (idiom): Thinking creatively and unconventionally; generating innovative ideas.
  • Question: Share a story from your professional experience where creative problem-solving played a key role. How did you and your team navigate the challenge, and what was the result of implementing the innovative solution?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Innovative (adjective): Introducing new ideas, methods, or solutions.
  • Question: If you could assemble a dream team for tackling business challenges, which three fictional characters (from books, movies, or TV shows) would you choose and why? How might their unique skills contribute to solving real-world business problems?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Dream Team (noun): A group of individuals ideally suited to work together and achieve outstanding results.




Round 3

Topic: Networking and Professional Connections

  • Question: You're attending a glamorous business event where you have the opportunity to network with influential professionals. If you could choose three people, alive or from history, to join your networking group, who would they be and why? What valuable insights or advice do you imagine gaining from this diverse group?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Networking (noun): The process of making and cultivating professional relationships, especially to advance one's career.
  • Question: Pretend you are a character in a business-themed movie. Describe a thrilling scene where you successfully pitch a groundbreaking idea to a team of investors. What is your idea, and how do you engage and captivate your audience to secure their support?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Pitch (verb): To present or promote an idea, product, or service to others.
  • Question: You've been given the task of organizing a team-building activity for your colleagues. What creative and enjoyable event would you plan to strengthen the bond among team members and enhance collaboration in the workplace? How do you ensure it aligns with both professional and entertaining aspects?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Team-building (noun): Activities or events designed to enhance teamwork and improve interpersonal relationships among members of a group.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Tuesday, January 09, 2024 09:30 PM - Week 54 - Meeting 3 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Business English

  • Question: If you were attending a high-profile business event and could network with any three influential professionals, who would they be, and what strategies would you use to make a memorable impression and establish meaningful connections?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Networking (noun): The process of making and cultivating professional relationships, especially to advance one's career.
  • Question: Imagine you are starting your own business and need to pitch your idea to potential investors. How would you craft a compelling elevator pitch to capture their attention and secure their support? What key elements would you include?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Investors (noun): Individuals or organizations that provide financial support to a business or project.
  • Question: Discuss the importance of maintaining a professional online presence, especially on platforms like LinkedIn. How can a well-crafted and up-to-date profile contribute to your career development, and what tips would you give someone looking to enhance their professional online image?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Professional (adjective): Relating to or connected with a profession; characterized by a high standard of competence or skill.



Round 2

Topic: Innovative Business Ideas

  • Question: If you were to start your own business tomorrow, what unique product or service would you offer, and how would you market it in a way that stands out from the competition?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Market (verb): To promote or sell a product or service.
  • Question: Imagine a business pitch competition where you have to present a creative idea to a panel of investors. What would your business idea be, and how would you convince the investors that it's not only profitable but also socially impactful?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Profitable (adjective): Yielding financial gain or benefit.
  • Question: Discuss a memorable experience you've had in a workplace where creativity and innovation were encouraged. How did this positive environment contribute to the success of a project or the overall dynamic of the team?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Creativity (noun): The ability to use imagination to produce original ideas.



Round 3

Topic: Business Networking and Communication

  • Question: You have the opportunity to organize a unique business networking event. What creative theme or activity would you choose to encourage meaningful interactions among professionals? How might this unconventional approach enhance networking effectiveness?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unconventional (adjective): Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.
  • Question: Pretend you're a business consultant advising someone on effective communication in a multicultural team. What tips or strategies would you offer to ensure smooth collaboration and understanding among team members from diverse cultural backgrounds?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaboration (noun): The action of working with others to produce or create something.
  • Question: If you were to pitch an idea to a potential investor, what business concept would you choose, and how would you tailor your presentation to make it engaging and convincing? Consider incorporating storytelling or visual aids to make your pitch memorable.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Engaging (adjective): Attracting and holding the attention or interest of someone.


* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Wednesday, January 10, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 54 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Futuristic Transportation

  • Question: Envision a mode of transportation from the future that could revolutionize the way we travel. Describe its features, benefits, and how it might impact our daily lives. Bonus points for creativity and thinking beyond conventional methods!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Revolutionize (verb): To bring about a radical or significant change or improvement.
  • Question: If you had access to a time-traveling vehicle, where and when in history would you choose to visit? Share the details of your time-travel adventure and the historical events or people you would like to witness firsthand.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Firsthand (adverb): From the original source or direct personal experience.
  • Question: Imagine a world where everyone commutes using unconventional and fun transportation methods. What amusing or quirky modes of transportation can you envision, and how would they contribute to a more enjoyable and eco-friendly commuting experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unconventional (adjective): Not based on or conforming to what is generally done or believed.



Round 2

Topic: Space Exploration

  • Question: If you had the chance to be an astronaut and explore a distant planet, which one would you choose and why? What challenges do you think you might face, and how would you prepare for the journey?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Explore (verb): To travel in or through (an unfamiliar country or area) in order to learn about or familiarize oneself with it.
  • Question: Imagine encountering an alien species during a space mission. How would you communicate with them, and what aspects of human culture or history would you share to represent our civilization positively?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Encounter (verb): To meet unexpectedly or by chance.
  • Question: You are part of a team designing a spacecraft for interstellar travel. What innovative features or technologies would you include to make the journey comfortable and exciting for the crew? How would you address the challenges of long-duration space travel?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Interstellar (adjective): Situated or occurring between stars.



Round 3

Topic: Art and Creativity

  • Question: If you could collaborate with any artist, dead or alive, to create a masterpiece, who would it be, and what kind of artwork would you envision creating together? Share your vision and the emotions you hope the artwork would evoke.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaborate (verb): To work together with others to achieve a common goal, especially in a creative project..
  • Question: Imagine you have the ability to bring any fictional character or scene from a book or movie to life through art. What character or scene would you choose, and how would you represent it in a unique and imaginative way?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Fictional (adjective): Not based on real events or people; imaginary or invented.
  • Question: If you were to express your personality through an art form (painting, sculpture, music, etc.), what medium would you choose, and what elements would represent different aspects of your character? Feel free to get creative and design your personal masterpiece.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Express (verb): To convey or communicate a thought, feeling, or idea.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Thursday, January 11, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 54 - Meeting 5
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Round 1


Topic: Cultural Festivals around the World

  • Question: If you could attend any cultural festival from around the world, which one would it be, and what specific activities or traditions would you look forward to experiencing? Describe the atmosphere and the unique elements that make it special.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Atmosphere (noun): The overall mood or feeling of a place or event.
  • Question: Imagine you are organizing a cultural festival in your hometown. What cultural elements would you include to showcase the diversity of your community? How would you encourage people to actively participate and learn from different traditions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Diversity (noun): The inclusion of different types of people or things; variety.
  • Question: Share a memorable experience from a cultural festival you've attended or celebrated. What made it unforgettable, and did you learn anything new or surprising about the culture being showcased?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unforgettable (adjective): Making a lasting and strong impression; not easily forgotten.



Round 2

Topic: Amusement Parks

  • Question: If you could design your own amusement park ride, what thrilling features and unexpected twists would it have to make it the most exhilarating experience for visitors?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Exhilarating (adjective): Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated; thrilling.
  • Question: Imagine you are a character in a theme park story. What magical adventure would unfold, and which amusement park attractions would be the backdrop for this whimsical tale?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Whimsical (adjective): Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.
  • Question: If you were the manager of a new amusement park, what creative activities and events would you organize to ensure that visitors have a memorable and joyful experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Joyful (adjective): Full of joy, happiness, or delight; causing joy.



Round 3

Topic: Hobbies and Leisure Activities

  • Question: If you could master any hobby or skill instantly, what would it be and why? Imagine the joy and satisfaction you'd feel as you effortlessly excel in this newfound talent.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Master (verb): To acquire complete knowledge or skill in a particular subject or activity.
  • Question: Share a memorable experience related to a hobby or leisure activity. It could be a funny mishap, an unexpected adventure, or a heartwarming moment. What makes this memory stand out in your mind?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Heartwarming (adjective): Eliciting feelings of warmth, happiness, or sentimentality.
  • Question: If you were to organize a community event centered around a hobby, what would it be, and how would you make it inclusive and enjoyable for people of all ages and skill levels? Get creative with the theme and activities!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Inclusive (adjective): Embracing and valuing diversity; ensuring that all individuals feel welcome and respected.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Friday, January 12, 2024 09:30 AM - Week 54 - Meeting 6
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Round 1


Topic: Travel Experiences

  • Question: If you were to create your own travel reality show, what exciting challenges or adventures would you include for the participants? How would you ensure it's both entertaining and culturally enriching?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enriching (adjective): Providing knowledge or improving the quality of something.
  • Question: Describe a time when you visited a place with a completely different culture from your own. What cultural differences did you find most fascinating, and how did they influence your perception of the destination?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Perception (noun): The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
  • Question: Invent a fictional travel gadget that would make exploring new destinations even more enjoyable. What features would it have, and how might it enhance the overall travel experience for adventurers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Gadget (noun): A small tool or device with a particular function, often thought of as a novelty or accessory.



Round 2


  • Question: If you could have any job in the world, regardless of qualifications or experience, what would it be? Describe a day in your life working in this dream job and how it aligns with your passions and interests.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Qualifications (noun): The skills, knowledge, or experience that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity.
  • Question: You're given a magic passport that allows you to travel instantly to three different countries. Which countries would you choose, and what unique cultural experiences or landmarks would be at the top of your must-see list in each destination?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Instantly (adverb): In a way that happens or is done without any delay.

          Question: Imagine you're starting a book club, and the first meeting is tomorrow. What book would you choose for everyone to read, and what discussion topics or activities would you plan to make the book club engaging and enjoyable for all members?

  • Vocabulary:
    • Engaging (adjective): Attracting and holding the attention or interest of someone.



Round 3

Topic: Memorable Moments

  • Question: Share a moment from your life that you would want to relive over and over. What made that moment so special, and how did it shape your outlook on life or influence your future decisions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Relive (verb): To experience again, especially in one's imagination or memory.
  • Question: If you could time travel to any historical event as an observer, which event would you choose, and why? What aspects of that time period or event intrigue you the most, and how would you document your observations?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intrigue (verb): To fascinate or arouse curiosity.
  • Question: Imagine you have a "reversal button" that could undo one mistake or decision from your past. What moment would you choose to undo, and how do you think your life might be different if that mistake hadn't occurred?
    • Vocabulary: Reversal (noun): The action of reversing a process, system, or trend.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Friday, January 12, 2024 02:00 PM - Week 54 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Myths and Legends

  • Question: If you could step into the world of any myth or legend, which one would it be, and why? Describe the fantastical elements you'd encounter and the adventures you'd embark on in that legendary realm.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Myth (noun): A traditional story, typically involving gods or heroes, explaining some aspect of the world and often containing supernatural elements.
      • Legend (noun): A traditional story sometimes popularly regarded as historical but unauthenticated.
  • Question: Create your own myth or legend! What characters, creatures, or events would be central to your unique tale? Share the moral or lesson your story imparts, and imagine how people would pass down this legend through generations.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Impart (verb): To pass on or transmit, usually information, knowledge, or skills.
  • Question: Mythical creatures often play key roles in stories. If you could have a mythical creature as a companion in your daily life, which one would you choose and how would it bring joy or excitement to your routines?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Companion (noun): A person or animal with whom one spends a lot of time or with whom one travels.


Round 2

Topic: Superpowers

  • Question: If you could have any superpower for a day, which one would you choose, and how would you use it to make the world a better place or to have a thrilling adventure? Share your imaginative exploits as a temporary superhero.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Superpower (noun): An extraordinary ability or power, often beyond what is considered humanly possible.
  • Question: Picture a world where everyone possesses a unique superpower based on their personality. What superpower do you think you'd have, and how might your day-to-day life and interactions be different with this extraordinary ability?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Personality (noun): The combination of characteristics or qualities that form an individual's distinctive character.
  • Question: In a superhero team-up scenario, describe the ideal combination of superpowers among your friends or classmates. How would each person's abilities complement the others to form an unbeatable team?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Team-up (noun): The act of joining forces or collaborating with others, especially to achieve a common goal.


Round 3

Topic: Outdoor Adventures

  • Question: If you were to embark on an epic outdoor adventure, what would it be, and what challenges or obstacles do you think you might face? Share the excitement of your journey and how you'd overcome the hurdles along the way.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Embark (verb): To start or begin a journey, especially one that is long or challenging.
  • Question: Imagine you're organizing a thrilling outdoor event for a group of friends. What activities would you plan, and how would you ensure everyone has a memorable and enjoyable experience? Feel free to get creative with the setting and activities!
    • Vocabulary:
      • Thrilling (adjective): Producing excitement, intense feelings, or exhilaration.
  • Question: If you could spend a week camping in any natural wonder of the world, which one would you choose, and what aspects of nature and the environment would you find most fascinating? Paint a vivid picture of your camping paradise.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Camping (noun): The activity of spending a vacation living in a tent or campsite, typically in a natural setting.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Saturday, January 13, 2024 10:00 AM - Week 54 - Meeting 8
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Round 1


Topic: Personal Achievements

  • Question: If you were to write an autobiography today, what would be the title, and what significant life achievements or milestones would you highlight in the first chapter? Take us on a journey through the key moments that shaped your story.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Autobiography (noun): An account of a person's life written by that person.
  • Question: Imagine you've just received an award for an outstanding accomplishment. What achievement would it be, and who would you thank in your acceptance speech? Share the emotions and experiences that led to this moment of recognition.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Outstanding (adjective): Exceptionally good or impressive.
  • Question: Picture yourself achieving a personal goal that seemed challenging at first. What goal did you conquer, and how did the journey transform you? Reflect on the lessons learned and the personal growth gained through overcoming obstacles.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Conquer (verb): To overcome or successfully deal with a difficulty or obstacle.



Round 2

Topic: Home Safety

  • Question: If your house could talk, what cautionary advice would it give to keep its inhabitants safe from accidents? Share some humorous or imaginative tips that your house might offer to prevent mishaps.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Cautionary (adjective): Serving as a warning to avoid danger or mistakes.
  • Question: Think about a funny or memorable incident where you narrowly avoided an accident at home. What happened, and what safety measures have you implemented since then to prevent similar mishaps?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Narrowly (adverb): By a small margin; almost, but not quite.
  • Question: Design a superhero character whose mission is to promote home safety. What special powers or gadgets would this safety superhero possess, and how would they educate people about preventing accidents in a lighthearted and engaging way?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Lighthearted (adjective): Cheerful and carefree; not overly serious.



Round 3

Topic: Adoption

  • Question: If you were to create a heartwarming documentary about adoption, what stories or experiences would you feature to showcase the joy and challenges of the adoption journey? How would you capture the emotional aspects of this transformative process?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Heartwarming (adjective): Causing feelings of warmth and happiness; emotionally uplifting.
  • Question: Imagine you're a matchmaker for families and children waiting to be adopted. What unique qualities or characteristics would you consider when pairing families with potential adoptees? Share the criteria that you believe would create strong and lasting bonds.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Matchmaker (noun): A person who brings together suitable partners, often for romantic relationships but in this case for adoptive families and children.
  • Question: Create a fictional story about an alien who decides to adopt a human child. What challenges and humorous situations might arise as the alien tries to navigate the intricacies of human parenting and familial relationships?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intricacies (noun): Complex details or elements of a situation.


* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Monday, January 15, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 55 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Change

  1. Question: If you could travel back in time and change one decision in your life, what decision would it be, and how do you think it would alter your present circumstances?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Circumstances (noun): The conditions or factors that affect a situation.
  2. Question: Imagine you're a motivational speaker inspiring people to embrace change. What strategies or advice would you share to help individuals navigate uncertainty and find positive opportunities in times of transformation?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Embrace (verb): To accept or support willingly and enthusiastically.
  3. Question: If you were a character in a story with the power to change one fundamental aspect of society, what change would you introduce, and how might it reshape the world in unexpected ways?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Fundamental (adjective): Forming a necessary base or core; central to the nature or function of something.



Topic: Charity

  1. Question: If you had the means to start your own charity, what cause or issue would you address, and how would you raise awareness and funds to support your charitable endeavors?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Endeavors (noun): Efforts or attempts to achieve a goal or result.
  2. Question: Imagine you're a volunteer coordinator for a large charity event. What creative activities or campaigns would you organize to engage the community and encourage widespread participation in supporting a charitable cause?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Widespread (adjective): Existing or happening over a large area or among many people.
  3. Question: If you were to collaborate with a celebrity to raise awareness for a charitable cause, who would you choose, and how might their involvement amplify the impact of the charity's mission?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Amplify (verb): To increase the volume or effect of something; to make larger or more significant.


Topic: Cheating

  1. Question: If you discovered a friend cheating in a game or an exam, how would you address the situation, and what values or principles would guide your response to maintain the integrity of the activity?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Integrity (noun): The quality of being honest and having strong moral principles.
  2. Question: Imagine you're a teacher implementing a creative project to discourage cheating in your class. What strategies or activities would you design to promote a culture of academic honesty and collaboration among students?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaboration (noun): The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
  3. Question: If you could create a public awareness campaign about the consequences of cheating, what messages or stories would you include to encourage individuals to choose honesty and fairness in their actions?

    • Vocabulary:
      • Consequences (noun): The result or effect of an action or condition; outcomes.



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Tuesday, January 16, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 55 - Meeting 2 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Business

  • Question: If you were to start your own business tomorrow, what type of business would it be, and what unique value or service would you offer to customers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Value (noun): The regard that something is held to deserve; the importance, worth, or usefulness of something.
  • Question: Imagine you're the CEO of a successful company. What three leadership qualities would you prioritize to create a positive and productive work environment for your employees?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Productive (adjective): Achieving or producing a significant amount or result; efficient.
  • Question: If you were tasked with creating a catchy slogan for a new global business, what words or phrases would you choose to convey the essence of the company and leave a lasting impression on customers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Essence (noun): The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.


Round 2

Topic: Advertising

  • Question: If you were the creative director for a major advertising campaign, what innovative ideas and strategies would you employ to make the product or service stand out in a crowded market?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Innovative (adjective): Introducing or using new ideas, methods, or technologies; original and creative in thinking.
  • Question: Imagine you are a product in an advertisement. What unique features or qualities would you highlight to captivate consumers' attention, and how would you convey your message to make a lasting impression?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Captivate (verb): To attract and hold the interest or attention of someone.
  • Question: If advertisements were like short films, what genre would your favorite product commercial fall into (e.g., comedy, drama, adventure)? Describe the storyline and emotions it would evoke to create a memorable impact on viewers.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Evoke (verb): To bring a feeling, memory, or image into the mind; to elicit.



Round 3

Topic: Business

  • Question: If you could work for any company in the world, which one would it be, and what qualities or values do you think make that company an ideal workplace?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Qualities (noun): Characteristics or attributes that make someone or something distinct.
  • Question: Imagine you are a business tycoon for a day. What bold decision or strategy would you implement to lead your company to success, and how would it impact the industry?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Tycoon (noun): A person who has a lot of power and influence in a particular industry.
  • Question: If you were to invent a revolutionary product or service, what problem would it solve, and how would you market it to ensure its widespread adoption in the business world?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Revolutionary (adjective): Involving or causing a complete or dramatic change.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Tuesday, January 16, 2024 09:30 PM - Week 55 - Meeting 3 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Business

  • Question: If you were the CEO of a global company, what company policies or practices would you implement to create a positive and inclusive work culture for employees around the world?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Inclusive (adjective): Including or covering all the services, facilities, or items normally expected or required.
  • Question: Imagine you are in charge of organizing a major business conference. What keynote speakers or industry experts would you invite, and what topics would be discussed to make the event both informative and engaging?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Keynote (noun): The main or most important speech or speaker at an event.
  • Question: If you were to invest in a startup, what factors would you consider before making a decision, and how would you assess the potential for success in the business?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Assess (verb): To evaluate or estimate the nature, ability, or quality of something.


Round 2


Topic: Business

  • Question: If you were to pitch a business idea to a panel of investors, what creative and persuasive elements would you include in your presentation to secure their support?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Persuasive (adjective): Capable of convincing or influencing someone to believe or do something.
  • Question: Imagine you are negotiating a business deal with a company from a different culture. What cultural nuances or communication strategies would you consider to ensure a successful and respectful collaboration?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Nuances (noun): Subtle differences or distinctions in meaning, expression, or sound.
  • Question: If you were tasked with rebranding a well-known product, what changes would you make to enhance its image and market appeal, and how would you communicate these changes to consumers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Rebranding (verb): The process of giving a product or company a new image, typically through changes in design, messaging, or positioning.


Round 3


Topic: Business

  • Question: If you could shadow a successful entrepreneur for a day, what specific aspects of their business decision-making and leadership style would you be most curious to observe and learn from?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Decision-making (noun): The process of choosing between alternatives or options, often involving critical thinking and analysis.
  • Question: Imagine you are part of a startup team introducing a groundbreaking product. What challenges do you anticipate, and what strategies would you implement to overcome these obstacles and launch the product successfully?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Groundbreaking (adjective): Introducing new and innovative ideas or methods; pioneering.
  • Question: If you were a business consultant advising a struggling company, what key areas would you assess, and what recommendations would you provide to help the company turn its fortunes around?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Fortunes (noun): The success or failure of a person or enterprise viewed over time.


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Wednesday, January 17, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 55 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Age, Youth, and Old Age

  • Question: If you could be any age for a week, which age would you choose and why? What unique experiences or perspectives do you think you would gain during that time?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Perspectives (noun): A particular attitude or way of viewing something; a point of view.
  • Question: Imagine a time-travel adventure where you meet your younger or older self. What advice would you give to your younger self, and what questions would you ask your older self about the wisdom gained through the years?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Wisdom (noun): The ability to make sound decisions and judgments based on knowledge and experience.
  • Question: If you could create a time capsule representing your life at this moment, what items would you include to capture the essence of your current age, and what message would you leave for future generations?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Essence (noun): The intrinsic nature or indispensable quality of something, especially something abstract, that determines its character.


Round 2

Topic: Anger

  • Question: If anger were a color, what color do you think it would be, and why? How does this color represent the intensity or nature of the emotion?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intensity (noun): The quality or condition of being intense; the degree of strength or force.
  • Question: Imagine you're a character in a movie. How would your character express anger, and what actions or dialogue would convey the depth of this emotion in a dramatic scene?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Convey (verb): To communicate or express a feeling, idea, or information.
  • Question: If you had a "cooling-off" toolkit for dealing with anger, what items or activities would be in it, and how would you use them to regain composure in heated moments?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Composure (noun): The state or feeling of being calm and in control of oneself.



Round 3

Topic: Animals and Pets

  • Question: If animals could talk, which one would you choose as your conversational companion, and what interesting conversations do you imagine having with them?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Conversational (adjective): Relating to or suitable for conversation; engaging in or promoting dialogue.
  • Question: Imagine you're a wildlife photographer. What exotic animal would be the star of your photo collection, and what unique behaviors or moments would you hope to capture in their natural habitat?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Exotic (adjective): Attractive or striking because it is unusual or different from what is familiar.
  • Question: If you could have any mythical or extinct creature as a pet, what would it be, and how would you care for and interact with your extraordinary companion?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Extinct (adjective): No longer in existence; having died out.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Thursday, January 18, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 55 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Annoying Things

  • Question: If you could create a "universal mute button" for annoying sounds, which noise would you silence first, and how would your daily life improve without that particular annoyance?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Annoyance (noun): The feeling or state of being irritated or bothered by something.
  • Question: Imagine you have a magic wand to eliminate one annoying habit in the world. What habit would you choose, and how would its disappearance positively impact relationships and daily interactions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Disappear (verb): To cease to be visible or exist; to become extinct or nonexistent.
  • Question: If you had a "patience potion" to deal with annoying situations, what scenarios or people would you use it on, and how would the potion transform your reactions to those irritating moments?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Patience (noun): The capacity to accept or tolerate delay, trouble, or suffering without getting angry or upset.



Round 2


Topic: Arguing

  • Question: If arguing were an Olympic sport, what skills and strategies do you think would earn someone a gold medal in the "Art of Debate," and how might those skills differ from everyday disagreements?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Debate (noun): A formal discussion on a particular topic, in which opposing arguments are put forward.
  • Question: Imagine you're a mediator in a heated argument. What techniques would you use to facilitate a constructive conversation, and how would you guide the individuals involved toward resolution?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Mediator (noun): A person who intervenes between parties to reconcile differences and promote agreement.
  • Question: If you could create a "disagreement-free zone" in your life, where arguing was not allowed, how would this impact your relationships, and what alternative methods would you propose for resolving conflicts?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Resolution (noun): The act of finding a solution to a problem or dispute.


Round 3


Topic: Art

  • Question: If you could step into any famous painting for a day, which artwork would you choose, and what adventures or experiences do you think you would have within that masterpiece?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Masterpiece (noun): A work of outstanding artistry, skill, or workmanship.
  • Question: Imagine you are a curator for a contemporary art exhibition. What themes or trends in modern art would you showcase, and how would you engage visitors to appreciate and understand the diverse expressions of today's artists?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Curator (noun): A person responsible for selecting and organizing items in a collection, especially in a museum or art gallery.
  • Question: If you had the ability to bring one art movement back to prominence, which movement would it be, and how would you reintroduce its influence into the current artistic landscape?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Prominence (noun): The state of being important, famous, or noticeable in a particular context.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Friday, January 19, 2024 09:30 AM - Week 55 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Sports

  • Question: If you could create a new sport combining elements from your favorite activities, what would it be called, and what rules or features would make it unique and exciting?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Unique (adjective): Being the only one of its kind; unlike anything else.
  • Question: Imagine you're a sports commentator covering the most thrilling match of your invented sport. Describe the play-by-play commentary that captures the intensity and excitement of the game.
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intensity (noun): The quality or condition of being intense; the degree of strength or force.
  • Question: If you could invite any sports legend to your dream sporting event, who would it be, and why? What role or position would they play, and how might their presence elevate the excitement of the game?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Elevate (verb): To raise or lift to a higher position; to increase the level or intensity of something.


Round 2


Topic: Beauty & Physical Attractiveness

  • Question: In a world where physical appearance wasn't a factor in societal judgments, what qualities or characteristics do you think would become more important in defining someone as attractive?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Societal (adjective): Relating to or characteristic of society; social.
  • Question: If you were a makeup artist, what creative and empowering makeup looks would you design to celebrate individuality rather than conforming to conventional beauty standards?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Conforming (verb): Complying with or adhering to established customs, attitudes, or standards.
  • Question: Imagine a world where beauty was measured by kindness and intelligence rather than physical features. How would this redefine our cultural notions of attractiveness, and what positive changes might we expect to see?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Notions (noun): Ideas or beliefs about something; understanding or opinion.



Round 3

Topic: Behavior 

  • Question: If you could witness the behavior of any historical figure for a day, whose actions would you observe, and what insights do you think you would gain about their character and decision-making?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Insights (noun): Deep, clear, or sudden perceptions of a situation or truth.
  • Question: Imagine you have a "behavioral time machine" that allows you to change one moment in your past behavior. Which moment would you choose, and how might altering that behavior positively impact your life today?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Alter (verb): To change or make different without completely revamping; to modify.
  • Question: If you were a behavioral scientist studying human interactions, what social experiments would you design to better understand and explain certain patterns or dynamics in people's behavior?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Dynamics (noun): The forces or properties that stimulate growth, development, or change in a system.

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Friday, January 19, 2024 02:00 PM - Week 55 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Birthdays

  • Question: If you could have a birthday party in any location around the world, where would it be, and what unique elements or traditions from that place would you incorporate into your celebration?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Incorporate (verb): To include or combine something into a whole; to integrate.
  • Question: Imagine you're a birthday event planner. What creative theme or concept would you suggest for a memorable birthday celebration, and how would you ensure that every detail reflects the personality of the birthday person?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Memorable (adjective): Worthy of being remembered; unforgettable.
  • Question: If you could choose a historical figure or celebrity to share your birthday with, who would it be, and how might their presence add a special touch to your annual celebration?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Annual (adjective): Occurring or happening every year.


Round 2

Topic: Body Language

  • Question: If you could communicate with others using only body language for a day, what gestures or expressions would you use to convey emotions like joy, surprise, and frustration?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Convey (verb): To communicate or express a feeling, idea, or information.
  • Question: Imagine you're a detective analyzing body language during an interrogation. What non-verbal cues would you pay attention to, and how might they help you determine if someone is being truthful or deceptive?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Deceptive (adjective): Giving an appearance or impression different from the true one; misleading.
  • Question: If you had the ability to instantly understand and interpret anyone's body language, how would this skill impact your personal and professional relationships, and what challenges might you face with this heightened awareness?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Interpret (verb): To explain or understand the meaning of something.


Round 3


Topic: Books and Reading

  • Question: If you could step into the world of any book and experience its events firsthand, which literary universe would you choose, and how do you envision your adventure in that captivating realm?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Captivating (adjective): Holding the attention or interest of someone; enchanting.
  • Question: Imagine you're a book critic with a global platform. What criteria would you use to evaluate and recommend books to a diverse audience, and how might your reviews inspire people to explore different genres and authors?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Diverse (adjective): Showing a great deal of variety; differing from one another.
  • Question: If you were to write a book, what genre would it be, and what themes or messages would you want readers to take away from your literary creation?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Creation (noun): The action or process of bringing something into existence.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Saturday, January 20, 2024 10:00 AM - Week 55 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Bullfighting

  • Question: If you were a matador, what symbolic gestures or movements would you incorporate into your performance to express your respect for the bull, and how would you balance the traditional aspects of the sport with ethical considerations?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Matador (noun): A bullfighter, typically the principal performer in a bullfight.
  • Question: Imagine you are organizing a documentary about bullfighting. What perspectives or voices would you include to present a comprehensive view of the cultural, historical, and ethical aspects surrounding this controversial practice?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Comprehensive (adjective): Covering or including all elements or aspects; thorough.
  • Question: If you had the opportunity to influence the future of bullfighting, what changes would you suggest to make the sport more humane or to preserve its cultural significance while minimizing harm to animals?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Humane (adjective): Characterized by compassion and concern for the well-being of humans and animals.


Round 2


Topic: Cars and Driving

  • Question: If you could design the ultimate self-driving car, what features or capabilities would it have to make commuting or road trips more enjoyable and efficient?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Efficient (adjective): Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
  • Question: Imagine you're a travel journalist exploring the world in a unique, customized car. What destinations would you visit, and how would your vehicle be adapted to handle various terrains and climates?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Adapted (adjective): Adjusted or modified to suit a particular condition or use.
  • Question: If you could participate in a famous car race like the Dakar Rally, what type of vehicle would you choose, and what strategies would you employ to navigate challenging terrains and reach the finish line successfully?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Navigate (verb): To plan and direct the route or course of a ship, aircraft, or other form of transportation.



Round 3


Topic: Celebrities

  • Question: If you could have dinner with any celebrity, living or deceased, who would it be, and what topics or questions would you want to discuss to make the conversation memorable?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Memorable (adjective): Worthy of being remembered; unforgettable.
  • Question: Imagine you are a talent agent tasked with discovering the next big celebrity. What qualities or talents would you look for in potential stars, and how would you predict their success in the entertainment industry?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Entertainment (noun): The action of providing or being provided with amusement or enjoyment.
  • Question: If you were a journalist covering the lives of celebrities, how would you balance the public's fascination with their personal stories while respecting their privacy, and what ethical considerations would guide your reporting?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Fascination (noun): The state of being intensely interested or attracted.

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Monday, January 22, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 56 - Meeting 1
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Round 1


Topic: Childbirth

  • Question: If you could witness the birth of any historical figure, alive or from the past, whose birth would you choose to observe, and how might their entry into the world shape the course of history?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Course (noun): The route or direction that something follows; the path of a process.
  • Question: Imagine you are a childbirth educator creating a fun and informative class for expectant parents. What activities or discussions would you include to help them prepare for the physical and emotional aspects of the birthing process?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Expectant (adjective): Anticipating or looking forward to something, especially the birth of a child.
  • Question: If you were a healthcare professional specializing in childbirth, how would you support and guide expectant parents through the various stages of pregnancy and delivery, ensuring a positive and empowering experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Empowering (adjective): Providing the power or authority to do something; enabling.


Round 2


Topic: Childhood

  • Question: If you could relive one specific moment from your childhood, what memory would you choose, and how did that moment shape who you are today?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Relive (verb): To experience again, especially in one's imagination or memory.
  • Question: Imagine you're creating a time capsule to represent your childhood. What items or mementos would you include to capture the essence of that period in your life, and why are these items significant to you?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Memento (noun): An object kept as a reminder or souvenir of a person or event.
  • Question: If you were to share one piece of advice with children growing up today based on your own childhood experiences, what wisdom or insight would you offer to help them navigate the challenges and joys of adolescence?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Adolescence (noun): The transitional period between childhood and adulthood, typically characterized by puberty and the beginning of independence.



Round 3

Topic: Children

  • Question: If you could design an ideal educational system for children, what innovative methods or approaches would you implement to foster creativity, curiosity, and a love for learning?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Foster (verb): To promote the growth or development of; to nurture.
  • Question: Imagine you're a children's book author. What captivating story or lesson would you create to teach young readers about diversity and the importance of embracing differences?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Embrace (verb): To accept or support willingly and enthusiastically.
  • Question: If you were organizing a community event to celebrate children's achievements, what activities or festivities would you plan to make the occasion memorable and enjoyable for kids of all ages?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Festivities (noun): The celebration and activities that are part of a public event or holiday.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Tuesday, January 23, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 56 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Chores

  • Question: If you could invent a futuristic robot to help with household chores, what tasks would it be responsible for, and how would it make your daily life more efficient?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Efficient (adjective): Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
  • Question: Imagine you're organizing a "Chores Olympics" for families in your community. What fun and competitive challenges would you include to make doing chores a collaborative and enjoyable experience for everyone?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaborative (adjective): Involving the cooperative efforts of a group of people.
  • Question: If you had to create a chore-themed board game for children, what exciting tasks or missions would players need to complete to win, and how could the game teach valuable life skills while being entertaining?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Valuable (adjective): Extremely useful or important; worth a great deal.


Round 2

Topic: Cities

  • Question: If you could design a new city from scratch, what unique features or innovations would you incorporate to make it a model urban environment for the future?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Innovations (noun): New methods, ideas, or products that bring about positive change.
  • Question: Imagine you're a tour guide showcasing the highlights of your favorite city. What cultural landmarks or hidden gems would you include in your tour, and how would you convey the city's rich history and character to visitors?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Landmarks (noun): Prominent or well-known features of a landscape, often with historical or cultural significance.
  • Question: If you had the chance to live in any city in the world for a year, which city would you choose, and how do you think the experience would broaden your perspective and contribute to your personal growth?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Perspective (noun): A particular way of viewing things that depends on one's experience and understanding.


Round 3

Topic: Classrooms

  • Question: If you were a classroom designer, what elements and features would you include to create an ideal learning space that promotes collaboration, creativity, and focus among students?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaboration (noun): The action of working with someone to produce or create something.
  • Question: Imagine you're a teacher incorporating technology into your classroom. What innovative tools or devices would you use to enhance the learning experience, and how might they benefit students in their studies?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Innovative (adjective): Introducing or using new ideas or methods; creative and original.
  • Question: If you could participate in a unique classroom activity that breaks traditional teaching methods, what would the activity involve, and how could it inspire students to engage with the subject matter in a memorable way?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Engage (verb): To participate or become involved in; to attract and hold the attention of.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2024 09:30 PM - Week 56 - Meeting 3
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Round 1


Topic: Cloning

  • Question: If you had the opportunity to clone yourself, what tasks or responsibilities would you delegate to your clone, and how do you think this would impact your personal and professional life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Delegate (verb): To entrust or assign tasks or responsibilities to another person.
  • Question: Imagine a world where cloning is a common practice. What ethical considerations and regulations do you think should be in place to ensure responsible and ethical use of cloning technology?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Ethical (adjective): Involving principles of right and wrong behavior; morally correct.
  • Question: If you were a scientist working on cloning research, what potential benefits and challenges do you foresee in the widespread use of cloning technology, and how might it reshape society?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Widespread (adjective): Existing or happening over a large area or among many people.


Round 2


Topic: Clothes and Fashion

  • Question: If you could choose any fashion era to live in, which period would it be, and how would the clothing styles of that era express your personality and preferences?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Preferences (noun): A greater liking for one alternative over another or others.
  • Question: Imagine organizing a global fashion show that celebrates cultural diversity. What countries or regions would you showcase, and how would you highlight the unique clothing styles and traditions from each place?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Diversity (noun): The state or quality of having different forms, types, or elements.
  • Question: If you had the chance to design your own clothing line, what themes or concepts would you incorporate, and how could your designs contribute to sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the fashion industry?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Sustainable (adjective): Capable of being maintained over the long term without harming the environment or depleting natural resources.


Round 3


Topic: College

  • Question: If you could create a unique college course that doesn't currently exist, what would it be about, and how could it benefit students in their personal and professional lives?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Benefit (verb): To gain advantage or profit; to receive positive outcomes or advantages.
  • Question: Imagine you're planning a memorable college orientation week. What activities or events would you organize to help new students connect with each other, feel welcomed, and adjust to the college environment?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Orientation (noun): The process of adapting or adjusting to a new environment or situation.
  • Question: If you were a college advisor, how would you guide students in choosing their majors or career paths, and what resources or strategies would you recommend to ensure they make informed and fulfilling decisions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Fulfilling (adjective): Bringing satisfaction or happiness; meeting one's expectations or desires.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Wednesday, January 24, 2024 07:30 AM - Week 56 - Meeting 4 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1


Topic: Business Teamwork

  • Question: If you were the leader of a diverse business team, how would you foster collaboration and ensure that each team member's strengths contribute to the overall success of a project?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Diverse (adjective): Showing a great deal of variety; composed of different elements.
  • Question: Imagine a team-building retreat for a business setting. What activities or challenges would you organize to strengthen communication, trust, and camaraderie among team members, and how would these activities translate into improved teamwork at the workplace?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Camaraderie (noun): Mutual trust and friendship among people who spend time together.
  • Question: If you had to give a TED Talk on the importance of teamwork in the business world, what key messages or examples would you share to inspire others to value and prioritize collaborative efforts in their professional endeavors?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Prioritize (verb): To arrange or deal with things in order of their importance or urgency.


Round 2

Topic: Business Communication

  • Question: In the age of digital communication, how can businesses strike a balance between utilizing advanced technologies for efficiency and maintaining the personal touch in their interactions with clients and customers?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Efficiency (noun): The ability to achieve maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
  • Question: Imagine you're giving a presentation on effective business communication. What key tips or strategies would you emphasize to help professionals convey their ideas clearly, persuasively, and with impact?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Persuasively (adverb): In a manner that convinces or influences others to believe or act in a certain way.
  • Question: If you were tasked with training a group of employees on cross-cultural communication in a global business setting, what cultural considerations and communication skills would you highlight to ensure successful collaboration and understanding?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Collaboration (noun): The action of working with someone to produce or create something.


Round 3


Topic: Business Ethics

  • Question: If you were a consultant advising a company on enhancing its business ethics, what practical steps or policies would you recommend to ensure that ethical considerations are integrated into every aspect of the business?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Integrated (adjective): Combined or coordinated to form a unified whole.
  • Question: Imagine you're part of a team discussing a real-world ethical dilemma in the business world. How would you approach finding a resolution that balances the interests of the company, employees, and other stakeholders while upholding ethical standards?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Resolution (noun): A firm decision to do or not to do something; the act of finding a solution.
  • Question: If you had to create a business ethics training program, what engaging methods or scenarios would you include to help employees understand the importance of ethical behavior and make ethical decisions in their day-to-day work?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Engaging (adjective): Attracting and holding the interest or attention of others.


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Thursday, January 25, 2024 05:00 PM - Week 56 - Meeting 5 American culture
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Round 1

Topic: Differences Between the USA and Other Countries

  • Question: If you were to describe the USA to someone who has never been there, what cultural aspects or practices would you highlight that set it apart from other countries, and how might these differences influence daily life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Aspects (noun): Particular features or characteristics of something.
  • Question: In terms of communication styles, what contrasts do you see between the USA and other countries, and how might understanding these differences improve interactions between people from diverse cultural backgrounds?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Contrasts (noun): Differences or distinctions in qualities, characteristics, or styles.
  • Question: If you had the opportunity to live in another country for a year, which aspects of American culture do you think would be challenging to adapt to, and how might this experience broaden your perspective on cultural diversity?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Adapt (verb): To adjust or change to suit different conditions or environments.



Round 2

Topic: American Holidays

  • Question: If you could experience any American holiday firsthand, which one would you choose and why? How do you think participating in this celebration would enhance your understanding of American culture?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Hand-in-hand (adverb): In close association; together.
  • Question: In many American households, certain dishes or foods are associated with specific holidays. If you were to create a menu for a traditional American holiday feast, what dishes would you include, and how do you think they contribute to the festive atmosphere?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Feast (noun): A large and special meal, usually for a celebration.
  • Question: Imagine you're organizing a cultural exchange event to share American holiday traditions with people from other countries. What activities or customs would you showcase to give them a taste of the unique and diverse celebrations observed across the United States?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Showcase (verb): To exhibit or display something prominently to attract attention.


Round 3

Topic: American People

  • Question: If you were to describe the typical American personality traits based on your observations, what characteristics do you think stand out, and how might cultural diversity influence these traits?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Personality traits (noun): Enduring patterns of thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that distinguish individuals from one another.
  • Question: In your opinion, how has the concept of the "American Dream" shaped the mindset and aspirations of the people in the United States, and do you think it resonates differently across various demographic groups?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Aspirations (noun): Strong desires or ambitions for the future, typically to achieve something greater.
  • Question: If you were to host a cultural exchange event with a diverse group of Americans, what activities or discussions would you plan to foster understanding and appreciation for the different backgrounds, perspectives, and experiences within the group?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Foster (verb): To promote the growth or development of; to nurture or encourage.

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Friday, January 26, 2024 09:30 AM - Week 56 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Colors

  • Question: If you had to associate emotions with three specific colors, which colors would you choose, and how do you think cultural influences play a role in the symbolism of these colors?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Symbolism (noun): The use of symbols to represent ideas or qualities.
  • Question: Imagine you're redesigning your living space, and you want to create a calming and welcoming atmosphere. What color scheme would you choose, and how do you think these colors can impact the mood of a room?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Color scheme (noun): A combination of colors selected for a particular purpose, such as design or decoration.
  • Question: Colors are often used to convey meaning in various contexts, from flags to traffic signals. If you were to design a new flag for a country, which colors would you choose, and what significance would each color hold in representing the values or identity of that nation?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Convey (verb): To communicate or express a message or feeling.

Round 2

Topic: Comics

  • Question: If you were to create your own comic book superhero, what powers, background story, and challenges would you give them? How might cultural influences shape the characteristics of your superhero?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Background story (noun): The narrative that provides information about a character's past and experiences.
  • Question: Comics often feature dynamic duos or groups of characters working together. If you could assemble your dream team of comic book heroes, who would you choose and why? How do you envision their teamwork and interactions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Dynamic (adjective): Characterized by constant change, activity, or progress.
  • Question: Comics have the power to address social issues and reflect cultural trends. If you were to create a comic series that addresses a contemporary social or environmental challenge, what would the theme be, and how might the characters contribute to raising awareness or finding solutions?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Contemporary (adjective): Belonging to the present time; modern or current.


Round 3

Topic: Commuting

  • Question: If you could redesign the commuting experience in your city, what changes would you implement to make it more efficient, enjoyable, and environmentally friendly? How might these changes impact the overall quality of life for commuters?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Efficient (adjective): Achieving maximum productivity with minimum wasted effort or expense.
  • Question: Commuting can be a significant part of daily life. How do you personally make the most of your commute time, and do you have any tips for turning this time into a positive or productive experience?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Productive (adjective): Achieving or producing a significant amount or result.
  • Question: Commuting experiences vary around the world. If you could experience the daily commute in another country or city, which one would it be, and what aspects of their commuting system do you find intriguing or appealing?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Intriguing (adjective): Arousing curiosity or interest; fascinating.

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Friday, January 26, 2024 02:00 PM - Week 56 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Complaining

  • Question: Complaining is a common way people express dissatisfaction. In your culture, how is complaining viewed, and are there specific situations where it is more acceptable or less acceptable to voice complaints?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Dissatisfaction (noun): The state of being unhappy with something.
  • Question: While complaining can be seen as negative, it can also bring attention to issues that need improvement. Can you think of a situation where a complaint led to positive change or resolution? What was the outcome?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Resolution (noun): A firm decision to do or not to do something; a solution to a problem.
  • Question: How do you personally deal with complaints, whether you're the one complaining or receiving a complaint? Are there strategies you find effective in turning a complaint into a constructive conversation?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Constructive (adjective): Serving a useful and positive purpose; helpful in a positive way.


Round 2

Topic: Conflict

  • Question: Conflict is a natural part of human interaction. Can you share an experience where you successfully resolved a conflict, and what strategies did you use to ensure a positive outcome for all parties involved?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Resolve (verb): To settle or find a solution to a problem.
  • Question: In today's interconnected world, conflicts can arise at various levels, from personal relationships to global issues. How do you think effective communication plays a role in preventing and resolving conflicts, especially in diverse and multicultural settings?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Interconnected (adjective): Having connections or relationships with other things.
  • Question: Conflict can sometimes lead to personal growth or a deeper understanding of oneself. Can you think of a situation where you faced a conflict and, despite initial challenges, it ultimately resulted in a positive change or self-discovery?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Self-discovery (noun): The process of gaining insight or knowledge about oneself.


Round 3

Topic: Corruption

  • Question: Corruption can have significant consequences on society. In your opinion, what are some effective measures that individuals, communities, or governments can take to combat corruption and promote transparency?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Transparency (noun): The quality or state of being transparent; openness and honesty.
  • Question: Corruption is often depicted in various forms in literature and movies. Can you recall a book, movie, or TV show that portrayed corruption in a memorable way? How did it impact your perception of corruption in real life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Perception (noun): The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
  • Question: Corruption exists in different sectors, such as politics, business, or law enforcement. Can you discuss a real-life example of corruption that made headlines, and what measures were taken to address or rectify the situation?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Rectify (verb): To correct or remedy a situation.

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Saturday, January 27, 2024 10:00 AM - Week 56 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Creativity

  • Question: Creativity can manifest in various forms, from art to problem-solving. What is a unique way you express your creativity, and how does it bring joy or fulfillment to your life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Manifest (verb): To show or demonstrate; to make evident or certain.
  • Question: Some people believe creativity is an innate talent, while others think it can be developed. What's your perspective? Can you share an experience where you either discovered or nurtured your creative abilities?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Innate (adjective): Existing from birth; inborn.
  • Question: Creativity is often associated with thinking outside the box. Can you think of a situation where thinking creatively helped you overcome a challenge or come up with a novel solution?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Novel (adjective): New, original, or unusual in an interesting way.


Round 2

Topic: Crime

  • Question: Crime rates can vary widely between cities and countries. What factors do you think contribute to higher or lower crime rates, and what measures can communities take to reduce criminal activities?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Contribute (verb): To play a part in bringing about a result or helping to cause something.
  • Question: Crime is often a central theme in books, movies, and TV shows. Can you recall a crime-related story that left a lasting impression on you, and how did it shape your understanding of crime in real life?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Impression (noun): A strong effect produced on the intellect, feelings, or senses.
  • Question: White-collar crime, cybercrime, and organized crime are modern challenges. In your opinion, how can law enforcement and technology work together to address these contemporary forms of criminal activities?
    • Vocabulary:
      • White-collar crime (noun): Non-violent, financially motivated crime typically committed by individuals, businesses, or government professionals.



Round 3

Topic: Culture

  • Question: Cultural diversity enriches our global society. Can you share a personal experience where you encountered a different cultural practice or tradition, and how did it broaden your understanding of cultural diversity?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Enrich (verb): To make something more meaningful, substantial, or valuable.
  • Question: Language is a crucial aspect of culture. Have you ever faced challenges or funny moments when trying to communicate with someone from a different culture? How did these experiences influence your perception of language and culture?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Perception (noun): The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.
  • Question: Culture is often expressed through art, music, and cuisine. Can you describe an aspect of your culture that you are particularly proud of, and how does it contribute to a sense of identity?
    • Vocabulary:
      • Identity (noun): The qualities, beliefs, personality, looks, or expressions that make a person or group distinct from others.

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Monday, January 29, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Jan 29 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 57 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Crime

1. Question: Have you ever witnessed a crime or been in a situation where you thought a crime might occur? Describe the experience and how it made you feel.

2. Question: If you could be a detective for a day, working on any crime case in history, which one would it be and why? What would your approach be to solving the case?

3. Question: In your opinion, how has technology influenced the way crimes are committed and solved? Can you think of any examples where technology played a crucial role in a criminal investigation?


  1. Forensic (adjective): Relating to or denoting the application of scientific methods and techniques to the investigation of crime.

  2. Alibi (noun): A claim or piece of evidence that one was elsewhere when an act, typically a criminal one, is alleged to have taken place.

  3. Deterrence (noun): The action of discouraging an action or event through instilling doubt or fear of the consequences.

Round 2

Topic: Culture Shock

1. Question: Think about a time when you experienced culture shock. What was the most surprising or challenging aspect of the new culture, and how did you adapt to it?

2. Question: Imagine you are hosting a friend from a different country who is new to your culture. What are three things you would do to help them overcome culture shock and feel more comfortable?

3. Question: Discuss the importance of understanding local customs and etiquette when adapting to a new culture. Can you share a personal experience where knowing or not knowing these cultural norms made a significant difference?


  1. Ethnocentrism (noun): The tendency to believe that one's own ethnic or cultural group is centrally important, with a tendency to judge other cultures by the standards of one's own.

  2. Acculturation (noun): The process of cultural exchange and adaptation that occurs when two different cultural groups come into continuous firsthand contact, leading to changes in the original cultural patterns of either or both groups.

  3. Cultural Assimilation (noun): The process by which a person or a group's language and/or culture come to resemble those of another group, often the dominant one, to the extent that the assimilating group may lose its original cultural identity.

Round 3

Topic: The Academy Awards

1. Question: If you were part of the Academy Awards voting panel, what criteria would you consider when choosing the winner for "Best Picture"?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of the Academy Awards on the film industry. How does winning an Oscar affect the careers of actors, directors, and other professionals in the film world?

3. Question: Imagine you're invited to give an acceptance speech at the Academy Awards. What would you say, and who would you thank? How would you convey your emotions in that moment?


  1. Cinematography (noun): The art and technique of film photography, including both the shooting and development of the film.

  2. Auteur (noun): A filmmaker, usually a director, who exercises creative control over their works and has a strong personal style.

  3. Screenplay (noun): The script of a film, including dialogue and directions for the actors, as well as descriptions of the setting and action.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Jan 30 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 57 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Business English

1. Question: Describe a business situation where effective communication played a crucial role. How did language and tone impact the outcome of the situation?

2. Question: Discuss the importance of cultural awareness in international business communication. Can you share a personal experience where cultural differences influenced a business interaction?

3. Question: Imagine you are negotiating a business deal. What language strategies would you use to persuade the other party? How might your language differ in a formal versus an informal business setting?


  1. Networking (noun): The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.

  2. Profit margin (noun): The percentage difference between the cost of a product or service and its selling price, representing the profit earned.

  3. Milestone (noun): A significant event or stage in the development of a business or project, often marked by the completion of a major task or the achievement of a specific goal.

Round 2

Topic: Business English for work

1. Question: Reflect on the most challenging work-related communication you've had in English. How did you navigate the language barrier, and what strategies did you use to ensure effective communication?

2. Question: Discuss the role of cultural differences in workplace communication. Can you share an experience where cultural nuances affected how a message was interpreted in a professional setting?

3. Question: Imagine you have to give a presentation in English to a diverse international audience. What tips would you give your peers to make the presentation engaging and easily understandable for everyone?


  1. Jargon (noun): Special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.

  2. Collaboration (noun): The action of working with someone to produce or create something, especially in a joint intellectual effort.

  3. Telecommuting (noun): Working from home, making use of the Internet, email, and the telephone to communicate with colleagues and employers.

Round 3

Topic: Job interviews

1. Question: If you could give one piece of advice to someone preparing for a job interview in English, what would it be, and why do you think it's crucial for success?

2. Question: Discuss the role of body language in a job interview. Can you share an experience where non-verbal cues played a significant role, either positively or negatively, in the interview process?

3. Question: Imagine you are the interviewer. What unique qualities or skills would you look for in a candidate applying for a position that requires strong communication skills in English?


  1. Qualifications (noun): The skills, achievements, and experience that make someone suitable for a particular job or activity.

  2. Articulate (adjective): Expressing oneself clearly and coherently, with the ability to speak fluently and persuasively.

  3. Etiquette (noun): The customary code of polite behavior in society or among members of a particular profession or group.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2024 09:30 PM - Tues Jan 30 - 2024 - 9:30 pm - Week 57 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: Working abroad

1. Question: If you were offered a job opportunity abroad, what factors would you consider before deciding whether or not to accept it? How do you think working in a different country might impact your personal and professional life?

2. Question: Discuss the challenges and advantages of working in a multicultural environment. Can you share a specific experience or scenario that highlights the importance of cultural understanding in a workplace abroad?

3. Question: Imagine you have just started a new job in a foreign country. How would you go about building relationships with your colleagues, considering cultural differences, and what strategies might you use to overcome language barriers?


  1. Expatriate (noun): A person who lives outside their native country, often for work or career opportunities.

  2. Adaptability (noun): The ability to adjust oneself readily to different conditions or environments, especially when working or living in a new or foreign place.

  3. Cross-cultural Communication (noun): The process of exchanging information and ideas between people from different cultural backgrounds, often involving understanding and navigating cultural differences.

Round 2

Topic: Company culture

1. Question: Reflect on a positive experience you've had with company culture in the workplace. What specific aspects of the culture made you feel engaged and motivated?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of company culture on employee satisfaction and productivity. Can you think of a situation where a strong or weak company culture influenced the success or failure of a project?

3. Question: Imagine you are the CEO of a company. What steps would you take to create a positive and inclusive company culture that fosters collaboration and innovation among your employees?


  1. Employee Engagement (noun): The level of commitment, passion, and loyalty an employee has towards their work and the organization, often influenced by the company's culture.

  2. Inclusivity (noun): The practice or policy of providing equal opportunities and consideration to all people, regardless of their background, identity, or abilities.

  3. Cohesion (noun): The action or fact of forming a united whole, especially in a social or work-related context, indicating a strong sense of togetherness and teamwork within a group or organization.

Round 3

Topic: Company crisis

1. Question: Think about a company crisis you've read or heard about. What strategies do you believe are effective in managing and overcoming such crises, both internally and externally?

2. Question: Discuss the role of communication during a company crisis. Can you recall an example where clear communication positively influenced how a company handled a challenging situation?

3. Question: Imagine you are a consultant hired to help a company navigate through a crisis. What steps would you advise the leadership to take to rebuild trust and stability?


  1. Mitigation (noun): The action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something, in this context, referring to strategies to lessen the impact of a crisis.

  2. Reputation Management (noun): The process of controlling and influencing how a business is perceived by its customers, stakeholders, and the public, especially during challenging times.

  3. Resilience (noun): The ability of a company to recover quickly from difficulties or setbacks, demonstrating adaptability and strength in the face of adversity.

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Wednesday, January 31, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Jan 31 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 57 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Dancing

1. Question: Reflect on the cultural significance of dance in different societies. How do dance forms express cultural identity, traditions, or celebrations, and can you share any personal experiences or observations of unique dance practices from your own or other cultures?

2. Question: Discuss the benefits of dancing beyond physical exercise. In what ways does dancing contribute to mental well-being, community building, or personal expression, and are there specific dance styles or genres that you find particularly captivating?

3. Question: Imagine organizing a multicultural dance event. What elements would you include to showcase the diversity of dance styles, and how might such events promote cross-cultural understanding and appreciation for different forms of dance?


  1. Choreography (noun):

    • Definition: Choreography is the art or practice of designing and arranging dance movements, often in a sequence. Choreographers create dance routines, determining the steps, patterns, and overall composition.
  2. Rhythm (noun):

    • Definition: Rhythm refers to the pattern of sounds or movements with a regular and repeated beat. In dance, having a sense of rhythm is crucial for maintaining timing and synchronization with the music.
  3. Improvisation (noun):

    • Definition: Improvisation is the act of creating or performing spontaneously without preparation. In dance, improvisation involves creating movements on the spot, often in response to the music or the energy of the moment.



Round 2

Topic: Chocolate

1. Question: Reflect on the cultural significance of chocolate. How is chocolate embedded in traditions, celebrations, or culinary practices in your culture, and are there any unique ways chocolate is used or enjoyed in different parts of the world?

2. Question: Discuss the journey of chocolate from bean to bar. What are the key steps in the chocolate-making process, and how do factors such as cocoa cultivation, harvesting, and production methods contribute to the various flavors and qualities of chocolate?

3. Question: Imagine a chocolate tasting event. How would you describe and compare different types of chocolate, and what factors, such as cocoa content or origin, might influence your preferences in choosing the perfect chocolate for different occasions?


  1. Cacao (noun):

    • Definition: Cacao refers to the bean-like seeds from which cocoa, cocoa butter, and chocolate are derived. It is the primary ingredient in chocolate and is cultivated from the cacao tree.
  2. Confectionery (noun):

    • Definition: Confectionery refers to sweets, candies, or sweetmeats collectively. Chocolate is a popular confectionery item, often enjoyed in various forms such as bars, truffles, or pralines.
  3. Decadent (adjective):

    • Definition: Decadent describes something that is luxurious, rich, or indulgent, often to excess. It is a term frequently used to characterize high-quality and exceptionally delicious chocolate or desserts.


Round 3

Topic: Credit cards

1. Question: Reflect on the role of credit cards in personal finance. How do credit cards impact financial habits, and what strategies can individuals use to manage credit responsibly, avoiding potential pitfalls such as debt accumulation?

2. Question: Discuss the advantages and challenges of using credit cards for making purchases. Are there specific situations where credit cards offer benefits, and what considerations should individuals keep in mind to make informed decisions about their credit card usage?

3. Question: Imagine giving advice to someone using a credit card for the first time. What tips would you share regarding responsible credit card usage, understanding terms and conditions, and building a positive credit history for future financial endeavors?


  1. Credit Score (noun):

    • Definition: A credit score is a numerical representation of an individual's creditworthiness. It is calculated based on their credit history, including factors such as payment history, credit utilization, and length of credit history.
  2. Interest Rate (noun):

    • Definition: The interest rate is the percentage charged by a lender for borrowing money, typically expressed annually. Credit cards often have an interest rate that applies to balances not paid in full by the due date.
  3. Debt Management (noun):

    • Definition: Debt management involves strategies and practices for effectively handling and reducing debts. Understanding debt management is crucial for individuals using credit cards to avoid financial challenges and maintain a healthy financial profile.


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Thursday, February 01, 2024 05:00 PM - Thurs Feb 1 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 57 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Alcohol

1. Question: Discuss the cultural significance of alcohol in different countries. How do attitudes towards drinking vary, and can you share a cultural tradition or celebration where alcohol plays a central role?

2. Question: Reflect on the potential benefits and drawbacks of moderate alcohol consumption. In your opinion, what factors should individuals consider when deciding whether to include alcohol in their lifestyle?

3. Question: Imagine you are at a social event where others are drinking, but you choose not to. How do you navigate the situation, and do you think there is societal pressure around the consumption of alcohol in social settings?


  1. Intoxication (noun): The state of being under the influence of alcohol or drugs, often resulting in impaired judgment, coordination, and other physical or mental functions.

  2. Sobriety (noun): The state of being sober, not under the influence of alcohol or drugs; characterized by clarity of mind and control over one's actions.

  3. Alcoholism (noun): A chronic disease characterized by an inability to control or stop drinking despite negative consequences, often leading to physical and psychological dependence on alcohol.

Round 2

Topic: Domestic violence

1. Question: Reflect on the impact of domestic violence on individuals and communities. How can societal attitudes, legal frameworks, and support systems contribute to preventing and addressing domestic violence, and what role can education play in raising awareness about this issue?

2. Question: Discuss the complexities of recognizing and addressing domestic violence. What barriers might victims face in seeking help, and how can society break the silence surrounding domestic violence to create a more supportive environment for those affected?

3. Question: Imagine being part of a community initiative against domestic violence. What strategies or programs would you propose to raise awareness, provide support for victims, and promote healthy relationships, and how can such initiatives involve both individuals and institutions?


  1. Intervention (noun):

    • Definition: Intervention is the act or process of becoming involved in a situation to alter or prevent a particular outcome. In the context of domestic violence, intervention may include actions taken to protect victims and address the root causes of abuse.
  2. Empowerment (noun):

    • Definition: Empowerment is the process of enabling individuals or communities to take control of their lives, make informed decisions, and advocate for their rights. Empowerment is crucial in the context of domestic violence to help victims regain autonomy.
  3. Cycle of Abuse (noun):

    • Definition: The cycle of abuse is a pattern of behavior in abusive relationships, typically involving periods of tension, followed by an abusive incident, and then a period of reconciliation. Understanding this cycle is essential for breaking the cycle and promoting healthy relationships.

Round 3

Topic: Alternative medicine 

1. Question: Reflect on your cultural background. Are there traditional or alternative medical practices from your culture that you find interesting or have personally tried? Share your experience.

2. Question: Discuss the reasons why some people choose alternative medicine over conventional treatments. Can you think of a situation where alternative medicine might be a suitable complement to traditional medical approaches?

3. Question: Imagine you are a health advisor. How would you approach a conversation with someone skeptical about alternative medicine, and what information or experiences might you share to broaden their perspective?


  1. Herbalism (noun):

    • Definition: Herbalism is a traditional or alternative medical practice that involves using plants and plant extracts for therapeutic purposes. It often includes the use of herbs, roots, and other natural substances to promote health and treat various ailments.
  2. Holistic (adjective):

    • Definition: Holistic refers to an approach that considers the whole person, addressing physical, mental, and social aspects of health. In alternative medicine, holistic treatments aim to treat the person as a whole rather than focusing solely on specific symptoms.
  3. Acupuncture (noun):

    • Definition: Acupuncture is an alternative medicine technique originating from traditional Chinese medicine. It involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and promote balance, often used for pain relief and various health conditions.

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Friday, February 02, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Feb 2 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 57 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: War 

1. Question: Reflect on the impact of war on individuals and communities. How does war shape the lives of those directly affected, and what long-term consequences, such as displacement, trauma, or cultural shifts, might arise from the experiences of conflict?

2. Question: Discuss the role of media in shaping public perception of war. How can media influence attitudes towards conflicts, and what responsibilities do journalists have in reporting on war to ensure accurate and ethical coverage?

3. Question: Imagine participating in a peace-building initiative. What actions or strategies would you propose to foster reconciliation and rebuild communities affected by war, and how can international collaboration contribute to preventing conflicts and promoting global peace?


  1. Armistice (noun):

    • Definition: Armistice is an agreement between warring parties to cease hostilities temporarily. It is often a precursor to peace negotiations or the end of a conflict.
  2. Disarmament (noun):

    • Definition: Disarmament is the reduction or elimination of military forces and weapons. It is a critical aspect of post-war efforts to promote stability and prevent future conflicts.
  3. Humanitarian (adjective):

    • Definition: Humanitarian refers to actions or efforts that prioritize the well-being and rights of individuals, especially in times of crisis. Humanitarian aid aims to provide assistance and relief to those affected by war or other disasters.

Round 2

Topic: Animal rights

1. Question: Reflect on your views about animals and their rights. Do you think there are cultural differences in how people perceive and advocate for animal rights? Share an example.

2. Question: Discuss the ethical considerations around using animals for entertainment, such as in circuses or theme parks. How do you think society's views on this issue have evolved over time?

3. Question: Imagine you're part of a campaign to raise awareness about animal rights. What creative strategies would you use to engage people and encourage them to support the cause?


  1. Cruelty-free (adjective):

    • Definition: Cruelty-free refers to products or practices that do not involve harm, testing, or exploitation of animals. For example, cruelty-free cosmetics are not tested on animals.
  2. Sentience (noun):

    • Definition: Sentience is the capacity to feel, perceive, or experience subjectively. In the context of animal rights, it refers to the ability of animals to have feelings, sensations, and consciousness.
  3. Advocacy (noun):

    • Definition: Advocacy involves actively supporting or promoting a cause, often by raising awareness and encouraging positive change. Animal rights advocacy focuses on protecting and promoting the well-being of animals.

Round 3

Topic: Drugs in sports

1. Question: Reflect on the ethical considerations of drug use in sports. How do performance-enhancing substances impact the integrity of competitions, and what measures can be implemented to ensure fair play and maintain the spirit of sportsmanship?

2. Question: Discuss the consequences of doping on athletes' health and careers. In what ways can the use of prohibited substances affect athletes physically and psychologically, and how can sports organizations balance the need for fair competition with the well-being of athletes?

3. Question: Imagine participating in a debate on anti-doping policies. What arguments might be presented for and against strict anti-doping regulations, and how can sports authorities strike a balance between preventing cheating and supporting athletes' rights and rehabilitation?


  1. Doping (noun):

    • Definition: Doping refers to the use of banned substances or methods by athletes to enhance their performance unfairly. Anti-doping measures are in place to detect and deter such practices in sports.
  2. Performance-enhancing (adjective):

    • Definition: Performance-enhancing describes substances or practices that are intended to improve an athlete's performance. However, in the context of sports, certain performance-enhancing methods or substances are considered illegal and against the rules.
  3. Integrity (noun):

    • Definition: Integrity is the quality of being honest and having strong moral principles. In sports, maintaining integrity involves upholding fair play, honesty, and adherence to rules, fostering trust in the competition.

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Friday, February 02, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Feb 2 - 2024 - 2 pm - Week 57 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Armageddon 

1. Question: Imagine a scenario where Armageddon, a catastrophic event, is imminent. What three items would you grab as you prepare to face the unknown, and how do these choices reflect your priorities?

2. Question: Discuss the portrayal of Armageddon in movies or literature. Can you think of a specific film or book that depicts the end of the world, and how do these portrayals shape our collective fears or hopes about such scenarios?

3. Question: If you could contribute to preventing Armageddon-like disasters in the real world, what global issue or challenge would you focus on, and what steps would you take to address it?


  1. Apocalypse (noun):

    • Definition: Apocalypse refers to a catastrophic event that results in widespread destruction, often associated with the end of the world. It can also be used more broadly to describe any significant and sudden upheaval or disaster.
  2. Doomsday (noun):

    • Definition: Doomsday is a term used to describe a hypothetical or prophesied day of judgment, calamity, or catastrophic event that brings about the end of the world. It is often associated with various religious and cultural beliefs.
  3. Prepper (noun):

    • Definition: A prepper is someone who actively prepares and makes provisions for potential disasters or emergencies, often by stockpiling supplies, developing survival skills, and planning for self-sufficiency in challenging scenarios.

Round 2

Topic: Army

1. Question: Consider the role of the army in a country's defense. How do you think the perception of the army differs in various cultures, and what factors might influence these differences?

2. Question: Discuss the challenges faced by soldiers during deployment. Can you think of any personal sacrifices soldiers make, and how does society typically recognize or support their service?

3. Question: Imagine you're a military strategist. What factors would you consider when planning a mission, and how do you balance the need for national security with ethical considerations in decision-making?


  1. Deployment (noun):

    • Definition: Deployment refers to the movement or stationing of military forces, often to a specific location or region for a particular mission or operation.
  2. Strategist (noun):

    • Definition: A strategist is a person skilled in planning and executing strategies, especially in a military context. Military strategists analyze situations, make decisions, and develop plans to achieve specific objectives.
  3. National Security (noun):

    • Definition: National security is the protection and defense of a country's sovereignty, citizens, and interests against external threats. It encompasses military, political, economic, and social measures to ensure a nation's safety.

Round 3

Topic: Astrology

1. Question: Reflect on your zodiac sign and its characteristics. Do you think your personality aligns with the traits associated with your sign, and how much importance do you personally place on astrology in understanding yourself?

2. Question: Discuss the cultural significance of astrology in different societies. Can you think of traditions or events where astrology plays a prominent role, and how does it influence people's beliefs and decisions?

3. Question: Imagine you're reading someone's birth chart. What aspects of their astrological profile would you find most interesting, and how might this information be used to gain insights into their personality or life path?


  1. Zodiac (noun):

    • Definition: The zodiac is an imaginary belt in the sky divided into 12 equal parts, each named after a constellation. In astrology, it is used to determine the position of celestial bodies and create the 12 astrological signs.
  2. Horoscope (noun):

    • Definition: A horoscope is a forecast of a person's future based on the positions of celestial bodies at a specific time, typically at the time of their birth. It often includes predictions related to personality, relationships, and events.
  3. Natal Chart (noun):

    • Definition: A natal chart, also known as a birth chart, is a map of the celestial bodies' positions at the exact time and place of a person's birth. It is used in astrology to analyze and interpret various aspects of an individual's life and personality.

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Saturday, February 03, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Feb 3 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 57 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Backpacking

1. Question: Imagine you're planning a backpacking trip around the world. What essential items would you pack, and how would you prioritize them for a lightweight and efficient journey?

2. Question: Discuss the benefits of backpacking as a mode of travel. Can you share a personal experience or a story you've heard about how backpacking allows for unique cultural experiences and interactions?

3. Question: If you were giving advice to someone preparing for their first backpacking adventure, what tips or strategies would you offer to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience?


  1. Hostel (noun):

    • Definition: A hostel is budget accommodation that offers shared dormitory-style rooms and communal facilities, making it a popular choice for backpackers seeking affordable and social lodging during their travels.
  2. Trailhead (noun):

    • Definition: A trailhead is the starting point of a trail or hiking path. In the context of backpacking, it often refers to the initial location where hikers begin their journey into the wilderness.
  3. Nomadic (adjective):

    • Definition: Nomadic describes a lifestyle characterized by constantly moving from one place to another, often without a permanent home. Backpackers, in a sense, adopt a nomadic lifestyle during their journeys.

Round 2

Topic: BBQs

1. Question: Reflect on your favorite BBQ experience. What makes it memorable, and are there specific foods or traditions associated with BBQs in your culture that you particularly enjoy?

2. Question: Discuss the various styles of BBQ around the world. Can you name a few regions known for their unique BBQ techniques, and how do these methods contribute to the diverse flavors in BBQ dishes?

3. Question: Imagine hosting a BBQ party. What elements would you include to create the perfect atmosphere, and how would you accommodate different dietary preferences among your guests?


  1. Marination (noun):

    • Definition: Marination is the process of soaking or coating food, often meat, in a seasoned liquid mixture to enhance its flavor and tenderness before cooking, a common practice in BBQ preparation.
  2. Charcoal (noun):

    • Definition: Charcoal is a fuel source used in BBQ grills to generate heat for cooking. It is made by burning wood in a low-oxygen environment, creating a substance that is efficient for grilling and imparts a smoky flavor to the food.
  3. Basting (verb):

    • Definition: Basting involves brushing or spooning liquid, such as marinade or juices, over food while it is cooking, especially used in BBQ to add moisture and flavor to the meat during the grilling process.

Round 3

Topic: Beach

1. Question: Imagine you're spending a day at the beach. What activities would you choose to do, and how does the beach environment contribute to relaxation and enjoyment for you?

2. Question: Discuss your ideal beach destination. What features would it have, and how might the natural surroundings, like the type of sand or the color of the ocean, influence your perception of the beach?

3. Question: If you were organizing a beach picnic, what foods and drinks would you include, and how would you create a memorable experience for everyone attending?


  1. Seashells (noun):

    • Definition: Seashells are the hard protective outer coverings of marine animals, often found on beaches. Collecting seashells is a popular beach activity, and they come in various shapes, sizes, and colors.
  2. Tide (noun):

    • Definition: The tide is the rise and fall of sea levels caused by gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun. Understanding the tide is crucial for activities like swimming and fishing at the beach.
  3. Sunscreen (noun):

    • Definition: Sunscreen is a lotion, spray, or cream applied to the skin to protect it from the harmful effects of the sun's ultraviolet (UV) rays. It is essential when spending time at the beach to prevent sunburn and skin damage.

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Monday, February 05, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Feb 5 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 58 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Birds

1. Question: Imagine you could be any bird for a day. Which bird would you choose, and what aspects of its life, such as flight or habitat, do you find intriguing or appealing?

2. Question: Discuss the symbolism of birds in different cultures. Can you think of a bird that holds special significance in your culture's mythology or folklore, and what attributes does it represent?

3. Question: If you were to design a birdwatching tour, what locations would you include, and what rare or exotic bird species would you hope participants get to observe during the tour?


  1. Avian (adjective):

    • Definition: Avian is an adjective related to birds. It is often used to describe characteristics, features, or behaviors associated with birds.
  2. Migrate (verb):

    • Definition: Migrate refers to the seasonal movement of birds from one region to another, often for breeding or in search of food. Migration is a remarkable behavior observed in many bird species.
  3. Plumage (noun):

    • Definition: Plumage refers to the feathers of a bird collectively, including their color, pattern, and arrangement. Observing the diverse and vibrant plumage of birds is a common aspect of birdwatching.

Round 2

Topic: Beauty

1. Question: Reflect on your personal definition of beauty. How has your perception of beauty evolved over time, and do you think societal standards influence individual ideas of beauty?

2. Question: Discuss the concept of inner beauty. Can you think of a person you admire for their inner qualities, and how do you believe inner beauty contributes to a person's overall attractiveness?

3. Question: Imagine you're organizing a beauty pageant with unique criteria. What qualities, beyond physical appearance, would you emphasize in the contestants, and how might this redefine traditional beauty standards?


  1. Aesthetics (noun):

    • Definition: Aesthetics refers to the appreciation of beauty or the study of principles related to beauty, art, and taste. It encompasses the understanding and evaluation of what is visually pleasing.
  2. Ephemeral (adjective):

    • Definition: Ephemeral describes something that is short-lived, fleeting, or transient. In the context of beauty, it can refer to moments, trends, or qualities that are temporary or quickly passing.
  3. Empathy (noun):

    • Definition: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. In discussions about beauty, emphasizing empathy highlights the significance of compassion and connection beyond physical appearance.

Round 3

Topic: Beer

1. Question: Think about the culture of beer in your country. Are there any unique brewing traditions or types of beer that are particularly popular, and how do people typically enjoy beer in social settings?

2. Question: Discuss the craft beer movement. Can you name a craft beer you've tried, and what flavors or qualities distinguish it from mainstream beers?

3. Question: Imagine hosting a beer-tasting event. What types of beers would you include, and how would you guide participants in appreciating the diverse flavors, aromas, and characteristics of each beer?


  1. Brewery (noun):

    • Definition: A brewery is a place where beer is produced commercially. It typically involves the brewing process, which includes the fermentation of ingredients such as malted barley, hops, yeast, and water.
  2. Hoppy (adjective):

    • Definition: Hoppy is a term used to describe the flavor and aroma characteristics derived from hops in beer. Beers with a pronounced hop presence often exhibit floral, citrusy, or bitter notes.
  3. Pilsner (noun):

    • Definition: Pilsner is a type of pale lager that originated in the Czech Republic. It is known for its crisp, refreshing taste and golden color. Pilsners are among the most popular styles of beer globally.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Feb 6 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 58 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Bicycles

1. Question: Reflect on your experiences with bicycles. What memories do you associate with learning to ride a bike, and how has cycling influenced your life or daily routines?

2. Question: Discuss the environmental benefits of using bicycles as a mode of transportation. In what ways can cycling contribute to sustainability, and have you ever incorporated biking into your commute or travel plans?

3. Question: Imagine designing your dream bicycle. What features would it have, and how might technology play a role in enhancing the cycling experience for both recreational and commuter riders?


  1. Pedal (noun/verb):

    • Definition: As a noun, a pedal is a lever operated by the foot to propel a bicycle. As a verb, to pedal means to use the pedals to propel or operate a bicycle.
  2. Bike Lane (noun):

    • Definition: A bike lane is a designated lane on a road or street for the exclusive use of bicycles. Bike lanes provide a safer space for cyclists, separate from motorized traffic.
  3. Cruiser (noun):

    • Definition: A cruiser is a type of bicycle characterized by its relaxed, comfortable design and typically equipped with wide handlebars, a comfortable saddle, and a simple gearing system. Cruisers are often used for leisurely rides.

Round 2

Topic: Baths and bathing

1. Question: Reflect on your bathing habits. What cultural or personal rituals do you have when it comes to taking baths, and how does this practice contribute to your overall well-being?

2. Question: Discuss the significance of bathing in different cultures. Can you think of any traditions or ceremonies where bathing plays a central role, and what symbolic meanings are attached to the act of cleansing in those contexts?

3. Question: Imagine creating a perfect bath experience. What elements would you include, such as scents, music, or lighting, to make the bath a relaxing and rejuvenating activity?


  1. Aromatherapy (noun):

    • Definition: Aromatherapy is a holistic healing practice that uses natural plant extracts, often in the form of essential oils, to promote physical and mental well-being. Aromatherapy is commonly incorporated into baths for relaxation.
  2. Tub (noun):

    • Definition: A tub, short for bathtub, is a large container filled with water for bathing. Tubs come in various styles, including clawfoot, freestanding, and built-in, providing different bathing experiences.
  3. Soothe (verb):

    • Definition: To soothe means to alleviate or calm feelings of discomfort or distress. In the context of bathing, activities like using warm water, scented oils, or soothing music can contribute to a calming and soothing experience.

Round 3

Topic: Boredom 

1. Question: Reflect on a time when you felt truly bored. What activities or strategies do you typically use to overcome boredom, and do you think boredom can have positive outcomes?

2. Question: Discuss the concept of boredom in the age of technology. How has the constant availability of entertainment through smartphones and other devices influenced our tolerance for boredom, and does it affect our creativity?

3. Question: Imagine you're organizing an event to combat boredom. What activities or attractions would you include to engage people and create an environment where boredom is unlikely to occur?


  1. Monotony (noun):

    • Definition: Monotony refers to a lack of variety or change, leading to a dull and repetitive routine. Boredom can often arise from experiencing monotony in daily activities.
  2. Doldrums (noun):

    • Definition: Doldrums describe a state of inactivity, stagnation, or listlessness. It is often associated with feeling dull, bored, or lacking enthusiasm.
  3. Stimulate (verb):

    • Definition: To stimulate means to excite or arouse interest and activity. Finding ways to stimulate the mind or engage in stimulating activities is a common approach to overcoming boredom.

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Tuesday, February 06, 2024 09:30 PM - Tues Feb 6 - 2024 - 9:30 pm - Week 58 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: The human brain

1. Question: Reflect on the incredible capabilities of the human brain. What aspect of the brain's functionality fascinates you the most, and how do you think understanding the brain can benefit individuals in their daily lives?

2. Question: Discuss the role of brain health in overall well-being. What habits or activities do you believe contribute to maintaining a healthy brain, and how might these practices influence cognitive function and mental resilience?

3. Question: Imagine a future where we can enhance certain cognitive abilities. How do you think advancements in neuroscience and technology might impact society, and are there potential ethical concerns related to cognitive enhancement?


  1. Neuroplasticity (noun):

    • Definition: Neuroplasticity is the brain's ability to reorganize itself by forming new neural connections throughout life. It allows the brain to adapt to experiences, learn new information, and recover from injury.
  2. Synapse (noun):

    • Definition: A synapse is a junction between two nerve cells, where electrical impulses are transmitted through chemical signals. Synapses play a crucial role in communication between neurons, enabling the transfer of information in the brain.
  3. Cognition (noun):

    • Definition: Cognition refers to the mental processes involved in acquiring, processing, and using information. It encompasses various aspects of thinking, including perception, memory, reasoning, and problem-solving.

Round 2

Topic: Breakfast

1. Question: Reflect on your breakfast habits. What is your go-to breakfast, and how do cultural influences shape breakfast choices?

2. Question: Discuss the significance of breakfast in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Are there specific nutritional elements you prioritize in your breakfast choices, and how do they impact your energy levels throughout the day?

3. Question: Imagine hosting a global breakfast party. What breakfast dishes from different cultures would you include, and how might this diverse spread create a unique and inclusive culinary experience?


  1. Nutrient-dense (adjective):

    • Definition: Nutrient-dense describes foods that provide a high amount of essential nutrients, such as vitamins and minerals, relative to their calorie content. Choosing nutrient-dense foods is a key aspect of a balanced breakfast.
  2. Culinary (adjective):

    • Definition: Culinary refers to activities related to cooking or the kitchen. In the context of breakfast, it involves the preparation and enjoyment of various culinary creations to start the day.
  3. Diverse (adjective):

    • Definition: Diverse means showing a great deal of variety or differences. A diverse breakfast spread includes a wide range of foods, reflecting various cultures, flavors, and culinary traditions.

Round 3

Topic: Accidents

1. Question: Reflect on a memorable accident you've witnessed or experienced. How did it impact you, and what safety measures or lessons did you take away from that incident?

2. Question: Discuss the role of technology in preventing accidents. Can you think of any innovations or advancements that contribute to safety in transportation, workplaces, or everyday life?

3. Question: Imagine you're promoting safety awareness. What strategies would you use to educate people about preventing accidents, and how can communities work together to create safer environments?


  1. Catastrophe (noun):

    • Definition: A catastrophe is a sudden and widespread disaster that causes significant damage or harm. Accidents with severe consequences can sometimes be referred to as catastrophes.
  2. Precaution (noun):

    • Definition: A precaution is a measure taken in advance to prevent harm or ensure safety. Taking precautions involves being proactive to minimize the risk of accidents.
  3. Vigilance (noun):

    • Definition: Vigilance is the state of being watchful, alert, and attentive to potential dangers or problems. Maintaining vigilance is crucial in accident prevention, as it allows individuals to respond quickly to emerging risks.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed - Feb 7 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 58 - Meeting 4 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Job termination 

1. Question: Reflect on a time when you or someone you know experienced job termination. How did it impact the individual, and what coping strategies or support systems were valuable during this challenging period?

2. Question: Discuss the factors that can lead to job termination. Are there common reasons you've observed or heard about, and how can employees proactively navigate their careers to reduce the likelihood of facing termination?

3. Question: Imagine you are an HR professional providing guidance to someone who has been terminated. What advice or resources would you offer to help them transition successfully to a new job, and how might you approach this situation with empathy and support?


  1. Severance (noun):

    • Definition: Severance is a financial package or compensation provided to employees upon job termination. It is often offered as a gesture of goodwill and to assist individuals during the transition period.
  2. Outplacement (noun):

    • Definition: Outplacement refers to the support services offered by employers to employees who are facing job termination. These services may include career counseling, resume writing, and job search assistance.
  3. Resilience (noun):

    • Definition: Resilience is the ability to bounce back from adversity or challenges. Developing resilience is crucial for individuals facing job termination, as it enables them to adapt, recover, and move forward in their careers.

Round 2

Topic: Managers

1. Question: Reflect on the qualities of an effective manager. What traits do you believe make a manager successful in leading a team, and can you share any personal experiences with a manager who exemplified these qualities?

2. Question: Discuss the challenges that managers face in today's dynamic work environment. How have technological advancements and changing workplace dynamics influenced the role of managers, and what skills are essential for them to navigate these challenges successfully?

3. Question: Imagine you are a manager implementing a new policy in your team. How would you communicate this change to ensure understanding and acceptance, and what strategies would you use to foster a positive and collaborative work culture?


  1. Delegation (noun):

    • Definition: Delegation is the act of assigning tasks and responsibilities to others within a team or organization. Effective delegation is a key skill for managers to distribute work efficiently.
  2. Feedback (noun):

    • Definition: Feedback is information or advice about one's performance, behavior, or results. Providing constructive feedback is an essential aspect of a manager's role in helping team members grow and improve.
  3. Adaptability (noun):

    • Definition: Adaptability is the ability to adjust to new conditions and changes. Managers need to demonstrate adaptability to navigate evolving business landscapes and address unforeseen challenges effectively.

Round 3

Topic: Performance appraisal

1. Question: Reflect on the role of performance appraisals in your career. How have these evaluations influenced your professional growth, and can you share an example of a specific feedback or goal-setting discussion that had a positive impact on your work?

2. Question: Discuss the potential benefits and challenges of using various appraisal methods. Are there specific appraisal techniques or approaches you find effective or challenging, and how might cultural differences influence the perception of performance evaluations?

3. Question: Imagine redesigning the performance appraisal process in your organization. What changes would you propose to make the process more meaningful, engaging, and supportive for both employees and managers?


  1. 360-Degree Feedback (noun):

    • Definition: 360-degree feedback is a performance appraisal method that involves collecting feedback from various sources, including supervisors, peers, subordinates, and even clients. This comprehensive approach provides a well-rounded view of an individual's performance.
  2. Goal Alignment (noun):

    • Definition: Goal alignment refers to the process of ensuring that individual and team goals align with the overall objectives of the organization. Performance appraisals often involve discussions on how individual goals contribute to broader organizational goals.
  3. Constructive Criticism (noun):

    • Definition: Constructive criticism is feedback that aims to help individuals improve their performance or behavior. It focuses on specific areas for development and offers suggestions for positive change, fostering professional growth.

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Thursday, February 08, 2024 05:00 PM - Thurs Feb 8 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 58 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Britain 

1. Question: Reflect on your impressions of Britain. What aspects of British culture, history, or traditions intrigue you the most, and how do you think these elements contribute to the global perception of Britain?

2. Question: Discuss the significance of tea in British culture. How is tea consumption viewed in your country, and do you have any personal experiences related to the cultural rituals surrounding tea in Britain?

3. Question: Imagine you're planning a trip to Britain. What destinations or landmarks would be on your must-visit list, and how might you immerse yourself in the rich cultural tapestry that Britain offers?


  1. Monarchy (noun):

    • Definition: A monarchy is a form of government where a single person, often a king or queen, holds supreme authority. Britain has a constitutional monarchy, where the monarch's powers are limited by laws and a constitution.
  2. Pubs (noun):

    • Definition: Pubs, short for public houses, are establishments in Britain where people gather to socialize, eat, and drink. Pubs are integral to British culture and serve as communal spaces for locals and tourists alike.
  3. Quaint (adjective):

    • Definition: Quaint describes something attractively unusual, old-fashioned, or charming. The term is often used to characterize picturesque villages, historic buildings, or traditions in Britain that evoke a sense of charm and uniqueness.

Round 2

Topic: The Bible

1. Question: Reflect on the significance of The Bible in different cultures. How does it influence societal values and traditions, and can you think of any stories or teachings from The Bible that resonate with you personally or culturally?

2. Question: Discuss the literary and historical aspects of The Bible. In what ways has it contributed to literature, art, and cultural narratives, and how might its impact extend beyond religious contexts?

3. Question: Imagine you're leading a discussion on The Bible in a diverse group. How would you navigate different perspectives and ensure an inclusive dialogue that respects various beliefs and interpretations?


  1. Scripture (noun):

    • Definition: Scripture refers to sacred or religious writings, often considered authoritative and divinely inspired. The Bible is a significant example of religious scripture in Christianity.
  2. Parable (noun):

    • Definition: A parable is a short story or allegory that conveys a moral or spiritual lesson. The Bible contains many parables, such as those shared by Jesus, designed to illustrate and impart wisdom.
  3. Covenant (noun):

    • Definition: A covenant is a formal and binding agreement, often used in religious contexts to describe the agreements between God and individuals or communities. The concept of covenant is central to understanding certain themes in The Bible.

Round 3

Topic: AIDS

1. Question: Reflect on the global impact of AIDS. How has the HIV/AIDS epidemic influenced public health policies, awareness campaigns, and societal attitudes towards those affected, and can you share any initiatives that have effectively addressed this health challenge?

2. Question: Discuss the misconceptions and stigmas surrounding AIDS. Are there prevalent myths or stereotypes related to HIV/AIDS, and how can education and awareness help dispel these misconceptions within communities and globally?

3. Question: Imagine you are involved in an AIDS awareness project. How would you design a campaign to reach diverse audiences and promote prevention, testing, and support for those living with HIV/AIDS?


  1. Pandemic (noun):

    • Definition: A pandemic is an outbreak of a disease that occurs on a global scale, affecting large populations across countries or continents. The HIV/AIDS epidemic is often described as a global pandemic.
  2. Antiretroviral (noun/adjective):

    • Definition: Antiretroviral (ARV) refers to medications used to treat retroviruses, such as HIV. In the context of HIV/AIDS, antiretroviral therapy (ART) helps manage the virus, allowing individuals to lead healthier lives.
  3. Advocacy (noun):

    • Definition: Advocacy involves public support or promotion of a cause. AIDS advocacy focuses on raising awareness, influencing policies, and addressing the needs of those affected by HIV/AIDS.


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Friday, February 09, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Feb 9 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 58 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Bullying

1. Question: Reflect on your experiences or observations related to bullying. How does bullying impact individuals and communities, and are there effective strategies or interventions you know of that address and prevent bullying behavior?

2. Question: Discuss the role of bystanders in bullying situations. How can individuals who witness bullying contribute to prevention, and what responsibilities do schools, workplaces, or communities have in creating environments that discourage bullying?

3. Question: Imagine organizing an anti-bullying campaign. What activities or messages would you include to raise awareness, foster empathy, and create a culture that actively opposes bullying?


  1. Harassment (noun):

    • Definition: Harassment is the act of persistently annoying, tormenting, or intimidating someone. In the context of bullying, harassment often involves repeated negative actions that create a hostile environment.
  2. Empathy (noun):

    • Definition: Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. Fostering empathy is crucial in preventing bullying, as it encourages individuals to consider the impact of their actions on others.
  3. Inclusion (noun):

    • Definition: Inclusion involves creating an environment that welcomes and values all individuals, regardless of differences. Promoting inclusion is an essential aspect of preventing bullying by fostering a sense of belonging and respect for diversity.

Round 2

Topic: Religion 

1. Question: Reflect on the role of religion in your life or culture. How does it shape your values, traditions, and daily practices, and are there specific religious celebrations or rituals that hold significant meaning for you?

2. Question: Discuss the concept of religious tolerance. How can diverse communities coexist peacefully with different religious beliefs, and can you share any examples of initiatives that promote interfaith understanding and cooperation?

3. Question: Imagine you're explaining your religion to someone unfamiliar with it. What key beliefs, practices, or stories would you highlight to provide a comprehensive understanding, and how might cultural context influence the interpretation of religious teachings?


  1. Spirituality (noun):

    • Definition: Spirituality refers to the search for meaning and connection with something beyond the physical realm. It often involves personal growth, self-discovery, and a sense of purpose that may or may not be linked to organized religion.
  2. Doctrine (noun):

    • Definition: Doctrine is a set of principles, beliefs, or teachings that form the foundation of a religious faith or a specific system of thought. It provides a framework for understanding the core tenets of a particular religion.
  3. Syncretism (noun):

    • Definition: Syncretism is the blending or amalgamation of different religious beliefs or cultural practices. It often occurs when diverse traditions come into contact, resulting in a fusion of elements from multiple sources.

Round 3

Topic: Cannabis

1. Question: Reflect on the changing attitudes towards cannabis globally. How have perceptions evolved, and what impact do shifting legal frameworks and public opinion have on the use of cannabis for medicinal and recreational purposes?

2. Question: Discuss the potential benefits and risks associated with cannabis use. Are there medical applications that interest you, and what factors should individuals consider when navigating the choices between medicinal and recreational cannabis consumption?

3. Question: Imagine a debate on cannabis legalization. What arguments might be presented for and against its legalization, and how can societies strike a balance between regulation and personal freedom when it comes to cannabis?


  1. Cannabinoid (noun):

    • Definition: Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. These compounds, including THC and CBD, interact with the body's endocannabinoid system and are responsible for the various effects of cannabis.
  2. Decriminalization (noun):

    • Definition: Decriminalization is the reduction or elimination of criminal penalties for certain acts. In the context of cannabis, decriminalization refers to removing or reducing legal consequences for the possession of small amounts for personal use.
  3. Stigma (noun):

    • Definition: Stigma is a negative stereotype or prejudice associated with a particular characteristic or behavior. Cannabis use has, at times, been stigmatized, influencing public perceptions and policy decisions.

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Friday, February 09, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Feb 9 - 2024 - 2 PM - Week 58 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Capital Punishment 

1. Question: Reflect on your personal views on capital punishment. How do cultural, ethical, or religious beliefs shape your perspective, and can you think of any instances where the use of the death penalty has sparked international debate or controversy?

2. Question: Discuss the effectiveness of capital punishment as a deterrent to crime. Are there studies or examples that support or challenge the idea that the death penalty prevents serious offenses, and how might public opinion influence the policies surrounding capital punishment?

3. Question: Imagine a public forum on capital punishment. What arguments might be presented by advocates for and against its abolition, and how can societies navigate the complexities of administering justice while addressing concerns about fairness, human rights, and potential errors in the legal system?


  1. Execution (noun):

    • Definition: Execution refers to the act of carrying out a sentence of death. In the context of capital punishment, it involves the administration of the death penalty as ordered by a legal authority.
  2. Abolition (noun):

    • Definition: Abolition is the act of formally ending or eliminating something. In the context of capital punishment, abolition refers to the movement or policies aimed at completely doing away with the death penalty.
  3. Retribution (noun):

    • Definition: Retribution is the concept of punishment as a form of revenge or payback for wrongdoing. It is a philosophical and ethical argument used in discussions about the justification of capital punishment.

Round 2

Topic: Capitalism 

1. Question: Reflect on the impact of capitalism on individual aspirations and societal structures. How does the pursuit of wealth and success align with personal goals, and what role does capitalism play in shaping economic systems around the world?

2. Question: Discuss the criticisms and advantages of capitalism. Are there aspects of this economic system that you find beneficial or problematic, and how can societies address inequalities that may arise from the capitalist model?

3. Question: Imagine a debate on alternative economic systems. What arguments might be presented for and against capitalism, and how can countries strike a balance between fostering economic growth and ensuring social welfare within a capitalist framework?


  1. Entrepreneurship (noun):

    • Definition: Entrepreneurship is the activity of creating, developing, and managing a business or enterprise. In a capitalist system, entrepreneurship plays a crucial role in driving innovation and economic growth.
  2. Inequality (noun):

    • Definition: Inequality refers to the uneven distribution of resources, opportunities, or wealth within a society. Discussions about capitalism often involve considerations of how to address and mitigate economic and social inequalities.
  3. Free Market (noun):

    • Definition: A free market is an economic system characterized by minimal government intervention, allowing supply and demand to determine prices and production. Capitalist economies often emphasize the principles of a free market.

Round 3

Topic: Child soldiers 

1. Question: Reflect on the ethical considerations surrounding the use of child soldiers. How does the recruitment of children into armed forces impact their lives, and what international efforts or organizations are working towards preventing the use of child soldiers?

2. Question: Discuss the psychological impact of being a child soldier. How might the experiences of armed conflict affect the mental well-being and future prospects of individuals who were recruited as child soldiers, and what rehabilitation and support measures are crucial for their recovery?

3. Question: Imagine you're part of a global initiative to address the issue of child soldiers. What strategies would you propose to prevent the recruitment of children into armed conflicts and ensure their successful reintegration into society?


  1. Recruitment (noun):

    • Definition: Recruitment refers to the process of enlisting or bringing individuals into an organization or activity. In the context of child soldiers, recruitment involves the coercive or forced involvement of children in armed conflicts.
  2. Reintegration (noun):

    • Definition: Reintegration is the process of restoring individuals to a normal or constructive role within society after a period of exclusion or separation. For former child soldiers, reintegration involves social, psychological, and educational support.
  3. Demobilization (noun):

    • Definition: Demobilization is the process of disbanding or disarming military forces. In the context of child soldiers, demobilization includes efforts to release and rehabilitate children who were involved in armed conflicts.

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Saturday, February 10, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Feb 10 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 58 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Small talk

1. Question: Reflect on the role of small talk in different cultures. How do cultural norms influence the way people engage in casual conversations, and can you share any experiences where small talk played a significant role in building relationships?

2. Question: Discuss the challenges and benefits of small talk in language learning. How does engaging in casual conversations contribute to language proficiency, and what strategies have you found helpful in navigating small talk when communicating in a non-native language?

3. Question: Imagine attending a social event where you don't know many people. How would you initiate and sustain small talk to connect with others, and what cultural cues or topics would you consider to ensure the conversation is engaging and respectful?


  1. Icebreaker (noun):

    • Definition: An icebreaker is an activity, question, or statement designed to initiate and facilitate conversation in a social setting. It helps create a comfortable atmosphere, especially in situations where people may not know each other well.
  2. Etiquette (noun):

    • Definition: Etiquette refers to the customary code of polite behavior in society. In the context of small talk, understanding social etiquette helps individuals navigate conversations with courtesy and respect.
  3. Banter (noun):

    • Definition: Banter is light and playful conversation characterized by teasing, joking, or exchanging witty remarks. Including banter in small talk can add humor and a relaxed atmosphere to casual conversations.
Round 2
Topic:  Cosmetic surgeries 

1. Question: Reflect on the cultural perceptions of cosmetic surgeries. How do beauty standards vary across different societies, and in what ways do these standards influence individuals' decisions to undergo cosmetic procedures?

2. Question: Discuss the psychological aspects of cosmetic surgeries. What factors might contribute to someone seeking these procedures, and how can society promote a positive body image while respecting individuals' autonomy in making decisions about their appearance?

3. Question: Imagine a debate on the ethics of cosmetic surgeries. What arguments might be presented for and against the widespread use of such procedures, and how can regulations ensure the safety and well-being of individuals seeking cosmetic enhancements?


  1. Augmentation (noun):

    • Definition: Augmentation refers to the process of making something greater or enhancing it. In the context of cosmetic surgeries, augmentation often involves procedures that enhance or change physical features for aesthetic purposes.
  2. Aesthetic (adjective/noun):

    • Definition: Aesthetic relates to beauty, art, or the appreciation of beauty. In cosmetic surgeries, the term is often used to describe procedures aimed at improving or altering one's appearance for aesthetic reasons.
  3. Invasive (adjective):

    • Definition: Invasive refers to actions that involve entering or penetrating the body. In the context of cosmetic surgeries, invasive procedures typically require incisions or entry into the body to achieve desired changes.

Round 3

Topic: Drunk driving 

1. Question: Reflect on the consequences of drunk driving in your community. How do legal systems, awareness campaigns, and societal attitudes contribute to preventing and addressing the issue, and can you share any personal experiences or observations related to drunk driving incidents?

2. Question: Discuss the role of technology in preventing drunk driving. What technological advancements or tools exist to deter individuals from driving under the influence, and how might innovations contribute to safer roads and transportation systems?

3. Question: Imagine organizing a community event to raise awareness about the dangers of drunk driving. What activities or messages would you incorporate to engage and educate the community, and how can such initiatives promote responsible alcohol consumption and prevent impaired driving?


  1. Sobriety (noun):

    • Definition: Sobriety is the state of being sober, meaning not under the influence of alcohol or other intoxicating substances. Encouraging sobriety is a key component of preventing drunk driving.
  2. Breathalyzer (noun):

    • Definition: A breathalyzer is a device used by law enforcement to measure the alcohol content in a person's breath. It is often employed during traffic stops to determine if a driver is under the influence of alcohol.
  3. Impairment (noun):

    • Definition: Impairment refers to a condition of being weakened, damaged, or diminished. In the context of drunk driving, impairment occurs when alcohol or drugs affect a person's ability to operate a vehicle safely.

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Monday, February 12, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Feb 12 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 59 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Cyber bullying

1. Question: Discuss the potential long-term effects of cyberbullying on a person's mental well-being. How might constant online harassment impact someone's self-esteem, relationships, or overall emotional health?

2. Question: Imagine you witness a friend being cyberbullied. What advice would you give them, and how can friends and peers play a role in preventing and combating cyberbullying within their social circles?


  1. Trolling (noun/verb):

    • Definition: Trolling refers to the act of intentionally provoking or harassing others online by posting inflammatory or offensive content. It is a common form of cyberbullying.
  2. Block (verb):

    • Definition: To block someone online means to restrict their access to your profile or content. Blocking is a tool users can use to prevent communication from individuals engaging in cyberbullying.

Round 2

Topic: Consumerism

1. Question: Discuss the influence of advertising on consumerism. How do advertisements shape our preferences, and what strategies can individuals use to make more mindful and informed purchasing decisions in the face of persuasive marketing?

2. Question: Imagine a world where consumerism is minimized. How might this impact economies, businesses, and people's lifestyles, and what alternative models or approaches could emerge to balance economic growth with responsible consumption?



  1. Materialism (noun):

    • Definition: Materialism is the emphasis on material possessions, wealth, and physical comforts as a primary focus in life. It is often associated with consumerism and the pursuit of material goods.
  2. Sustainability (noun):

    • Definition: Sustainability is the practice of using resources in a way that meets current needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs. In the context of consumerism, sustainability refers to making choices that have minimal environmental impact.

Round 3

Topic: Earthquakes

1. Question: Reflect on the role of earthquake preparedness in your community. What measures or initiatives can individuals and local authorities undertake to minimize the impact of earthquakes, and how can public awareness contribute to overall safety?

2. Question: Discuss the factors that make certain regions more prone to earthquakes. How does geological activity and tectonic plate movements contribute to seismic events, and what challenges do communities in earthquake-prone areas face in terms of infrastructure and safety?


  1. Magnitude (noun):

    • Definition: Magnitude is a measure of the energy released by an earthquake. The Richter scale or moment magnitude scale is commonly used to express the size or magnitude of seismic events.
  2. Aftershock (noun):

    • Definition: An aftershock is a smaller earthquake that occurs in the same general area as a larger earthquake, following the main shock. Aftershocks can continue for days, weeks, or even months after the initial earthquake.


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Tuesday, February 13, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Feb 13 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 59 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Eating

1. Question: Discuss the cultural significance of meals in your country. How are mealtimes viewed, and are there specific customs, traditions, or foods that play a significant role in daily life or special occasions?

2. Question: Imagine creating a diverse and balanced meal plan. What types of foods from different food groups would you include, and how can individuals ensure they maintain a healthy and well-rounded diet for overall well-being?



  1. Culinary (adjective):

    • Definition: Culinary refers to anything related to cooking or the practice of preparing food. It encompasses various aspects of the culinary arts, including techniques, skills, and traditions.
  2. Savor (verb):

    • Definition: To savor means to enjoy or appreciate the taste, flavor, or experience of something, especially food. Taking time to savor a meal involves mindful enjoyment of each bite.

Round 2

Topic: Eggs

1. Question: Explore the versatility of eggs in different cuisines. How are eggs used in traditional dishes around the world, and what unique cooking methods or preparations showcase the diversity of this simple yet essential ingredient?

2. Question: Discuss the nutritional benefits of eggs. What key nutrients do eggs provide, and how can incorporating eggs into a balanced diet contribute to overall health and well-being?


  1. Sunny-Side-Up (adjective/noun):

    • Definition: Sunny-side-up refers to a method of cooking eggs where the egg is fried on one side, leaving the yolk visible and unbroken. It's a popular style for fried eggs.
  2. Poach (verb):

    • Definition: To poach an egg is to cook it by gently simmering it in water, typically without the shell. Poached eggs have a runny yolk and a soft, delicate texture.

Round 3

Topic: Egypt

1. Question: Explore the historical significance of the pyramids in Egypt. What purpose did they serve in ancient times, and how do these structures continue to capture the imagination of people worldwide?

2. Question: Imagine visiting Egypt. What landmarks, cultural experiences, or historical sites would be on your must-see list, and how might these experiences deepen your understanding of Egypt's rich history and contemporary culture?


  1. Pharaoh (noun):

    • Definition: A pharaoh is a title used in ancient Egypt to refer to the rulers or kings. Pharaohs were considered both political and religious leaders, believed to be intermediaries between the gods and the people.
  2. Hieroglyphics (noun):

    • Definition: Hieroglyphics are a system of writing used by ancient Egyptians. These are pictorial symbols or characters that represent objects, sounds, or ideas, often inscribed on tombs, temples, and other structures.


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Tuesday, February 13, 2024 07:30 PM - Tues Feb 13 - 2024 - 7:30 pm - Week 59 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: Endangered species 

1. Question: Reflect on the impact of human activities on endangered species. How do factors such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change contribute to the endangerment of various species, and what steps can individuals take to help protect these vulnerable animals?

2. Question: Discuss the role of conservation efforts in preserving endangered species. What initiatives, programs, or organizations are working to protect endangered animals, and how can people contribute to these efforts on both local and global scales?


  1. Biodiversity (noun):

    • Definition: Biodiversity refers to the variety of plant and animal life in a particular habitat or on Earth as a whole. It encompasses the diversity of species, ecosystems, and genetic variation within species.
  2. Habitat (noun):

    • Definition: Habitat is the natural environment or surroundings in which a specific plant or animal species lives and thrives. The quality of the habitat is crucial for the survival and well-being of the species.

Round 2

Topic: Energy levels

1. Question: Discuss the factors that influence your daily energy levels. How does sleep, nutrition, and physical activity impact your overall energy, and what habits can individuals cultivate to maintain consistent and sustainable energy throughout the day?

2. Question: Explore the concept of energy conservation in daily life. What strategies can people use to avoid burnout, manage stress, and allocate their energy effectively across various tasks and responsibilities?


  1. Vitality (noun):

    • Definition: Vitality refers to the state of being full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. It encompasses a sense of liveliness and vigor, contributing to overall well-being.
  2. Caffeine (noun):

    • Definition: Caffeine is a natural stimulant found in coffee, tea, and certain beverages. It is known for its ability to temporarily increase alertness and reduce fatigue.

Round 3

Topic: Entertainment 

1. Question: Reflect on the evolution of entertainment over the years. How have advancements in technology influenced the way people consume entertainment, and what are the pros and cons of these changes on traditional forms of amusement?

2. Question: Discuss the role of entertainment in building cultural connections. How do movies, music, and other forms of entertainment contribute to shaping cultural identities, fostering shared experiences, and bringing people together across different backgrounds?


  1. Recreation (noun):

    • Definition: Recreation refers to activities done for enjoyment and relaxation during one's free time. It includes hobbies, sports, and other forms of entertainment that people engage in for leisure.
  2. Diverse (adjective):

    • Definition: Diverse means having a variety of different elements or qualities. In the context of entertainment, diversity can refer to a range of genres, cultures, or perspectives represented in various forms of entertainment.




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Wednesday, February 14, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Feb 14 - 2024 - 7:30 am - week 59 - Meeting 4 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Work emails

1. Question: Discuss the importance of email etiquette in the workplace. What are some key rules for composing professional emails, and how can effective email communication contribute to a positive and efficient work environment?

2. Question: Imagine receiving an email with challenging feedback. How would you respond constructively, and what strategies can individuals employ to navigate and resolve conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise in email exchanges?


  1. Attachment (noun):

    • Definition: An attachment in an email refers to a file, document, or media item that is sent along with the email message. Attachments can include images, documents, or other files.
  2. Inbox (noun):

    • Definition: The inbox is the main folder in an email account where incoming messages are received and stored. It is the central hub for managing and organizing emails.

Round 2

Topic: Employment 

1. Question: Explore the concept of job satisfaction. What factors contribute to a person's satisfaction or dissatisfaction in their job, and how can individuals navigate their careers to find fulfillment in their professional lives?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of technology on employment. How has automation and digitalization changed the nature of work, and what skills do individuals need to adapt and thrive in the evolving job market?


  1. Telecommuting (noun/verb):

    • Definition: Telecommuting refers to working remotely from a location other than the traditional office, often using technology to stay connected with colleagues and perform job tasks.
  2. Networking (noun/verb):

    • Definition: Networking involves creating and maintaining professional relationships with others in one's industry or field. It can be instrumental in finding job opportunities, gaining insights, and advancing one's career.

Round 3

Topic: Business pitch

1. Question: Discuss the key elements of a successful business pitch. What components, such as clarity, persuasion, and confidence, do you think are crucial for making a compelling pitch, and how can these skills be developed and refined?

2. Question: Imagine you are pitching a business idea to potential investors. What strategies would you use to capture their attention in the first few minutes, and how can storytelling enhance the impact of your pitch in conveying the value of your business concept?


  1. Elevator Pitch (noun):

    • Definition: An elevator pitch is a concise and persuasive speech that summarizes a business idea or proposal within the time it takes to ride an elevator, typically around 30 seconds to two minutes.
  2. Value Proposition (noun):

    • Definition: A value proposition is a clear statement that explains the unique benefits or value that a product, service, or business provides to its customers. It articulates what sets the offering apart from competitors.


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Thursday, February 15, 2024 05:00 PM - Thurs Feb 15 - 2024 - 5 pm - week 59 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Euthanasia 

1. Question: Discuss the ethical considerations surrounding euthanasia. What factors should be taken into account when making decisions about end-of-life care, and how can society balance individual autonomy with the moral implications of assisted dying?

2. Question: Explore the legal status of euthanasia in different countries. How do cultural and legal perspectives influence the acceptance or rejection of euthanasia, and what are the arguments for and against legalizing assisted dying in various societies?


  1. Euthanasia (noun):

    • Definition: Euthanasia refers to the act of intentionally ending a person's life to relieve suffering, often due to a terminal illness or unbearable pain. It can be classified as voluntary (with the person's consent) or involuntary (without their consent).
  2. Autonomy (noun):

    • Definition: Autonomy is the ability of an individual to make independent decisions and have control over their own life, choices, and actions. In the context of euthanasia, autonomy is often considered in relation to a person's right to decide their end-of-life preferences.

Round 2

Topic: Evolution

1. Question: Reflect on the concept of evolution and its implications. How does the theory of evolution explain the diversity of life on Earth, and what evidence supports the idea that species change over time?

2. Question: Discuss the role of adaptation in the process of evolution. What are examples of adaptations in plants and animals that enhance their survival in specific environments, and how do these adaptations contribute to the overall biodiversity of ecosystems?



  1. Evolution (noun):

    • Definition: Evolution is the process of gradual change and development over time. In biology, it specifically refers to the changes in the heritable characteristics of species over successive generations.
  2. Adaptation (noun):

    • Definition: Adaptation is a trait or characteristic that enhances an organism's ability to survive and reproduce in a particular environment. It results from the process of natural selection.

Round 3

Topic: Fear

1. Question: Reflect on the different manifestations of fear. How do people experience fear physically, emotionally, and mentally, and what role does fear play in shaping human behavior and decision-making?

2. Question: Discuss the concept of facing and overcoming fears. Can you share a personal experience of overcoming a fear, and how do you think confronting fears contributes to personal growth and resilience?


  1. Phobia (noun):

    • Definition: A phobia is an extreme and irrational fear of a specific object, situation, or activity. Phobias can cause significant distress and may lead individuals to avoid certain triggers.
  2. Courage (noun):

    • Definition: Courage is the ability to confront fear, pain, danger, uncertainty, or intimidation with bravery and resilience. It involves facing challenges despite potential risks.



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Friday, February 16, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Feb 16 - 2024 - 9:30 am - week 59 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Fish and fishing

1. Question: Reflect on the significance of fishing in different cultures. How does the practice of fishing contribute to the cultural identity of communities, and are there traditional rituals or stories associated with fishing in your culture?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of overfishing on marine ecosystems. How can individuals and communities promote sustainable fishing practices, and what role does awareness play in preserving the balance of aquatic environments?


  1. Tackle (noun):

    • Definition: Tackle refers to the equipment used in fishing, including fishing rods, reels, lines, and bait. It encompasses all the gear needed to catch fish.
  2. Aquaculture (noun):

    • Definition: Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms, such as fish, shellfish, and seaweed, under controlled conditions. It is a method of farming aquatic species for food production.

Round 2

Topic: Feminism 

1. Question: Reflect on the evolution of feminism. How has the feminist movement changed over time, and what milestones or achievements do you think have significantly impacted the progress of gender equality in different societies?

2. Question: Imagine a world where gender equality is fully realized. What positive changes do you envision in both personal and societal contexts, and how can individuals contribute to creating a more equitable and inclusive future?


  1. Feminism (noun):

    • Definition: Feminism is a social and political movement advocating for the rights and equality of women, challenging and addressing systemic gender-based inequalities in various aspects of life.
  2. Empowerment (noun):

    • Definition: Empowerment is the process of giving individuals the tools, resources, and confidence to assert themselves, make decisions, and achieve their goals. In the context of feminism, it involves enhancing women's agency and autonomy.

Round 3

Topic: Feet

1. Question: Explore the importance of comfortable footwear. How does wearing appropriate shoes impact overall health, posture, and daily activities, and what factors do you consider when choosing footwear for different occasions?

2. Question: Imagine a world without shoes. How might people's lives be different, and what challenges or advantages could arise from going barefoot in various environments and climates?



  1. Podiatrist (noun):

    • Definition: A podiatrist is a healthcare professional specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders and injuries related to the feet, ankles, and lower extremities.
  2. Callus (noun):

    • Definition: A callus is a thickened and hardened area of skin that develops in response to repeated friction, pressure, or irritation. Calluses often form on the feet as a protective response.



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Friday, February 16, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Feb 16 - 2024 - 2 pm - Week 59 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Nightmares 

1. Question: Discuss the potential psychological impact of recurring nightmares. How might frequent disturbing dreams affect an individual's mental well-being, and what strategies or coping mechanisms can be employed to alleviate the distress caused by nightmares?

2. Question: Imagine sharing a nightmare with a friend. How do you think discussing nightmares with others can provide support or insights, and are there cultural differences in how people interpret or share their dream experiences?



  1. Lucid Dreaming (noun):

    • Definition: Lucid dreaming is a state in which the dreamer is aware that they are dreaming and may have some degree of control over their dream. It allows individuals to actively participate in or manipulate their dreams.
  2. Sleep Paralysis (noun):

    • Definition: Sleep paralysis is a phenomenon in which a person temporarily experiences the inability to move or speak while falling asleep or waking up. It may be accompanied by vivid hallucinations and a sense of pressure on the chest.


Round 2

Topic: Music

1. Question: Explore the impact of music on emotions. How does different genres of music influence your mood, and can you share a specific song that holds a special emotional significance for you?

2. Question: Discuss the evolution of music technology. How have advancements in technology changed the way we consume and create music, and what role do platforms like streaming services play in shaping musical preferences and trends?


  1. Melody (noun):

    • Definition: Melody refers to a sequence of musical notes that are perceived as a single, cohesive entity. It is the tune or main musical theme in a piece of music.
  2. Genre (noun):

    • Definition: Genre categorizes music based on shared characteristics, styles, or themes. Common music genres include rock, pop, classical, jazz, and hip-hop, each with its distinct characteristics and conventions.

Round 3

Topic: Conflict in Israel

1. Question: Reflect on the historical and geopolitical context of the conflicts in Israel. How has the history of the region shaped the ongoing tensions, and what are the key factors contributing to the complexities of the situation?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of the conflict on civilians. How do individuals and communities in Israel and surrounding areas experience the effects of war, and are there initiatives or efforts aimed at providing support and relief for those affected?


  1. Conflict (noun):

    • Definition: A conflict refers to a struggle or disagreement between two or more parties with opposing interests, values, or goals. In the context of Israel, it pertains to the long-standing disputes in the region.
  2. Resolution (noun):

    • Definition: Resolution signifies the act of finding a solution or coming to an agreement in order to resolve a problem or dispute. Achieving resolution is a key goal in efforts to address conflicts.

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Saturday, February 17, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Feb 17 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 59 - Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Friendly ecosystems 

1. Question: Explore the concept of biodiversity in friendly ecosystems. How does a diverse range of plant and animal species contribute to the health and resilience of an ecosystem, and can you think of any examples of symbiotic relationships among different species?

2. Question: Discuss the role of humans in maintaining friendly ecosystems. In what ways can individuals and communities contribute to preserving biodiversity, reducing environmental impact, and promoting sustainable practices to support the health of ecosystems?


  1. Biodiversity (noun):

    • Definition: Biodiversity refers to the variety of living organisms, including the diversity of species, genetic differences within species, and the variety of ecosystems. It is a key indicator of the health and resilience of an ecosystem.
  2. Symbiotic (adjective):

    • Definition: Symbiotic describes a close and mutually beneficial relationship between different species. In a symbiotic relationship, both species derive benefits, and this interaction is essential for the balance of ecosystems.

Round 2

Topic: Therapy, counseling

1. Question: Reflect on the stigma surrounding therapy counseling. How do cultural attitudes and societal perceptions influence people's willingness to seek mental health support, and what steps can be taken to reduce the stigma associated with therapy?

2. Question: Discuss the importance of self-care in therapy counseling. In what ways can individuals incorporate self-care practices into their daily lives to support their mental well-being, and are there specific activities you find effective for maintaining emotional balance?


  1. Stigma (noun):

    • Definition: Stigma refers to negative attitudes, beliefs, or stereotypes that lead to discrimination or social exclusion. In the context of therapy counseling, overcoming stigma is essential for promoting open discussions about mental health.
  2. Self-Care (noun):

    • Definition: Self-care involves deliberate actions and practices to prioritize and enhance one's physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It plays a vital role in maintaining balance and resilience, especially in the context of therapy.

Round 3

Topic: Technology

1. Question: Discuss the impact of technology on social relationships. In what ways has the use of technology influenced how we connect with others, and do you think it has strengthened or weakened interpersonal communication?

2. Question: Imagine a day without technology. How would your daily activities, communication, and entertainment change, and do you think such a day would be challenging or refreshing?


  1. Interpersonal (adjective):

    • Definition: Interpersonal relates to interactions and relationships between people. The impact of technology on interpersonal communication considers how it affects connections and relationships among individuals.
  2. Challenging (adjective):

    • Definition: Challenging describes something that poses difficulties or requires effort to overcome. A day without technology might be challenging as it could involve adapting to alternative ways of performing daily tasks and communication.


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Monday, February 19, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Feb 19 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 60 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: History

1. Question: Reflect on the significance of historical monuments. How do these structures preserve and convey the stories of the past, and can you think of a particular historical monument that you find fascinating or meaningful?

2. Question: Discuss the role of oral history in preserving cultural heritage. In what ways can personal stories and traditions be passed down through generations, and how might oral history contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of a community's past?


  1. Monuments (noun):

    • Definition: Monuments are structures or objects, often built to commemorate a person, event, or cultural significance. They serve as tangible reminders of historical events and contribute to the preservation of collective memory.
  2. Heritage (noun):

    • Definition: Heritage refers to the cultural, historical, and natural aspects that are inherited from previous generations. Preserving heritage involves safeguarding traditions, artifacts, and practices that contribute to a sense of identity and continuity.

Round 2

Topic: Social problems

1. Question: Examine the impact of poverty on communities. How does poverty contribute to social problems, and can you think of any initiatives or solutions that have effectively addressed poverty-related issues in your community or globally?

2. Question: Discuss the role of education in addressing social problems. How can education empower individuals and communities to tackle issues like discrimination, inequality, or lack of opportunities, and are there specific educational programs you find inspiring in this regard?


  1. Initiatives (noun):

    • Definition: Initiatives are specific actions or projects designed to achieve a particular goal or solve a problem. In the context of social problems, initiatives often involve organized efforts to bring about positive change.
  2. Empower (verb):

    • Definition: Empower means to give someone the authority, confidence, and control to take action or make decisions. In the context of education and social problems, empowerment through knowledge and skills enables individuals to address challenges and improve their circumstances.

Round 3

Topic: Decisions

1. Question: Reflect on the factors that influence personal choices. How do cultural backgrounds, societal expectations, and individual values play a role in decision-making, and can you share a specific experience where you had to make a challenging decision?

2. Question: Discuss the concept of decision fatigue. How might the abundance of choices in today's world impact individuals, and can you think of strategies or habits that help manage decision-making overload in daily life?


  1. Influence (noun/verb):

    • Definition: Influence refers to the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something. In decision-making, various factors can influence the choices individuals make.
  2. Abundance (noun):

    • Definition: Abundance signifies a large quantity or a plentiful supply of something. In the context of choices, an abundance of options can sometimes lead to decision fatigue, making it challenging to make optimal decisions consistently.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Feb 20 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 60 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Drugs

1. Question: Examine the impact of drug education programs. How can educating individuals about the risks and consequences of drug use contribute to building awareness, and are there any specific educational initiatives on drugs that you believe are effective?

2. Question: Discuss the role of peer pressure in drug-related choices. How does peer influence affect individuals when it comes to drug use, and can you share any strategies or experiences in resisting negative peer pressure?


  1. Consequences (noun):

    • Definition: Consequences are the outcomes or results of a particular action or decision. Understanding the potential consequences of drug use is crucial for making informed choices.
  2. Initiatives (noun):

    • Definition: Initiatives are specific actions or projects designed to achieve a particular goal or address a problem. Educational initiatives on drugs aim to provide information and support to prevent substance abuse.

Round 2

Topic: Politics and government

1. Question: Explore the concept of political participation. How can individuals actively engage in the political process, and can you share an example of a form of political participation that you find effective or impactful?

2. Question: Discuss the role of political ideologies. What are some common political ideologies, and how do they shape the policies and decisions of a government? Can you think of a political ideology that aligns with your own beliefs?


  1. Participation (noun):

    • Definition: Participation refers to the act of taking part or engaging in an activity or process. In politics, political participation involves citizens actively involving themselves in the decision-making and governance of their country.
  2. Ideologies (noun):

    • Definition: Ideologies are sets of beliefs, values, or principles that form the basis of a political, economic, or social system. Political ideologies influence the policies and actions of governments and political parties.
Round 3
Topic: Animals

1. Question: Examine the role of animals in therapy. How can animals contribute to mental health and well-being, and are there specific examples or stories of animal-assisted therapy that you find inspiring?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of urbanization on wildlife. How does the expansion of cities affect the natural habitats of animals, and can you think of any conservation efforts or initiatives aimed at protecting urban wildlife?


  1. Therapy (noun):

    • Definition: Therapy refers to the treatment or healing of a physical or mental condition. Animal-assisted therapy involves using animals to support individuals in achieving therapeutic goals, often enhancing emotional well-being.
  2. Urbanization (noun):

    • Definition: Urbanization is the process of population concentration in urban areas, leading to the growth and expansion of cities. It often involves the transformation of natural landscapes, impacting the habitats of wild animals.

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Tuesday, February 20, 2024 07:30 PM - Tues Feb 20 - 2024 - 7:30 pm - Week 60 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: Equal rights

1. Question: Explore the significance of equal rights in education. How does ensuring equal access to education contribute to a fair and just society, and can you share any examples of initiatives aimed at promoting educational equality?

2. Question: Discuss the role of media in advocating for equal rights. How can media platforms influence public opinion on issues related to equal rights, and do you think media has played a positive role in promoting equality?


  1. Initiatives (noun):

    • Definition: Initiatives are specific actions or projects designed to achieve a particular goal or address a problem. Initiatives for equal rights focus on creating positive change and eliminating discrimination.
  2. Advocating (verb):

    • Definition: Advocating involves publicly supporting or promoting a cause or policy. Media platforms can play a crucial role in advocating for equal rights by raising awareness and influencing public opinion.

Round 2

Topic: Complaining

1. Question: Explore the impact of constructive complaining. How can expressing concerns or dissatisfaction in a constructive manner lead to positive change, and can you share a personal experience where constructive complaining made a difference?

2. Question: Discuss the cultural aspects of complaining. Are there cultural differences in how people express dissatisfaction, and can you think of any cultural practices around complaining that you find interesting or unique?


  1. Constructive (adjective):

    • Definition: Constructive refers to actions, feedback, or criticism that is helpful, positive, and aimed at improvement. Constructive complaining involves expressing concerns in a way that contributes to finding solutions.
  2. Cultural (adjective):

    • Definition: Cultural relates to the customs, beliefs, and practices shared by a particular group of people. Cultural aspects of complaining include how complaints are expressed and perceived within a specific cultural context.

Round 3

Topic: Cellulars, phones

1. Question: Reflect on the evolution of cellular technology. How have advancements in cell phones transformed communication, and can you share any personal experiences where cellular technology played a significant role in connecting people?

2. Question: Discuss the impact of excessive cell phone use on social interactions. In what ways do constant phone notifications affect face-to-face communication, and can you think of strategies to maintain a healthy balance between using cell phones and engaging with others?


  1. Advancements (noun):

    • Definition: Advancements refer to improvements or developments in technology, knowledge, or processes. In the context of cellulars, advancements denote progress in cell phone technology.
  2. Excessive (adjective):

    • Definition: Excessive describes something that is more than necessary or normal. Excessive cell phone use implies using phones in a way that goes beyond what is considered reasonable or healthy.

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Wednesday, February 21, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Feb 21 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 60 - Meeting 4 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1

Topic: Entrepreneurs

1. Question: Explore the qualities of successful entrepreneurs. What traits do you believe contribute to someone becoming a successful entrepreneur, and can you think of any well-known entrepreneurs who embody these qualities?

2. Question: Discuss the challenges faced by entrepreneurs in today's competitive market. What obstacles do entrepreneurs commonly encounter, and can you share any examples of innovative solutions entrepreneurs have implemented to overcome these challenges?


  1. Qualities (noun):

    • Definition: Qualities are characteristics or attributes that define a person. When discussing entrepreneurs, qualities may include traits like creativity, resilience, and leadership skills.
  2. Innovative (adjective):

    • Definition: Innovative refers to the ability to introduce new ideas, methods, or products. Entrepreneurs often need to be innovative to create unique solutions and stay competitive in the business world.

Round 2

Topic: Employment 

1. Question: Discuss the importance of work-life balance in employment. How can maintaining a balance between professional and personal life positively impact job satisfaction, and can you share any tips on achieving a healthy work-life balance?

2. Question: Explore the role of technology in the future of employment. How do you think technological advancements will shape the nature of jobs, and can you provide examples of industries where technology has already had a significant impact on employment?


  1. Work-Life Balance (noun phrase):

    • Definition: Work-life balance refers to the equilibrium between one's professional and personal life. Achieving a good work-life balance involves managing time and priorities to ensure both aspects are fulfilling and not overly demanding.
  2. Technological Advancements (noun phrase):

    • Definition: Technological advancements represent improvements and progress in technology. In the context of employment, it refers to the development and implementation of new technologies that influence the way people work and the types of jobs available.

Round 3

Topic: Business startups

1. Question: Explore the role of innovation in the success of business startups. How can innovative ideas contribute to the growth and sustainability of a startup, and can you provide examples of startups that achieved success through unique and innovative approaches?

2. Question: How can thorough market research contribute to the success of a business startup, and can you share any examples of businesses that benefited from understanding their target market before launching?


  1. Entrepreneurship (noun):

    • Definition: Entrepreneurship is the activity of setting up and managing a business, typically with a goal of earning a profit. Entrepreneurs are individuals who take the initiative to start and operate a new business venture.
  2. Innovation (noun):

    • Definition: Innovation refers to the process of introducing new ideas, methods, or products. In the context of business startups, innovation is often crucial for creating unique solutions, products, or services that stand out in the market.


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Thursday, February 22, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Feb 22 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 60 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Emails

1. Question: Discuss the dos and don'ts of professional email communication. What practices should individuals follow when composing work-related emails, and can you share any examples of common mistakes people make in email etiquette?

2. Question: Explore the role of email in modern business communication. How has email transformed the way companies communicate internally and externally, and can you provide examples of situations where effective email communication played a crucial role in achieving business goals?


  1. Etiquette (noun):

    • Definition: Etiquette refers to the customary code of polite behavior in society or a particular group. In the context of emails, etiquette involves adhering to established norms and manners when composing and responding to messages.
  2. Communication (noun):

    • Definition: Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information by speaking, writing, or using another medium. In the context of emails, communication refers to the effective transmission of messages between individuals or within organizations.

Round 2

Topic: Famine

1. Question: Discuss the impact of famine on communities and individuals. How does famine affect not only access to food but also various aspects of people's lives, such as health, education, and social dynamics?

2. Question: Explore the role of international aid in addressing and preventing famine. How can countries and organizations work together to provide assistance during times of food crisis, and can you share examples of successful humanitarian efforts in response to famine situations?


  1. Famine (noun):

    • Definition: Famine is an extreme scarcity of food that leads to widespread hunger, malnutrition, and sometimes starvation in a specific region or population.
  2. Humanitarian (adjective):

    • Definition: Humanitarian refers to actions or activities aimed at promoting human welfare and alleviating suffering. In the context of famine, humanitarian efforts involve providing assistance and support to those affected by the food crisis.

Round 3

Topic: Friends

1. Question: Share your thoughts on making new friends as an adult. What challenges do you face, and what strategies do you use to build meaningful connections with others?

2. Question: Discuss the importance of true friendship. In your opinion, what qualities make someone a good friend, and how do genuine friendships contribute to personal well-being?


  1. Meaningful (adjective):

    • Definition: Meaningful refers to something that has depth, significance, or importance. In the context of relationships, it suggests connections that are substantial and emotionally rich.
  2. Well-being (noun):

    • Definition: Well-being is the state of being comfortable, healthy, or happy. It encompasses overall health, happiness, and prosperity in various aspects of life.


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Friday, February 23, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Feb 23 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 60 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Euthanasia 

1. Question: In your opinion, should individuals have the right to make decisions about euthanasia for themselves or their loved ones? How do cultural and ethical factors influence views on this topic?

2. Question: Discuss the role of medical professionals in euthanasia. What ethical considerations should healthcare providers take into account when faced with requests for assisted dying?


  1. Euthanasia (noun):

    • Definition: Euthanasia refers to the intentional act of ending someone's life to relieve pain and suffering, typically due to a terminal illness or severe medical condition.
  2. Ethical (adjective):

    • Definition: Ethical relates to principles of right and wrong behavior, guiding individuals in making morally sound decisions. In the context of euthanasia, ethical considerations involve evaluating the morality and appropriateness of end-of-life choices.

Round 2

Topic: Lies and Deception 

  1. Question
    • What do you believe are common reasons people resort to telling lies, especially in interpersonal relationships? Is it ok to lie? Do you know what is a white lie? Share any personal experiences or observations.
  2. Question
    • In your opinion, how does the discovery of a lie affect trust in a relationship? Can you think of any strategies to rebuild trust once it has been compromised?


  1. Deception:
    • Definition: The act of intentionally misleading someone by concealing or distorting the truth.
  2. Trustworthiness:
    • Definition: The quality of being reliable, truthful, and able to be trusted; a crucial aspect of healthy relationships.

Round 3

Topic: Parenting

1. Question: Discuss different parenting styles from around the world. How do cultural influences shape the way parents raise their children, and can you share any unique practices that stand out to you?

2. Question: Explore the challenges and rewards of single parenting. What are some common struggles faced by single parents, and how can communities or societies provide support for them?


  1. Parenting Styles (noun):

    • Definition: Parenting styles refer to the approaches and methods that parents use to raise and nurture their children. Different styles may include authoritative, permissive, authoritarian, or a combination of these.
  2. Single Parenting (noun):

    • Definition: Single parenting is a family structure in which one parent is responsible for raising and caring for the children without the involvement of a partner or spouse.

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Friday, February 23, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Feb 23 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 60 - Meeting 7
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Round 1 

Topic: Flying

1. Question: What are some advantages and disadvantages of flying as a mode of transportation? Share your personal experiences or preferences.

2. Question: How has the aviation industry evolved over time, and what innovations or changes do you foresee in the future of flying?


  1. Aviation (noun):

    • Definition: Aviation refers to the operation of aircraft, including design, development, production, and the practical aspects of piloting and navigation.
  2. Innovation (noun):

    • Definition: Innovation involves introducing new methods, ideas, or products that bring about positive change, improvement, or advancement in a particular field or industry.

Round 2

Topic: The future

1. Question: What are some potential challenges or opportunities you see in the future, and how can individuals or societies prepare for them?

2. Question: What do you see yourself doing in the next 5 - 10 - 15 years? What are your expectations, plans etc?


  1. Envision (verb):

    • Definition: Envision means to imagine or foresee something as a future possibility. It involves creating a mental image or concept of what could happen.
  2. Opportunities (noun):

    • Definition: Opportunities are favorable circumstances or situations that provide a chance for success, growth, or positive outcomes.

Round 3

Topic: English learning 

1. Question: How has learning English influenced your life and opportunities?

2. Question: What challenges have you faced while learning English, and how did you overcome them?


  • Fluency: The ability to speak or write a language easily and accurately.
  • Grammar: The set of rules governing the structure of words, phrases, clauses, and sentences in a language.

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Saturday, February 24, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Feb 24 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 60 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Gambling

1. Question:

  • Have you ever participated in any form of gambling, and if so, what was your experience like?

2. Question:

  • Do you think gambling is purely based on luck, or are there certain strategies that can increase your chances of winning?


  1. Wager: An amount of money staked on the outcome of an event; a bet.
  2. Odds: The probability or likelihood of a specific outcome in relation to the total number of possible outcomes.


Round 2

Topic: Genetic Engineering

1. Question:

  • How do you feel about the ethical considerations surrounding genetic engineering?

2. Question:

  • In what ways can genetic engineering positively impact medicine and healthcare?


  1. Genetic Engineering: The deliberate modification of the characteristics of an organism by manipulating its genetic material.
  2. Ethical: Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.

Round 3

Topic: Gossip 

1. Question:

  • How do you think gossip affects relationships, work, society, both positively and negatively?

2. Question:

  • Can you share an interesting or amusing gossip story that you've heard recently?


  1. Gossip: Casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as true.
  2. Amusing: Causing laughter or providing entertainment in an enjoyable and cheerful way.

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Monday, February 26, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Feb 26 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 61 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: English Grammar

1. Question:

  • What English grammar rule do you find challenging, and how do you try to overcome it?

2. Question:

  • Can you share a funny or memorable experience related to learning English grammar?


  1. Challenging: Difficult, requiring effort and determination to overcome.
  2. Memorable: Worthy of being remembered, often because of being special or unusual.


Round 2

Topic: Gun control 

1. Question:

  • How do you think cultural differences impact perspectives on gun control? How is this topic managed in your culture?

2. Question:

  • Can you share your opinion on whether stricter gun control measures would be effective?


  1. Perspectives: Points of view or ways of thinking about a subject.
  2. Stricter: More severe or rigid, involving greater control or regulation.


Round 3

Topic: Hacking

1. Question:

  • In your opinion, what are the ethical concerns related to hacking? What hacking techniques are you aware of?

2. Question:

  • How can individuals protect themselves from falling victim to hacking?


  1. Ethical: Pertaining to principles of right and wrong behavior, especially in the context of choices and actions.
  2. Victim: A person who suffers from a harmful or damaging action, such as a hacking attack.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Feb 27 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Hair

1. Question:

  • How does hair change the way we look? Are you happy with your hair and what kind of hair would you really like to have?
  • How has your hairstyle changed over the past few years? Did you have a hairstyle a long time ago that you think is embarrassing now and are you worried about going bald or having gray hair?


  1. Fashion: A popular trend, especially in clothing, hairstyle, or makeup, at a given time.
  2. Tradition: A custom or belief that is passed down from generation to generation within a community or society.

Round 2

Topic: Hangovers

1. Question:

  • What are some traditional or cultural remedies for dealing with hangovers in your country?

2. Question:

  • How do you personally prepare or recover from a hangover after a night out?


  1. Remedies: Solutions or treatments used to relieve or cure a particular condition, such as a hangover.
  2. Recover: To return to a normal state of health or strength after an illness or intoxication.


Round 3

Topic: Hate

1. Question:

  • Can you share an example of a personal experience where you witnessed or encountered hate, and how did it affect you?

2. Question:

  • In your opinion, what steps can individuals or communities take to address and overcome hate?


  1. Encounter: To come across or experience something, often unexpectedly.
  2. Overcome: To successfully deal with or defeat a problem or difficulty, such as hate.

Round 3

Topic: Humor

1. Question:

  • What types of humor do you enjoy the most, and can you share a funny story or joke that always makes you laugh?

2. Question:

  • Do you think humor is a universal language, or are there cultural differences in what people find funny?


  1. Enjoy:
    • Definition: To take pleasure or satisfaction in something.
  2. Cultural Differences:
    • Definition: Variances in beliefs, customs, and behaviors between different cultures.

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Tuesday, February 27, 2024 07:30 PM - Tues Feb 27 - 2024 - 7:30 pm - Week 61 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: Health care

1. Question:

  • In your opinion, what are the advantages and disadvantages of a public healthcare system compared to a private one?

2. Question:

  • Is the health care in your country getting better or worse? How does it work and is it free?


  1. Advantages:
    • Definition: Conditions or qualities that provide a benefit or positive aspect.
  2. Disadvantages:
    • Definition: Conditions or qualities that cause problems or have negative effects.

Round 2

Topic: The heart

1. Question:

  • Do you worry about having heart problems? Do you ever think about your heart?

2. Question:

  • What can you do to take care of your heart, what recommendations can you share?


  1. Cardiovascular:
    • Definition: Relating to the heart and blood vessels as a system.
  2. Cholesterol:
    • Definition: A fatty substance present in the cells of the body; high levels can lead to heart-related issues.

Round 3

Topic: History

1. Question:

  • What periods of history interest you most? What do you think of the recent history of your country – the past fifty years?

2. Question:

  • In your opinion, what historical event had the most significant impact on shaping the world today?


  1. Archaeology:
    • Definition: The study of human history and prehistory through excavation and analysis of artifacts, structures, and other physical remains.
  2. Civilization:
    • Definition: A complex society with its own culture, institutions, and technological development.

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Wednesday, February 28, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Feb 28 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 4 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Round 1 Business English 

Topic: Retirement

1. Question:

  • What activities or hobbies do you envision pursuing after retirement?

2. Question:

  • How important do you think it is to start saving for retirement early in one's career?


  1. Pension:
    • Definition: A fixed sum paid regularly to a person, typically after retirement from service.
  2. Leisure:
    • Definition: Free time when one can engage in activities of choice for relaxation and enjoyment.

Round 2

Topic: Work experience 

  • Can you share a memorable or challenging experience from your work history?

2. Question:

  • How has your work experience contributed to your personal and professional growth?


  1. Internship:
    • Definition: A period of work experience, often in a specific industry, that is offered to students or recent graduates.
  2. Mentorship:
    • Definition: The guidance provided by a mentor, who is typically a more experienced or knowledgeable person in a specific field.

Round 3

Topic: Investing 

1. Question:

  • What factors do you consider when making investment decisions, and how do they align with your financial goals?

2. Question:

  • Can you share an investment strategy or tip that you find particularly useful?


  1. Diversification:
    • Definition: Spreading investments across different assets or types of investments to reduce risk.
  2. Portfolio:
    • Definition: A collection of financial investments like stocks, bonds, and other assets held by an individual or organization.

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Thursday, February 29, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Feb 29 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 61 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Working from home

1. Question:

  • What are some advantages and disadvantages of working from home, in your opinion?

2. Question:

  • How do you maintain a work-life balance when your home is also your workplace?


  1. Telecommuting:
    • Definition: Working from a location other than the employer's office, often using technology to stay connected.
  2. Productivity:
    • Definition: The effectiveness and efficiency with which work is completed, measured by the output or results achieved.

Round 2

Topic: Heaven 

1. Question:

  • How does your cultural or religious background shape your views on the concept of heaven?

2. Question:

  • Can you share a personal belief or cultural perspective regarding what happens in heaven?


  1. Elysian:
    • Definition: Relating to or characteristic of heaven or paradise.
  2. Beatific:
    • Definition: Blissfully happy or serene, often used to describe a heavenly state.

Round 3

Topic: Heroes

1. Question:

  • Who is considered a hero in your culture, and what qualities do they possess?

2. Question:

  • Can you think of a personal hero in your life and share a story or characteristic that makes them heroic to you?


  1. Valiant:
    • Definition: Showing courage or determination in the face of danger or difficulty.
  2. Admirable:
    • Definition: Worthy of admiration; inspiring approval, respect, or affection.

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Friday, March 01, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Mar 1 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Hitch hiking

1. Question:

  • What do you think are the pros and cons of hitchhiking as a means of travel?

2. Question:

  • Have you ever had an interesting or memorable experience while hitchhiking, or do you know someone who has?


  1. Nomadic:
    • Definition: Living a mobile and unsettled lifestyle, often moving from place to place.
  2. Adventure:
    • Definition: An exciting or unusual experience; a daring and challenging undertaking.

Round 2

Topic: Holidays

1. Question:

  • What holidays do you celebrate in your country/ culture? Is traveling during the holidays stressful in your country?

2. Question:

  • Can you share a unique holiday tradition from your culture or a memorable holiday experience you've had?


  1. Festive:
    • Definition: Related to or suitable for a celebration or festival.
  2. Relaxation:
    • Definition: The state of being free from tension and stress; a period of rest and leisure.

Round 3

Topic: Hometown 

1. Question:

  • What are some unique aspects or landmarks in your hometown that you would recommend to visitors? Is your hometown famous for anything?

2. Question:

  • How has your hometown changed over the years, and what aspects do you think have remained the same?


  1. Landmark:
    • Definition: A recognizable feature of a landscape or a location that serves as a guide, especially in navigation or a marker for identifying a location.
  2. Tradition:
    • Definition: The transmission of customs or beliefs from generation to generation, or the fact of being passed on in this way.

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Friday, March 01, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Mar 1 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 61 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: How to's

1. Question:

  • Can you share a specific "how-to" skill or task that you've recently learned or mastered?

2. Question:

  • What is something you've always wanted to learn how to do, and why?


  1. Expertise:
    • Definition: Specialized skill or knowledge in a particular field, activity, or subject.
  2. Tutorial:
    • Definition: A set of instructions or a guide explaining how to do something, often in a step-by-step manner.

Round 2

Topic: Garlic

1. Question:

  • In what cuisines or dishes do you think garlic plays a crucial role, and how is it used?

2. Question:

  • Can you share a personal cooking experience where adding garlic made a significant difference in flavor?


  1. Pungent:
    • Definition: Having a strong, sharp, and often overpowering smell or taste.
  2. Clove:
    • Definition: A single section of a garlic bulb, often used as a cooking ingredient.

Round 3

Topic: Gangs

1. Question:

  • Is gang violence a problem in your society? How do you think socioeconomic factors contribute to the formation and growth of gangs in urban areas?

2. Question:

  • Can you discuss some strategies communities might employ to prevent young people from joining gangs?


  1. Criminality:
    • Definition: Involvement in criminal activities or behavior.
  2. Initiation:
    • Definition: The process of admitting someone into a group, often with a formal or ceremonial procedure.

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Saturday, March 02, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Mar 2 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 61 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Immigration in the USA

1. Question:

  • What are some common reasons people choose to immigrate to the USA, and how have these reasons evolved over time?

2. Question:

  • In your opinion, what challenges might immigrants face when trying to establish themselves in a new country like the USA?


  1. Naturalization:
    • Definition: The legal process by which a foreign citizen becomes a citizen of a new country.
  2. Diversity Visa (DV) Program:
    • Definition: A U.S. government program that provides a limited number of visas through a lottery system to individuals from countries with low rates of immigration to the United States.

Round 2

Topic: Inflation

1. Question:

  • What is the rate of inflation in your country and what causes it?

2. Question:

  • In what ways can governments and central banks control or mitigate the effects of inflation on an economy?


  1. Hyperinflation:
    • Definition: Extremely high and typically accelerating inflation, leading to a sharp decrease in the real value of a country's currency.
  2. Deflation:
    • Definition: The general reduction of prices in an economy, leading to a decrease in the purchasing power of money.

Round 3

Topic: Jail

1. Question:

  • Do you think people leave jail better people or better criminals? What are the jails like in your country?

2. Question:

  • Can you discuss some alternative methods to incarceration that focus on reforming individuals rather than isolating them?


  1. Rehabilitation:
    • Definition: The process of helping a person who has committed a crime to return to a positive and productive life, often through education, therapy, or vocational training.
  2. Recidivism:
    • Definition: The tendency of a convicted criminal to reoffend, often leading to a return to jail or prison.

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Monday, March 04, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Mar 4 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 61 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Insects 

  1. Question: Do you like insects? What insects are the most interesting and how can they help humans? What insects are there in your country?

  2. Question: How do insects impact our daily lives, and can you share any experiences or observations related to interactions with insects? What is your scariest insect moment?


  1. Entomology:

    • Definition: The scientific study of insects, including their classification, behavior, ecology, and physiology.
  2. Pollination:

    • Definition: The process by which pollen is transferred from the male part of a flower to the female part, allowing for fertilization and the production of seeds.

Round 2

Topic: Junk food

  1. Question: What's your favorite junk food, and why do you think people are drawn to certain types of unhealthy snacks? What typical junk food do you have in your country?

  2. Question: In your opinion, how does the availability and consumption of junk food influence both individual health and the culture of a community?


  1. Processed Food:

    • Definition: Food items that have undergone various mechanical or chemical treatments during manufacturing, often resulting in a longer shelf life and altered taste or texture.
  2. Craving:

    • Definition: A strong desire for a particular type of food, often perceived as irresistible.

Round 3

Topic: Learning

  1. Question: What's the most effective way you've found for learning new things, and do you think everyone has the same learning preferences?

  2. Question: Are you good at learning new things? What’s the difference between teaching and learning? Does teaching always lead to learning? Is it true that as we get older, it gets more difficult to learn something new?


  1. Assimilate:

    • Definition: To take in or absorb information and understand it thoroughly.
  2. Curriculum:

    • Definition: The subjects comprising a course of study in a school or college, often leading to an academic degree.

* You will be allowed to Enter your class 10 minutes before scheduled time, when button turns green and says ENTER.
Tuesday, March 05, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Mar 5 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Liberty

  1. Question: How do you personally define liberty, and do you think there are any limits to personal freedom?

  2. Question: In different cultures, the concept of liberty may be interpreted differently. Can you share an example of how liberty might be viewed in a way that's distinct from your own cultural understanding?


  1. Autonomy:

    • Definition: The right or condition of self-government; independence.
  2. Sovereignty:

    • Definition: Supreme power or authority; the authority of a state to govern itself.

Round 2

Topic: Love

  1. Question: Love is often expressed and understood in various ways across different cultures. Can you share a unique tradition or practice related to expressing love in your culture?

  2. Question: Beyond romantic love, there are many forms of love, such as platonic love or the love for a hobby. Can you describe a type of love that is important to you but may not be commonly discussed?


  1. Infatuation:

    • Definition: An intense but short-lived passion or admiration for someone or something.
  2. Companionship:

    • Definition: The feeling of fellowship and friendship; a state of being with someone in a friendly manner.

Round 3

Topic: Magazines

  1. Question: Magazines cover a wide range of topics, from fashion to science. What types of magazines do you enjoy reading, and how do they contribute to your understanding of the world?

  2. Question: With the rise of digital media, the popularity of print magazines has changed. Do you prefer reading magazines online or in print, and why?


  1. Periodical:

    • Definition: A publication issued at regular intervals, such as weekly, monthly, or quarterly.
  2. Feature Article:

    • Definition: A prominent and detailed article in a magazine, typically covering a specific topic in depth.

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Wednesday, March 06, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Mar 6 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Magic

  1. Have you ever witnessed a live magic performance or seen a magician perform on TV? What was the most impressive trick that you remember?

  2. Question: Do you believe people can do magic? What kinds of magic or magicians are there in your country?


  1. Illusion:

    • Definition: Something that appears real or true but is actually not; a deceptive appearance or impression, often used in the context of magic tricks.
  2. Enchant:

    • Definition: To fill someone with great delight or captivate them with a magical or charming quality. In magic, it can also mean to place a spell or charm on someone or something.

Round 2

Topic: Marriage

  1. Question: What springs to mind when you hear the word ‘marriage’? What do you think about gay marriage?

  2. Question: What qualities do you think are essential for a successful and happy marriage? How do cultural differences influence the concept of marriage?


  1. Matrimony:

    • Definition: The state of being married; the institution that involves a legally and socially recognized union between two individuals.
  2. Commitment:

    • Definition: The dedication and loyalty to a cause, person, or relationship, often involving the promise to support and stand by someone in both good and challenging times.

Round 3

Topic: Meditation 

  1. Question: How do you think practicing meditation can positively impact our daily lives and mental well-being? Have you ever tried meditation, and if so, what was your experience like?

  2. Question: Meditation is often associated with various cultures and religions. Can you share any insights or practices related to meditation from your cultural background or any culture you find interesting?


  1. Zen:

    Definition: A school of Mahayana Buddhism that emphasizes the importance of meditation and intuition in the path to enlightenment.
  2. Tranquility:

    • Definition: The state of being calm, peaceful, and free from disturbance or agitation; a quality often sought through meditation and mindfulness practices.

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Thursday, March 07, 2024 10:00 AM - Thursday Mar 7, 2024, 10 AM
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Round 1

Topic: Meals

  1. Question:If you could have a meal from any cuisine in the world, which one would you choose, and what specific dish would you like to try?
  2. Question:Share a memorable meal experience you've had. What made it special, and what did you enjoy about the food and the company?


  1. Gourmet:
    • Definition:Relating to high-quality, refined, and elaborate culinary practices, often associated with fine dining.
  2. Savor:
    • Definition:To enjoy or appreciate something fully, especially when it comes to the taste or smell of food.

Round 2

Topic: Dreams

  1. Question:What's the most interesting or vivid dream you've ever had? Share some details and how it made you feel.
  2. Question:If you could choose any place or situation to dream about tonight, where or what would it be, and why?


  1. Subconscious:
    • Definition:The part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness; it includes thoughts, memories, and desires that are not actively thought about but may still influence behavior.
  2. Aspiration:
    • Definition:A strong desire, goal, or ambition; something that one hopes

Round 3

Topic: Movies

  1. Question:What's a movie from your childhood that left a lasting impression on you? Share a scene or moment that you still remember.
  2. Question:If you had to watch only one movie genre for the rest of your life, which would you choose, and why do you enjoy that type of film?


  1. Cinematography:
    • Definition:The art and technique of film photography, including camera placement, lighting, and other visual elements that contribute to the overall look and feel of a movie.
  2. Plot Twist:
    • Definition:An unexpected development or turn of events in the storyline

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Thursday, March 07, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Mar 7 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 61 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Mathematics

  1. Question: In what ways do you think mathematics is used in our daily lives beyond the classroom? Can you share any examples of how mathematical concepts are applied in different professions or situations?

  2. Question: Many people find certain aspects of mathematics challenging. What topics or concepts in mathematics do you find most interesting, and which ones do you find more challenging? How do you overcome difficulties in understanding mathematical concepts?


  1. Algorithm:

    • Definition: A step-by-step procedure or formula for solving a problem or accomplishing a task, often used in mathematics and computer science.
  2. Equation:

    • Definition: A mathematical statement that shows the equality of two expressions by using an equal sign; often involves variables, constants, and mathematical operations.

Round 2

Topic: Meat

  1. Question: What is a popular meat dish from your culture, and how is it traditionally prepared? Are there any specific spices or cooking methods that make it unique?

  2. Question: Some people choose not to eat meat for ethical reasons. What are your thoughts on ethical considerations related to meat consumption, such as animal welfare and environmental impact?


  1. Sustainable:

    • Definition: Capable of being maintained or continued over the long term without harming the environment, society, or economy.
  2. Carnivorous:

    • Definition: Describing animals or individuals that primarily eat meat as their main source of nutrition.

Round 3

Topic: Michael Jackson

  1. Influence on Pop Culture:

    • Question: Michael Jackson is often referred to as the "King of Pop." How do you think his music and style have influenced popular culture, both in the past and today?
  2. Controversies and Legacy:

    • Question: Michael Jackson's life was marked by both incredible success and controversies. How do you think these aspects have shaped his legacy, and what impact do they have on the way he is remembered?


  1. Definition: Widely recognized and admired, often representing a symbol or standard of excellence.

  2. Definition: A dance move associated with Michael Jackson, involving a backward glide that creates the illusion of the dancer walking forward while sliding backward.

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Friday, March 08, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Mar 8 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 61 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Pleasant dreams

  1. Question: What's the most interesting, pleasant or vivid dream you've ever had? Share some details and how it made you feel.

  2. Question: If you could choose any place or situation to dream about tonight, where or what would it be, and why?


  1. Subconscious:

    • Definition: The part of the mind that operates below the level of conscious awareness; it includes thoughts, memories, and desires that are not actively thought about but may still influence behavior.
  2. Aspiration:

    • Definition: A strong desire, goal, or ambition; something that one hopes to achieve or attain in the future.

Round 2

Topic: Money

  1. Question: What comes into your head when you hear the word "money" and how important is it?

  2. Question: Can money buy happiness? How important is money to you? Have you ever lost a lot of money? Does having a lot of money make someone more attractive?


  1. Budget:

    • Definition: A plan that outlines an individual's or organization's expected income and expenses over a specific period, helping to manage finances effectively.
  2. Investment:

    • Definition: The act of allocating money with the expectation of generating income or profit, typically through purchasing assets or financial instruments.
Round 3
Topic: The moon
  1. Question: Why do you think exploring the moon is important, and what benefits can it bring to scientific knowledge and everyday life on Earth? Why do you think people say the Moon landing didn’t really happen, that it was just a hoax?

  2. Question: In what ways is the moon culturally significant in different societies, and are there any specific traditions or beliefs related to the moon in your culture? What do you think about when you look at the Moon?


  1. Lunar Phase:

    • Definition: The different appearances of the moon as seen from Earth, such as crescent, gibbous, and full moon, caused by the changing angles of the moon, Earth, and the sun.
  2. Tidal Forces:

    • Definition: The gravitational forces exerted by the moon and the sun on Earth, causing the rise and fall of tides in oceans and other bodies of water.

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Friday, March 08, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Mar 8 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 61 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Mornings

  1. Question: What morning rituals or habits do you find most beneficial for starting your day on a positive note, and how do they impact the rest of your day? Do you prefer the morning or the evening?

  2. Question: In your culture, are there specific morning traditions or customs that people follow? How do these practices contribute to the overall cultural identity?


  1. Aubade:

    • Definition: A poem, song, or composition expressing morning love or praise, often associated with the dawn.
  2. Foggy:

    • Definition: Covered or filled with thick mist or low cloud, creating reduced visibility and a tranquil, atmospheric morning ambiance.

Round 2

Topic: Musical Instruments 

  1. Question: What’s your favourite musical instrument and did you ever learned to play it? What is the most unusual musical instrument you know of?

  2. Question: What traditional musical instruments do you have in your country/ culture? Should music be taught in schools as a mandatory subject?


  1. Melodic:

    • Definition: Having a pleasant and harmonious arrangement of notes, creating a soothing or melodious sound.
  2. Resonance:

    • Definition: The quality of sound being deep, full, and reverberating, often indicating richness and clarity in musical tones.

Round 3

Topic: Mysteries 

  1. Question: When it comes to mysteries, do you prefer detective novels, supernatural mysteries, or something else? Can you share a favorite mystery story or movie that left a lasting impression on you?

  2. Question: There are many unsolved mysteries in the world, from historical enigmas to modern-day puzzles. If you could solve one mystery, which one would it be, and why?


  1. Enigma:

    • Definition: Something mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand. It often refers to a person or thing that is mysterious and hard to interpret.
  2. Intrigue:

    • Definition: The quality of being fascinating and mysterious. It involves capturing one's curiosity or interest in a secretive or captivating way.

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Saturday, March 09, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Mar 9 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 61 Meeting 8 GAME DAY!
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Special Game Day!

For this session, we will be playing the game BOX OF LIES! The instructions for the game will be here for you to look at and review before we start playing the game.


The student who can see the picture does one of two things. They can describe the image truthfully, or pretend to describe that picture while actually inventing a completely different description. Changing just minor elements of the picture is not allowed.
Either way, they have to fool the other student(s) into thinking they are doing the opposite, i.e. lying when they are telling the truth, or telling the truth when they are lying.
When the student with the picture has finished their description (instruct them to be as detailed as they can), the other students guess whether they are telling the truth or lying. If a student guesses correctly they get a point, but the student describing gets a point for every student that guesses incorrectly.
Repeat with different students describing new pictures. The student with the most points at the end wins.
Target Language
The Box Of Lies ESL game is a really fun warm up activity for high intermediate and advanced students. As those lying are likely to be more hesitant, it’s great for fluency practice, and students will have a lot of fun trying to trick each other. Try and choose pictures that incorporate recently learned words, or perhaps even those with some fantastical/surreal elements to make guessing more difficult.

Video link example: 


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Monday, March 11, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Mar 11 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 62 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Murder

  1. Question: Why do humans murder? Is killing someone in self-defence murder? Is abortion murder?

  2. Question: From a legal and moral standpoint, how do you think societies should approach punishing murderers? Do you believe in the death penalty, or do you think there are more effective ways to handle such cases?


  1. Homicide:

    • Definition: The act of killing another person, whether intentionally (murder) or unintentionally (manslaughter).
  2. Forensic:

    • Definition: Relating to the use of scientific methods and techniques to investigate crimes. Forensic evidence, for example, includes DNA analysis and fingerprinting.

Round 2

Topic: Musical Instruments

  1. Question: If you were to learn to play a musical instrument, which one would you choose and why? Is there a specific type of music or cultural influence that attracts you to that instrument?

  2. Question: Different cultures have unique musical instruments. Can you think of a particular instrument that holds special significance in your culture or in a culture you admire? What does it symbolize or represent?


  1. Melody:

    • Definition: A sequence of single pitches that are perceived as a recognizable, cohesive musical phrase.
  2. Harmony:

    • Definition: The combination of different musical notes played or sung simultaneously to produce a pleasing effect. Harmony adds depth and richness to music.

Round 3

Topic: Obesity

  1. Question: In your opinion, how do cultural differences impact people's eating habits and contribute to the issue of obesity? Are there certain foods or eating practices that you think might be more prevalent in contributing to obesity in different cultures?

  2. Question: What measures do you think can be taken at a societal level to prevent obesity? How can communities and governments promote healthier lifestyles and combat the rising rates of obesity?


  1. Sedentary:

    • Definition: Involving little physical activity; characterized by sitting or lack of physical exertion.
  2. Nutrient-Dense:

    • Definition: Foods that are rich in essential nutrients while being relatively low in calories. Nutrient-dense foods provide a high amount of vitamins, minerals, and other health-promoting compounds.

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Tuesday, March 12, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Mar 12 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 62 - Meeting 2 CASE STUDY - BUSINESS
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Case Study: Building a Small Business

Background: You are a group of friends who have always shared a passion for a particular hobby or interest. Recently, you've been considering turning this shared interest into a small business. Each of you brings unique skills and perspectives to the table. The goal is to create a successful and sustainable business venture while navigating the challenges of entrepreneurship.


  1. Alex: The creative mind and innovator. Enjoys designing and coming up with new ideas.
  2. Jordan: The practical thinker. Good with finances and organization.
  3. Morgan: The social butterfly. Excels in networking and building connections.
  4. Taylor: The tech-savvy one. Skilled in online marketing and technology.

Scenario: You and your friends decide to start a business related to your shared interest. The challenge is to identify the business idea, allocate responsibilities, and overcome the hurdles of starting a small business. The focus is on teamwork, effective communication, and leveraging each member's strengths.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Business Idea:

    • Question: What business idea would align with your shared interest? How can you ensure that it stands out in the market?
  2. Role Allocation:

    • Question: Considering your individual strengths, how would you allocate roles and responsibilities within the business? How can each person's skills contribute to the overall success?
  3. Marketing Strategies:

    • Question: As Taylor is the tech-savvy member, how can technology be utilized to market your business? What online platforms and strategies could be effective?
  4. Challenges and Solutions:

    • Question: Anticipate potential challenges in starting a small business. How would you overcome these challenges as a team?


  1. Entrepreneurship:

    • Definition: The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  2. Innovation:

    • Definition: The introduction of new ideas, methods, or products.
  3. Networking:

    • Definition: The action or process of interacting with others to exchange information and develop professional or social contacts.
  4. Market Differentiation:

    • Definition: The process of distinguishing a product or service from others in the market to make it more attractive to a particular target market.

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Wednesday, March 13, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Mar 13 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 62 - Meeting 3 ENGLISH CLASS
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Today we'll explore the colorful world of idiomatic expressions that add flair and depth to everyday communication. Idioms are fascinating linguistic gems that often defy literal interpretation, making them an exciting aspect of language learning.

Throughout this lesson, we'll unravel the mysteries behind common idioms, discovering their origins, meanings, and how to use them effectively in conversation. From "raining cats and dogs" to "burning the midnight oil," idioms are more than just words; they provide insight into cultural nuances and offer a unique window into the richness of the English language.

Prepare to embark on a linguistic adventure where the expressions you learn will not only enhance your language proficiency but also add a touch of native-like fluency to your communication. So, let's dive in together and explore the world of idioms and expressions – where language meets creativity!

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Thursday, March 14, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur Mar 14 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 62 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Old age

  1. Question 1: What do you think are the advantages of growing old and gaining experience?

  2. Question 2: Can you share a story or lesson from an elderly person that has influenced your perspective on life?


  1. Wisdom: The ability to make sound decisions based on knowledge and experience gained over time.
  2. Vitality: The state of being full of life, energy, and vigor, even in old age.


Round 2

Topic: Organ transplants

  1. Question 1: How do you feel about the idea of organ transplants, and what ethical considerations do you think are involved?

  2. Question 2: Can you think of any challenges or benefits associated with organ transplants from both the donor and recipient perspectives?


  1. Transplantation: The process of taking an organ or tissue from one person (or organism) and placing it into another.
  2. Recipient: The person who receives an organ or tissue through transplantation.

Round 3

Topic: Overpopulation

  1. Question 1: In your opinion, what are some of the consequences of overpopulation, and how might it affect different aspects of society?

  2. Question 2: Can you think of solutions or strategies to address the challenges posed by overpopulation, and how might they be implemented?


  1. Overpopulation: The condition of having a population too large for the available resources, leading to environmental, social, and economic challenges.
  2. Consequences: The results or effects that arise as a result of a particular action or situation.

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Thursday, March 14, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Mar 14 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 62 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Panic

  1. Question 1: Have you ever experienced a situation that caused panic, and how did you manage to calm down?

  2. Question 2: In your opinion, what are some effective ways to deal with panic in high-pressure situations?


  1. Panic: A sudden and overwhelming feeling of fear or anxiety, often resulting in a frantic or chaotic response.
  2. Manage: To handle or control a situation or emotion effectively.


Round 2

Topic: Parks

  1. Question 1: What is your favorite activity to do in parks, and why do you enjoy it? Are parks part of your city/ country?

  2. Question 2: Can you share a memorable experience you've had in a park, and how did it make you feel?


  1. Scenic: Providing or resembling a pleasing view, especially of natural beauty.
  2. Recreation: Activities done for enjoyment and relaxation during one's free time.

Round 3

Topic: Parties

  1. Question 1: What's the most memorable party (best/ worst) you've attended, and what made it special for you?

  2. Question 2: What makes a good party good for you? Have you been to a party in another country? Was it different to parties in your country?


  1. Extravagant: Elaborate and impressive, often involving high expenses.
  2. Socialize: To engage in social activities and interact with others in a friendly manner.

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Friday, March 15, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Mar 15 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 62 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Pasta

  1. Question 1: What's your favorite type of pasta dish, and can you share a memorable experience related to it?

  2. Question 2: If you could create your own pasta recipe, what ingredients would you include, and why?


  1. Al Dente: An Italian term meaning "to the tooth," used to describe pasta that is cooked to be firm when bitten.
  2. Savor: To enjoy and appreciate the taste or flavor of something slowly and with delight.


Round 2

Topic: Patience

  1. Question 1: Share a situation where you had to practice patience, and how did it impact the outcome?

  2. Question 2: In your opinion, what strategies or activities help in developing patience in our daily lives?


  1. Endure: To tolerate or bear a challenging situation or hardship with patience and resilience.
  2. Tolerance: The ability to accept delays, mistakes, or the behavior of others without becoming annoyed or anxious.


Round 3

Topic: Personalities

  1. Question 1: Describe a memorable encounter with someone whose personality left a lasting impression on you. What stood out about them?

  2. Question 2: How would you describe your personality? What of your personality traits do you like most? What is the most attractive personality trait a person can have?


  1. Charismatic: Possessing a magnetic and charming personality that attracts and influences others.
  2. Introverted: Characterized by a reserved and quiet personality, often preferring solitary activities over socializing.

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Friday, March 15, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Mar 15 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 62 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Philosophy

  1. Question 1: Do you believe in the philosophy that everything happens for a reason? Why or why not?

  2. Question 2: If you could choose one philosophical concept to live by, which one would it be and how would it shape your life?


  1. Metaphysics: The branch of philosophy that explores the fundamental nature of reality, including the relationship between mind and matter, substance and attribute, and potentiality and actuality.

  2. Ethics: The branch of philosophy that deals with moral principles and values, guiding individuals in distinguishing right from wrong and influencing their conduct.


Round 2

Topic: Plagiarism

  1. Question 1: How do you think education systems can better educate students about the consequences of plagiarism?

  2. Question 2: Have you ever unintentionally committed plagiarism, and if so, how did you rectify the situation? Has cut and paste decreased creativity and original thought?


  1. Plagiarism: The act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without giving them proper credit, often leading to a breach of academic integrity and ethical standards.

  2. Attribution: The practice of giving credit to the original source of information or ideas, acknowledging the creator's work when using it in one's own work.

Round 3

Topic: Playtime

  1. Question 1: What types of games or activities do you enjoy during your playtime, and why?

  2. Question 2: How has the concept of playtime changed for you from childhood to adulthood, and what activities do you miss from your childhood playtime?


  1. Recreation: Playtime activities or experiences that help individuals relax, unwind, and enjoy themselves, often contributing to their overall well-being.

  2. Leisure: Free time or time away from work or responsibilities, used for activities that bring enjoyment and relaxation.

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Saturday, March 16, 2024 11:00 AM - Sat Mar 16 - 2024 - 11 am - Week 62 Meeting 8 GAMES DAY
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Game 1

Would you rather

Game 2

Job Interview questions

Game 3


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Monday, March 18, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Mar 18 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 63 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Pets

  1. Question 1: What do you think are the benefits of having pets, and how do they contribute to people's lives?

  2. Question 2: Can you share a memorable experience or funny story about a pet you've had or interacted with?


  1. Companion: A pet or animal that provides companionship and emotional support to its owner, often forming a close bond with them.

  2. Domestication: The process by which wild animals are adapted to live with humans, often becoming tamer and more suitable for domestic life.


Round 2

Topic: Poverty

  1. Question 1: How do you think education can help break the cycle of poverty in communities? What kind of poverty exists in your country?

  2. Question 2: Can you discuss some potential solutions or initiatives that governments or organizations can implement to alleviate poverty? What would happen if poverty did not exist?


  1. Impoverished: Describes individuals or communities experiencing extreme poverty, lacking basic necessities such as food, shelter, and healthcare.

  2. Socioeconomic: Relating to the social and economic factors that influence a person's or community's status and opportunities, such as income, education, and employment.

Round 3

Topic: Power

  1. Question 1: How do you define power in a social context, and can you give examples of individuals or groups who wield significant power in society? 

  2. Question 2: Do you think power always leads to corruption, or are there instances where power is used positively for the benefit of others? Which is the world’s most dangerous power?


  1. Authority: The right or power to enforce rules, make decisions, or command obedience.

  2. Dominance: The state of being in control or having influence over others, often achieved through strength, authority, or superiority.

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Tuesday, March 19, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Mar 19 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 63 - Meeting 2 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Topic: Customers

  1. Question 1: What qualities do you think make a customer loyal to a particular brand or business?

  2. Question 2: Can you share an experience where exceptional customer service influenced your decision to return to a store or restaurant?


  1. Consumer: A person who purchases goods or services for personal use or consumption.

  2. Clientele: The collective body of clients or customers served by a business or organization.

Round 2

Topic: Competition

  1. Question 1: How do businesses use competitive pricing strategies to attract customers?

  2. Question 2: Can you think of any innovative marketing tactics that companies use to stay ahead of their competitors?


  1. Competition: The rivalry between businesses offering similar products or services, often striving to gain a larger market share or outperform each other.

  2. Market Share: The percentage of total sales in a market that is captured by a company, product, or brand.


Round 3

Topic: Sales

  1. Question 1: What are some effective sales techniques that businesses use to persuade customers to make purchases?

  2. Question 2: How do companies analyze sales data to identify trends and improve their sales strategies?


  1. Sales: The exchange of goods or services for money or other valuable consideration; the act of selling products or services to customers.

  2. Techniques: Methods or approaches used to achieve a particular result, such as sales techniques employed by businesses to persuade customers.

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Mar 20 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 63 - Meeting 3 ENGLISH CLASS
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English Lesson


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Thursday, March 21, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur Mar 21 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 63 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Prejudice

  1. Question 1: How can we challenge prejudice in our communities and workplaces to promote inclusivity and diversity?

  2. Question 2: What are some common stereotypes or misconceptions that contribute to prejudice, and how can we address them effectively?


  1. Prejudice: Preconceived opinions or attitudes, usually negative, formed without sufficient knowledge, thought, or reason, often directed towards individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, or religion.

  2. Inclusivity: The practice or policy of providing equal access to opportunities and resources for all individuals, regardless of differences in race, gender, religion, or other characteristics, in order to promote diversity and foster a sense of belonging.

Round 2

Topic: Presentations 

  1. Question 1: What strategies do you find effective for capturing and maintaining the audience's attention during a presentation?

  2. Question 2: How do you handle nervousness or anxiety before and during a presentation, and what techniques do you use to project confidence? What is the most difficult thing about making a presentation?


  1. Presentation: A formal talk, speech, or demonstration, usually given to an audience, with the aim of conveying information, persuading, or explaining a topic.

  2. Audience: The group of people who are present and listening to or observing a presentation, performance, or event.


Round 3

Topic: Privacy:

  1. Question 1: How do you balance the need for privacy with the benefits of sharing personal information in today's digital age?

  2. Question 2: Can you share an experience where you felt your privacy was invaded, and what measures do you take to protect your privacy online?


  1. Privacy: The state or condition of being free from public attention to one's personal matters or information.

  2. Invasion: The act of intruding upon someone's privacy or rights without permission or authorization.

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Thursday, March 21, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Mar 21 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 63 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Pronunciation 

  1. Question 1: What strategies do you use to improve your pronunciation in a new language? Do you prefer British or American pronunciation?

  2. Question 2: How important do you think pronunciation is for effective communication, and why? What’s the biggest communication problem you’ve had because of pronunciation?


  1. Pronunciation: The way in which a word or language is spoken, especially in terms of the sounds and intonation used.

  2. Communication: The imparting or exchanging of information or news.


Round 2

Topic: English grammar

  1. Question 1: What are some common grammar mistakes you've noticed English learners make, and how do you suggest they can overcome them?

  2. Question 2: How do you think understanding English grammar rules impacts language fluency and proficiency?


  1. Grammar: The set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural language.

  2. Fluency: The ability to speak or write a language smoothly and easily, without hesitation.

Round 3

Topic: English conversation 

  1. Question 1: What strategies do you find most effective for improving your English conversation skills outside of the classroom?

  2. Question 2: Can you share a memorable experience from practicing English conversation with someone from a different cultural background?


  1. ESL (English as a Second Language): A program designed to help non-native speakers learn and improve their English language skills.

  2. Conversation: An interactive exchange of thoughts, ideas, and information between two or more people, typically spoken.

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Friday, March 22, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Mar 22 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 63 - Meeting 6
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Case Study: The Smith Family's Adoption Journey

The Smith Family: The Smiths, a couple in their early thirties, have been trying to start a family for several years without success. They decide to explore adoption as a way to fulfill their dream of becoming parents. The case study follows their journey through the adoption process.

Key Discussion Points:

  1. Motivation for Adoption:

    • Discuss the reasons why the Smiths have chosen adoption.
    • Encourage students to share their thoughts on motivations for adopting children.
  2. Research and Decision-Making:

    • Explore the steps the Smiths take to research adoption agencies and make informed decisions.
    • Discuss the factors individuals or couples should consider when deciding to adopt.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity:

    • The Smiths are open to adopting a child from a different cultural background. Discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity in adoption.
    • Share stories or opinions about the significance of maintaining cultural connections in adopted families.
  4. Legal Process:

    • Outline the legal procedures the Smiths go through during the adoption process.
    • Discuss how adoption laws may vary across countries and the importance of understanding them.
  5. Meeting the Child:

    • Explore the emotions involved when the Smiths meet their adopted child for the first time.
    • Discuss the challenges and joys of forming a connection with an adopted child.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What do you think are the advantages and challenges of adopting children?
  2. How important is cultural background when considering adoption? Share your opinions or experiences.
  3. Discuss the legal aspects of adoption in your country. Are there any specific regulations or requirements?
  4. How do you think the Smiths should prepare for meeting their adopted child? What emotions might they experience?


  1. Fulfill:
    • Definition: To satisfy or bring to completion.
  2. Research:
    • Definition: The systematic investigation into and study of materials and sources to establish facts and reach new conclusions.
  3. Cultural Sensitivity:
    • Definition: Being aware and respectful of the cultural differences and backgrounds of others.
  4. Legal Procedures:
    • Definition: The formal steps and processes required by law.
  5. Connection:
    • Definition: A relationship in which a person, thing, or idea is linked or associated with something else.


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Friday, March 22, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Mar 22 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 63 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Prostitution

  1. What are some potential factors that might lead individuals to enter the profession of prostitution? Is prostitution legal in your country? Is it the oldest profession and do you think it's considered a profession?
  2. In what ways do you think society's perceptions and treatment of sex workers affect their well-being and safety?


  1. Prostitution: The practice of engaging in sexual activity in exchange for payment.
  2. Stigma: Negative attitudes, beliefs, and stereotypes associated with a particular group or behavior.


Round 2

Topic: Clubs, pubs and bars

  1. How do you think the atmosphere and clientele differ between clubs, pubs, and bars? What’s your favourite pun / club / bar and why?
  2. Can you discuss any potential advantages or disadvantages of each type of establishment?


  1. Nightlife: Social activities and entertainment that occur in the evening or at night, typically in clubs, pubs, and bars.
  2. Bouncer: A person employed by a nightclub, bar, or other entertainment venue to maintain order and security, often responsible for checking identification and controlling entry.


Round 3

Topic: Secrets 

  1. Can you keep a secret? Do you ever tell your friends secrets? How important is it to keep other people's secrets?
  2. Can you share an example of a time when keeping a secret was challenging for you? What did you learn from that experience?


  1. Confidential: Intended to be kept secret or private, not to be disclosed to others.
  2. Trustworthy: Deserving of trust; reliable and dependable.

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Saturday, March 23, 2024 11:00 AM - Sat Mar 23 - 2024 - 11 am - Week 63 Meeting 8 DEBATING
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Debate in classrooms is a great way for all students to learn new things. It helps students develop essential critical thinking, organization of thoughts, eloquence, oration skills, and citizenship. As part of the curriculum in school, debates are used for learning how to organize ideas, strengthen argumentation skills, beginning debate tactics and persuade classmates/adversaries towards supporting one’s point of view. The debate also helps the participants learn how to make good decisions while allowing them to discover which ideas they support most passionately. More than just arguing with each other, debating teaches the participants about proper argumentation techniques which prevents emotional responses from overpowering these important lessons. In addition, debates offer opportunities for students to challenge themselves, which helps foster analytical thinking.



Students choose a debate topic from a list of ideas you provide. Students divided into 2 groups. Each group receives a random piece of paper that either says “Agree” or “Disagree.” (we can also choose to be in a group who agrees or disagrees).Students prepare for the debate in small groups. Finally, the class holds a debate between the groups who disagree and the groups who agree.

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Monday, March 25, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday Mar 25 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 64 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Selfies

  1. What are some positive and negative aspects of the selfie culture in today's society? Why are selfies so popular?
  2. How do you think selfies have influenced people's perception of beauty and self-image? Where and when do you take selfies?


  1. Narcissistic: Excessively preoccupied with oneself; self-centered.
  2. Validation: Recognition or affirmation that a person's feelings or opinions are valid or worthwhile.

Round 2

Topic: Sexism

  1. How have you personally experienced or observed sexism in your life, and what impact did it have on you?
  2. Is it always women who suffer because of sexism or can men suffer too? What kind of sexism is there in your society?


  1. Stereotype: A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
  2. Empowerment: The process of becoming stronger and more confident, especially in controlling one's life and claiming one's rights.

Round 3

Topic: Shopping

  1. What are some factors you consider when deciding where to shop for groceries clothes or electronics, and why are they important to you?
  2. How do you think online shopping has changed the way people shop compared to traditional stores? What do you like to shop for?


  1. Bargain: A thing bought or offered for sale more cheaply than is usual or expected.
  2. Consumerism: The protection or promotion of the interests of consumers.

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Tuesday, March 26, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues Mar 26 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 64 - Meeting 2 BUSINESS ENGLISH
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Case Study: Marketing Strategies

Background: You work for a small local bakery called "Sweet Delights." Over the past few months, you've noticed a decline in foot traffic and sales. After analyzing the situation, you realize that your marketing strategies need to be revamped to attract more customers and increase revenue.

Problem: Despite offering high-quality baked goods, Sweet Delights is struggling to compete with larger chain bakeries in the area. The lack of effective marketing strategies has led to a decline in customer engagement and sales.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are some possible reasons why Sweet Delights is facing a decline in foot traffic and sales?
  2. What marketing strategies could Sweet Delights implement to attract more customers and increase revenue?
  3. How can Sweet Delights differentiate itself from larger chain bakeries in the area?
  4. What role do social media platforms play in modern marketing strategies, and how can Sweet Delights leverage them to reach a wider audience?
  5. How important is customer feedback and satisfaction in improving marketing strategies for a small business like Sweet Delights?

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Wednesday, March 27, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed Mar 27 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 64 - Meeting 3 ENGLISH CLASS
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English Class: Grammar

Topic: Conditionals

What are conditionals in English grammar? Sometimes we call them 'if clauses'. They describe the result of something that might happen (in the present or future) or might have happened but didn't (in the past) . They are made using different English verb tenses. Will will learn and practice conditionals in this lesson so make sure to attend this class!



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Thursday, March 28, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur Mar 28 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 64 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Social work

  1. What do you think are the most challenging aspects of social work, and how do you think professionals in this field overcome them?
  2. Can you describe a time when you witnessed or experienced the positive impact of social work in your community?


  1. Empowerment: The process of enabling individuals or communities to gain control over their lives and make positive changes.
  2. Advocacy: The act of supporting or promoting the interests and rights of others, especially those who are disadvantaged or marginalized.


Round 2

Topic: Society 

  1. How do cultural norms and values influence the functioning of society, and can you provide examples from your own experience?
  2. In what ways do you think technology has changed the dynamics of society, both positively and negatively?


  1. Diversity: The presence of a variety of different cultures, beliefs, and perspectives within a society.
  2. Cohesion: The state of being united or connected as a group, often through shared goals or values.


Round 3

Topic: Solar energy

  1. How do you think solar energy can help address environmental concerns, and what are some potential challenges in implementing solar power on a large scale?
  2. Can you discuss some innovative uses of solar energy in everyday life and how they contribute to sustainability?


  1. Renewable: Energy sources that are naturally replenished, such as solar, wind, or hydro power, and can be used indefinitely without depleting finite resources.
  2. Photovoltaic: Relating to the conversion of light into electricity, as in solar panels that use photovoltaic cells to generate electricity from sunlight.

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Thursday, March 28, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur Mar 28 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 64 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Sin

  1. What are some common perceptions of sin in different cultures, and how do they influence people's behaviors and beliefs?
  2. Can you think of any instances where individuals might feel conflicted about whether an action is considered a sin or not, and how do they navigate such dilemmas?


  1. Redemption: The action of saving or being saved from sin, error, or evil.
  2. Repentance: The action of expressing sincere regret or remorse for one's wrongdoing or sin.

Round 2


Topic: Slavery


  1. How do you think the legacy of slavery continues to impact society today, and what steps can be taken to address its lasting effects?
  2. In what ways do different countries or regions approach the teaching of their history regarding slavery, and why might there be variations in these approaches?


  1. Abolition: The action or process of abolishing or ending a system, practice, or institution, especially slavery.
  2. Exploitation: The action or fact of treating someone unfairly in order to benefit from their work or labor.

 Round 3


Topic: Smells


  1. Do you have a keen sense of smell? What’s the loveliest smell in nature? What’s your favourite smell?
  2. What role do you believe smells play in our memories and emotions, and can you share a personal experience that illustrates this?


  1. Aroma: A pleasant or distinctive smell, especially one that adds flavor to food or drink.
  2. Odor: A distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one.

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Friday, March 29, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri Mar 29 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 64 - Meeting 6
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Friday, March 29, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri Mar 29 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 64 - Meeting 7
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Saturday, March 30, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat Mar 30 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 64 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: The solar system

  1. What do you find most fascinating about the solar system, and which celestial body would you like to visit if given the chance?
  2. How do you think understanding the solar system can help us better understand our own planet, and what are some recent discoveries in space exploration that have intrigued you?


  1. Celestial: Relating to the sky or outer space, especially as observed in astronomy.
  2. Orbit: The curved path followed by a celestial body or spacecraft around a star, planet, or moon, typically due to gravitational attraction.


Round 2

Topic: Speaking activities

  1. What types of speaking activities do you find most engaging and effective for language learning, and why? What kind of speaking activities do you like best? Do you prefer speaking activities with one or two other partners or speaking activities with the whole class? What advice would you give to a shy student who lacks confidence to do speaking activities?
  2. Can you share an experience from a speaking activity that you found particularly memorable or beneficial for improving your English skills?


  1. Engaging: Capturing one's attention or interest; appealing.
  2. Beneficial: Producing good or helpful results; advantageous.

Round 3

Topic: Superstitions

  1. What superstitions are common in your culture, and do you personally believe in any of them?
  2. Have you ever had an experience that made you question whether superstitions might have some truth to them?


  1. Superstitions: Beliefs or practices that are considered irrational or supernatural, often involving luck or omens.
  2. Irrational: Not based on reason or logic; illogical.

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Monday, April 01, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday April 1 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 65 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Taxes

  1. How do you think taxes impact society, and what are some benefits they provide?
  2. What strategies do you use to manage your taxes efficiently, and do you think tax policies should be more or less complex?


  1. Taxes: Mandatory financial charges imposed by governments on individuals or businesses to fund public expenditure.
  2. Expenditure: The action of spending funds; expenses or outlays.


Round 2

Topic: Teaching

  1. What innovative teaching methods have you encountered, and how do you think they impact student learning?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience from your own education that influenced your perspective on teaching?


  1. Teaching: The process of imparting knowledge, skills, or information to others through various methods and techniques.
  2. Education: The process of receiving or giving systematic instruction, especially at a school or university.

Round 3

Topic: Teenagers

  1. What are some common challenges teenagers face today, and how do you think they can be addressed?
  2. In what ways do you think the teenage experience differs across cultures, and what aspects do you find most interesting?


  1. Teenagers: Individuals aged between 13 and 19 years old, typically characterized by undergoing physical, emotional, and social changes as they transition from childhood to adulthood.
  2. Challenges: Difficulties or obstacles that individuals face, often requiring effort or strategies to overcome.

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Tuesday, April 02, 2024 07:30 AM - TuesApril 2 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 65 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Television

  1. What are the good things and bad things about television? What would life be like without television? How much television do you watch every day?
  2. Can you share your favorite television show or series and explain what makes it enjoyable for you?


  1. Television: A device used for receiving broadcast signals and displaying images and sound, typically used for entertainment, news, and information.
  2. Programming: The content, including shows, series, and broadcasts, that is scheduled to be aired on television channels.

Round 2

Topic: Terrorism 

  1. How do you think media coverage of terrorism influences public perception and reactions to such incidents?
  2. In what ways can communities and governments work together to prevent acts of terrorism?


  1. Terrorism: The unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
  2. Perception: The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.

Round 3

Topic: Time

  1. What strategies do you use to manage your time effectively during busy days? Do you have enough time to do the things you want to do?
  2. Do you ever think life is a race against time? Do you agree that time will tell? What is the most time-consuming thing you do in your life?


  1. Chronology - the arrangement of events or dates in the order of their occurrence.
  2. Duration - the length of time that something continues or lasts.

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Wednesday, April 03, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed April 3 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 65 - Meeting 3 ENGLISH CLASS
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English Class: Grammar

Topic: Conditionals

What are conditionals in English grammar? Sometimes we call them 'if clauses'. They describe the result of something that might happen (in the present or future) or might have happened but didn't (in the past) . They are made using different English verb tenses. Will will learn and practice conditionals in this lesson so make sure to attend this class!

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Thursday, April 04, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur April 4 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 65 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Toys

  1. How are today’s toys compared with those you played with as a child? What was your favourite toys?
  2. Did children today have too many toys? 


  1. Gadgets - small electronic devices that have a particular function.
  2. Innovation - the introduction of new ideas, methods, or devices.


Round 2

Topic: Translation

  1. How do you think cultural differences affect the process of translation? Are there words in your language that you think are almost impossible to translate? What problems have you had with translating English idioms?
  2. Can you share an example of a word or phrase that is difficult to translate into another language? How would you explain its meaning to someone who doesn't speak your language?


  1. Translation - the process of converting text or speech from one language into another.
  2. Cultural differences - variations in cultural norms, values, and behaviors between different societies or groups.

Round 3

Topic: Twitter

  1. What do you think are the pros and cons of using Twitter as a platform for sharing news and information?
  2. Can you discuss any recent trending topics or hashtags on Twitter that caught your attention? Why do you think they became popular?


  1. Twitter - a social media platform that allows users to share and interact with short messages called "tweets" of up to 280 characters.
  2. Hashtags - words or phrases preceded by the '#' symbol used to categorize content on social media platforms, making it easier to find related posts.

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Thursday, April 04, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur April 4 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 65 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: UFOs

  1. Have you ever heard of any UFO sightings or encounters? What do you think might explain these phenomena? Do you believe there are other intelligent life forms visiting us?
  2. How do you think the perception of UFOs has changed over time, from ancient times to the present day?


  1. UFOs - Unidentified Flying Objects; objects observed in the sky that are not readily identified as known objects or phenomena.
  2. Sightings - instances of seeing or observing something, especially something unusual or unexpected.


Round 2

Topic: The universe

  1. What are some of the most fascinating aspects of the universe to you, and why? What would you like to know about the universe?
  2. What is a parallel universe? Do you think another you lives in one?


  1. Universe - the totality of all existing matter, energy, time, and space, including all planets, stars, galaxies, and the contents of intergalactic space.
  2. Celestial body - a natural object that exists in space, such as a planet, moon, asteroid, or star.

Round 3

Topic: Valentine's day

  1. What are some unique Valentine's Day traditions or customs in your country? Do you like Valentine's Day?
  2. How do you think Valentine's Day celebrations have changed over time, and why? Is Valentine's Day a bad day for people who are single?


  1. Valentine's Day - an annual holiday celebrated on February 14th, traditionally associated with romantic love and friendship.
  2. Tradition - a custom or belief that has been passed down through generations within a culture or society.

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Friday, April 05, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri April 5 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 65 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Video games

  1. What do you think are the positive and negative effects of playing video games on people's behavior and mental health?
  2. How do you think the future of video gaming will evolve with advancements in technology? Do you play video games?


  1. Video games - electronic games that involve interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a two- or three-dimensional video display device.
  2. Advancements - improvements or developments made in a particular field or area.


Round 2

Topic: Violence 

  1. How do you think exposure to violence in media and entertainment affects society's perception of violence in real life?
  2. Can you suggest some strategies for reducing violence in communities and promoting peace? What do you think of violence? When is it acceptable? 


  1. Violence - behavior involving physical force intended to hurt, damage, or kill someone or something.
  2. Perception - the way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.


Round 3

Topic: Vocabulary activities 

  1. What are some creative ways you've encountered for learning new vocabulary, besides traditional methods like flashcards?
  2. Can you share an experience where a vocabulary activity helped you remember a word or phrase more effectively?


  1. Vocabulary - the body of words used in a particular language or field of study.
  2. Activities - tasks or exercises undertaken for enjoyment or to develop skills or knowledge.

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Friday, April 05, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri April 5 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 65 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Waiting

  1. What are some strategies you use to pass the time while waiting for something?
  2. Have you ever experienced a situation where waiting turned out to be more rewarding than you initially thought?


  1. Waiting - the action of staying where one is or delaying action until a particular time or event occurs.
  2. Strategies - a plan of action designed to achieve a long-term or overall aim.

Round 2

Topic: Walking 

  1. What are some benefits of incorporating walking into your daily routine?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience you've had while taking a leisurely walk?


  1. Walking - the action of moving at a regular pace by lifting and setting down each foot in turn, never having both feet off the ground at once.
  2. Routine - a sequence of actions regularly followed; a fixed program.

Round 3

Topic: Water

  1. How do you think we can conserve water in our daily lives, especially in areas where it's scarce?
  2. Can you share any interesting facts or experiences related to bodies of water, like oceans, lakes, or rivers?


  1. Conserve - to prevent the wasteful use of a resource.
  2. Scarce - insufficient for the demand; not plentiful.

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Saturday, April 06, 2024 11:00 AM - Sat April 6 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 65 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Wealth

  1. What are some common misconceptions people have about wealth, and how do you think they influence society?
  2. In your opinion, what's the most effective way for individuals to build wealth over time?


  1. Misconceptions - incorrect beliefs or ideas about something.
  2. Influence - the capacity to have an effect on the character, development, or behavior of someone or something.

Round 2

Topic: Weapons

  1. How do you think the portrayal of weapons in movies and video games affects people's perceptions of them in real life?
  2. What measures do you believe should be taken to regulate the availability and use of weapons in society?


  1. Portrayal - the way in which something or someone is depicted or represented.
  2. Regulation - the act of controlling or supervising something through rules or laws.

Round 3

Topic: Welfare 

  1. How do you think welfare programs impact society as a whole?
  2. In what ways can communities support individuals who are transitioning off of welfare assistance?


  1. Welfare - financial or social assistance provided by the government to people in need, typically in the form of financial aid, food stamps, or healthcare benefits.
  2. Assistance - the act of helping or supporting someone in need.

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Monday, April 08, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday April 8 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 66 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Wrinkles

  1. What are some common misconceptions about wrinkles, and how do they vary across different cultures?
  2. Can you share any remedies or treatments you've heard about for reducing wrinkles, and do you believe they are effective?


  1. Wrinkles - lines or creases that appear on the skin, typically as a result of aging, sun exposure, or dehydration.
  2. Remedies - solutions or treatments used to alleviate or improve a medical condition or issue.


Round 2

Topic: Eclipses 

  1. How do different cultures around the world interpret eclipses, and are there any fascinating myths or legends associated with them?
  2. Can you explain the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse, and why they occur?


  1. Solar eclipse - an astronomical event that occurs when the moon passes between the Earth and the Sun, blocking all or part of the Sun's light.
  2. Lunar eclipse - an astronomical event that occurs when the Earth passes between the Sun and the Moon, causing the Earth's shadow to cover all or part of the Moon.


Round 3

Topic: Natural disasters

  1. What are some common measures individuals and communities can take to prepare for natural disasters, and how effective do you think these measures are?
  2. Can you describe a natural disaster you've experienced or learned about that had a significant impact on the environment, and what were some of the long-term consequences?


  1. Tsunami - a series of ocean waves caused by the displacement of a large volume of water, usually resulting from an underwater earthquake, volcanic eruption, or landslide.
  2. Hurricane - a tropical cyclone with winds of 74 miles per hour (119 kilometers per hour) or greater that forms over warm waters in the ocean and can cause extensive damage to coastal areas.


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Tuesday, April 09, 2024 07:30 AM - TuesApril 9 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 66 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Writing activities

  1. What types of writing activities do you find most engaging or enjoyable, and why?
  2. Can you share an experience where a writing activity helped you improve your language skills or express yourself more effectively?


  1. Narrative - a story or account of events, experiences, or the like, whether true or fictitious.
  2. Persuasive - convincing or influential in a way that leads others to adopt a certain belief or take a particular action.

Round 2

Topic: Xenophobia

  1. How do you think xenophobia affects communities and relationships between people from different cultural backgrounds?
  2. Can you suggest ways to combat xenophobia and promote understanding and acceptance among diverse groups?


  1. Xenophobia - intense or irrational dislike or fear of people from other countries or cultures.
  2. Diversity - the presence of a variety of different cultures, ethnicities, or backgrounds within a community or society.

Round 2

Topic: Zombies

  1. What do you think makes zombies such popular characters in movies, TV shows, and games? 
  2. In your opinion, how might the concept of zombies reflect societal fears or anxieties? What do you know about zombies?


  1. Zombies - reanimated corpses that appear in horror fiction, often depicted as aggressive and mindless beings.
  2. Apocalyptic - relating to or involving widespread destruction or the end of the world.

Round 3

Topic: Zoos

  1. What are some arguments for and against keeping animals in zoos?
  2. How do you think zoos can contribute to conservation efforts for endangered species?


  1. Zoos - establishments where wild animals are kept for public exhibition and education purposes.
  2. Conservation - the protection, preservation, and management of natural resources and wildlife.

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Wednesday, April 10, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed April 10 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 66 - Meeting 3 ENGLISH LESSON
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English Lesson: Grammar


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Thursday, April 11, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur April 11 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 66 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: How often do you?

    1. How often do you eat fast food? How often do you say "I Love you".  How often do you read?, Think of some "how often" questions and ask you classmate.
    2. Can you share a habit or hobby that you used to do frequently but have now reduced or stopped altogether, and what led to that change?


    1. Habit: A behavior pattern regularly followed until it becomes almost involuntary, often performed unconsciously as part of one's routine.
    2. Routine: A fixed pattern of activities or behavior regularly followed, especially one that is unvaried.

Round 2

Topic: First impressions

  1. Have you met someone who you hated right away even though you didn’t know them?
  2. What are the best ways to make a good first impression? Do you make first impressions based on what people wear?


  1. Impression: An idea, feeling, or opinion about something or someone, especially one formed without conscious thought or on the basis of little evidence.
  2. Perception: The way in which something is regarded, understood, or interpreted.

Round 3

Topic: Strange animals as pets

  1. What do you think are some of the challenges of having a strange or exotic animal as a pet compared to more common pets like cats or dogs?
  2. Can you imagine having a unique pet like a snake or a tarantula? What do you think would be the most fascinating aspect of owning such an unusual pet?


  1. Exotic - unusual and interesting because of being from a distant foreign country.
  2. Fascinating - extremely interesting or captivating.

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Thursday, April 11, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur April 11 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 66 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Bucket list

  1. What's the most adventurous or daring activity on your bucket list, and why does it appeal to you?
  2. Can you share one item on your bucket list that's more about personal growth or self-improvement rather than adventure?


  1. Adventurous - eager to take risks or try new and daring things.
  2. Self-improvement - the act of improving oneself mentally, emotionally, or physically for personal development and growth.


Round 2

Topic: Camping

  1. What's your favorite part of camping - the thrill of setting up tents and being close to nature, or the cozy evenings around the campfire sharing stories?
  2. Can you recall a memorable camping experience where something unexpected happened, and how did you handle it?


  1. Thrill - a sudden feeling of excitement and adventure.
  2. Cozy - giving a feeling of comfort, warmth, and relaxation.

Round 3

Topic: Dating

  1. What do you think are the most important qualities to look for in a potential partner when dating? What's important to keep in mind for a fist date?
  2. Have you ever been on a memorable first date, and what made it special?


  1. Qualities - characteristics or attributes that define a person's nature or character.
  2. Memorable - worth remembering or easily recalled because of being special, significant, or unusual.

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Friday, April 12, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri April 12 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 66 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Case study

Introduction: In this case study, we will explore the dynamics of cross-cultural communication, focusing on the challenges and strategies for effective communication between individuals from different cultural backgrounds.

Background Information:

  • Cross-cultural communication refers to the exchange of information between people from different cultural backgrounds.
  • Cultural differences can manifest in various ways, including language, communication styles, non-verbal cues, values, and customs.
  • Effective cross-cultural communication is essential for building relationships, resolving conflicts, and fostering understanding in diverse contexts such as workplaces, educational settings, and social interactions.

Case Study Scenario: Anna, an American marketing manager, is leading a team of diverse employees from various cultural backgrounds, including China, India, and Brazil, on a project for an international client. While Anna values diversity and inclusion, she struggles to navigate communication challenges within her team. Cultural differences in communication styles, hierarchy, and decision-making processes often lead to misunderstandings and inefficiencies in the project.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What are some common challenges that Anna might encounter when communicating with her culturally diverse team?
  2. How can Anna adapt her communication strategies to effectively engage and collaborate with her team members from different cultural backgrounds?

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Friday, April 12, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri April 12 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 66 - Meeting 7
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Topic: Case study

Case Study: Problem-Solving in a Multinational Company

Introduction: In this case study, we will explore problem-solving in a multinational company, focusing on the challenges faced by a team tasked with developing a new product for international markets and the strategies they employ to overcome these challenges.

Background Information:

  • Multinational companies operate in multiple countries and face unique challenges related to cultural differences, market dynamics, regulatory requirements, and logistical complexities.
  • Developing a new product for international markets requires careful planning, market research, collaboration across diverse teams, and adaptation to local preferences and regulations.
  • Effective problem-solving skills are essential for identifying obstacles, generating innovative solutions, and implementing strategies to achieve business objectives.

Case Study Scenario: XYZ Corporation, a multinational technology company, is launching a new smartphone aimed at global markets. The product development team comprises members from different countries, including the United States, China, Germany, and India. The team faces challenges related to cultural differences, market segmentation, technological requirements, and regulatory compliance. They must collaborate effectively to address these challenges and ensure the successful launch of the new product.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What are some potential challenges that the product development team might encounter in launching a new smartphone for international markets?
  2. How can the team leverage their diverse expertise and perspectives to overcome these challenges and ensure the success of the product launch?

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Saturday, April 13, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat April 13 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 66 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Extinction 

  1. What are some factors contributing to the extinction of certain animal species?
  2. How can humans mitigate the impact of extinction on biodiversity and ecosystems?


  1. Extinction: The state or process of a species, family, or larger group ceasing to exist.
  2. Biodiversity: The variety and variability of life forms on Earth, encompassing genetic diversity, species diversity, and ecosystem diversity.

Round 2


  1. What motivates people to participate in extreme sports despite the potential risks involved? Do you practice any extreme sport?
  2. How do extreme sports contribute to personal growth and development?


  1. Extreme Sports: Activities characterized by high levels of risk, adrenaline, and physical exertion, often performed in challenging environments or unconventional settings.
  2. Adrenaline: A hormone released by the adrenal glands in response to stress or excitement, increasing heart rate, metabolism, and overall alertness.

Round 3

Topic: Hotels in traveling

  1. What are some essential amenities or features you look for when choosing a hotel for your travels?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience you've had at a hotel during your travels, either positive or negative?


  1. Amenities: Additional facilities or services provided by a hotel, such as swimming pools, gyms, or complimentary breakfast, to enhance guests' comfort and convenience.
  2. Memorable: Something worth remembering or making a lasting impression, often due to its significance, uniqueness, or impact.

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Monday, April 15, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday April 15 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 67 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Running a marathon

  1. What motivated you to consider running a marathon, and how do you plan to prepare for such a challenging event? Have you ever run a marathon?
  2. Can you describe the mental and physical challenges you anticipate facing during the marathon, and how do you plan to overcome them?


  1. Marathon: A long-distance running race, typically covering 26 miles and 385 yards (42.195 kilometers).
  2. Challenge: A task or situation that tests someone's abilities.

Round 2

Topic: Singing

  1. What emotions do you think are most commonly expressed through singing, and why do you believe music has such a powerful impact on people?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience you've had while singing, and how did it make you feel? Name you top singer.


  1. Singing: The act of producing musical sounds with the voice, usually with words.
  2. Emotions: Strong feelings such as happiness, sadness, anger, or excitement.

Round 3

Topic: Gardening 

  1. What do you think are the benefits of having a garden, both for individuals and for communities?
  2. Can you describe a plant or flower that holds a special meaning for you, and why it's significant?


  1. Gardening: The activity of cultivating and tending to plants, flowers, fruits, or vegetables in a garden.
  2. Cultivate: To prepare and work on land in order to raise crops or plants.

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Tuesday, April 16, 2024 07:30 AM - TuesApril 16 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Journalling 

  1. How has journaling helped you in your personal growth or self-reflection?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience or realization you've had while journaling?


  1. Journaling: The practice of writing down thoughts, experiences, and reflections regularly in a journal or diary.
  2. Self-reflection: The process of carefully considering one's own thoughts, feelings, and actions, often with the goal of personal growth or improvement.

Round 2

Topic: Going for a walk 

  1. What are some benefits you experience when going for a walk, aside from physical exercise?
  2. Can you describe your favorite place or route for taking a leisurely stroll?


  1. Leisurely: Relaxed and unhurried; done in a calm and unhurried manner.
  2. Stroll: A leisurely walk, often taken for pleasure or relaxation, especially one taken outdoors.

Round 3

Topic: Connecting with people

  1. What strategies do you use to initiate conversations with new people? What is the best way to connect with new people?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience where you unexpectedly connected with someone?


  1. Initiate: To begin or start something, often a conversation or interaction.
  2. Memorable: Worth remembering or easily recalled because of being special, significant, or unusual.

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Wednesday, April 17, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed April 17 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 3
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English Grammar Class!

Topic: Present perfect

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Thursday, April 18, 2024 10:00 AM - Thur April 18 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 67 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Things to do on a holiday

  1. What's the most adventurous activity you've ever done while on holiday?
  2. Can you describe a cultural experience you had during one of your holidays?


  1. Adventurous: Inclined or willing to engage in adventures; daring, bold, or risky.
  2. Cultural: Relating to the ideas, customs, and social behavior of a society.

Round 2

Topic: My favorite movie

  1. What makes your favorite movie stand out from others you've watched?
  2. Can you share a memorable scene or quote from your favorite movie and explain why it resonates with you?


  1. Memorable: Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.
  2. Resonates: To produce a positive feeling, emotional response, or impact.

Round 3

Topic: Famous people's privacy

  1. How do you think being famous affects a person's ability to have privacy in their personal life?
  2. What are some ethical considerations that the media should follow when reporting on the private lives of famous individuals?


  1. Privacy: The state or condition of being free from public attention to one's personal matters or activities.
  2. Ethical: Relating to principles of right and wrong behavior, especially in accordance with moral principles.


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Thursday, April 18, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur April 18 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 67 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Sleep

  1. What are some common factors that can affect the quality of your sleep?
  2. How do you personally ensure you get a good night's sleep?


  1. Sleep: The natural state of rest in which eyes are closed, the muscles are relaxed, and consciousness is suspended, typically occurring at regular intervals during the night in humans.
  2. Quality: The standard of something as measured against other things of a similar kind; the degree of excellence of something.

Round 2

Topic: Motivation

  1. What strategies do you use to stay motivated when facing challenges or setbacks?
  2. Can you share a time when you lacked motivation and how you overcame it?


  1. Motivation: The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way.
  2. Strategies: Plans of action designed to achieve a particular goal.

Round 3

Topic: Money

  1. What's the most extravagant purchase you've ever made, and did you regret it afterward?
  2. In your opinion, what's the most effective way to manage money wisely? How do you think your attitude towards money has changed over the years?


  1. Misconceptions: Beliefs or ideas that are not accurate or true.
  2. Manage: To handle, control, or organize something effectively.

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Friday, April 19, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri April 19 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 6
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Case Study: Maria recently graduated from university with a degree in business administration. She has always been passionate about entrepreneurship and dreamed of starting her own business. However, she also received a job offer from a reputable company in her field. Now, Maria finds herself torn between pursuing her entrepreneurial aspirations or accepting the job offer for stability and financial security.

Maria is faced with several decisions:

  1. Should she follow her passion for entrepreneurship and start her own business, or should she accept the job offer for financial stability?
  2. What are the potential risks and benefits of each option?
  3. How can Maria assess her skills, interests, and values to make an informed decision about her career path?
  4. How will each decision impact Maria's short-term and long-term goals?
  5. Who can Maria turn to for advice and support in making this decision?

Discussion Questions:

  1. What factors should Maria consider when deciding between starting her own business and accepting the job offer?
  2. How might Maria's personality, skills, and interests influence her decision-making process?
  3. What are some potential challenges Maria might face as an entrepreneur, and how could she address them?
  4. How can Maria balance her passion for entrepreneurship with the need for financial stability?
  5. Who are some people or resources Maria can turn to for guidance and advice in navigating her career choices?


  1. Entrepreneurship: The activity of setting up a business or businesses, taking on financial risks in the hope of profit.
  2. Stability: The state of being stable; firmness, steadfastness, or strength; the quality of being fixed, stable, steady, or unchanging.

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Friday, April 19, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri April 19 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 67 - Meeting 7
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Case Study:

Your city council is considering plans to redevelop a rundown industrial area located near the downtown core. The area was once a bustling hub of manufacturing activity but has since declined, leaving behind abandoned factories and warehouses. The council sees an opportunity to transform this area into a vibrant mixed-use neighborhood, complete with residential units, commercial spaces, parks, and cultural amenities.

However, there are several challenges and considerations:

  1. The industrial area is contaminated with pollutants from its previous use, requiring extensive cleanup efforts.
  2. The community is divided on the redevelopment plans, with some residents expressing concerns about gentrification and the displacement of existing residents.
  3. The city must balance the need for economic revitalization with the preservation of the area's historical and cultural heritage.
  4. Funding for the redevelopment project is a significant issue, with the city exploring various financing options, including public-private partnerships and grants.
  5. The city must also address infrastructure needs, such as transportation and utilities, to support the new development.

Discussion Questions:

  1. What are the potential benefits of redeveloping the industrial area into a mixed-use neighborhood?
  2. How can the city address concerns about gentrification and ensure that the redevelopment benefits all members of the community?
  3. What strategies can the city employ to clean up the contaminated site and mitigate environmental risks?
  4. How can the city preserve the historical and cultural heritage of the area while still promoting economic revitalization?
  5. What financing options do you think would be most effective for funding the redevelopment project, and why?


  1. Gentrification: The process of renovating and improving a district or neighborhood so that it conforms to middle-class taste, often resulting in the displacement of lower-income residents.
  2. Revitalization: The action of imbuing something with new life and vitality; the process of revitalizing or being revitalized.

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Saturday, April 20, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat April 20 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 67 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Karaoke

  1. What's your go-to karaoke song, and why does it hold a special place in your heart?
  2. Have you ever had a memorable karaoke experience, whether it was hilarious, embarrassing, or surprisingly impressive?


  1. Karaoke: A form of interactive entertainment in which amateur singers sing along with recorded music using a microphone and a public address system.
  2. Memorable: Worth remembering or easily remembered, especially because of being special or unusual.

Round 2

Topic: Music concerts

  1. What was the most exhilarating moment you experienced at a music concert, and how did it make you feel?
  2. If you could attend any music concert, past or present, which artist or band would you choose, and why?


  1. Concert: A live performance of music before an audience.
  2. Exhilarating: Making one feel very happy, animated, or elated.

Round 3

Topic: Cinema vs theatre 

  1. What do you think are the advantages of watching a movie in a cinema compared to seeing a play in a theater?
  2. How do you feel the experience of watching a live performance in a theater differs from watching a film in a cinema?


  1. Cinema: A place where films are shown to an audience; a movie theater.
  2. Theatre: A building or outdoor area where plays and other dramatic performances are given.

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Monday, April 22, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday April 22 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 68 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Radio

  1. How has the advent of internet streaming services impacted the popularity of traditional radio broadcasting?
  2. Do you listen to the radio nowadays? What types of programs do you enjoy listening to on the radio, and why? 


  1. Radio: The transmission and reception of electromagnetic waves of radio frequency, especially those carrying sound messages.
  2. Broadcasting: The transmission of radio or television programs.


Round 2

Topic: Tik Tok

  1. How do you think TikTok has influenced the way people create and consume content compared to other social media platforms?
  2. What are some positive and negative aspects of TikTok's short-form video format?


  1. TikTok: A social media platform for sharing short-form mobile videos.
  2. Influenced: Having an effect on or impact on something or someone.

Round 3

Topic: Fun on a Friday night

  1. What are some of your favorite activities to do for fun on a Friday night, and why do you enjoy them?
  2. How do you feel when Friday night comes after a busy week?  What don't you like to do on a Friday night?


  1. Activities: Things people do for enjoyment or entertainment.
  2. Cultural differences: Variations in customs, traditions, and behaviors among different societies or groups.

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Tuesday, April 23, 2024 07:30 AM - Tuesday April 23 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Children and electronic devices 

  1. How do you think children's use of electronic devices impacts their social skills and interactions with others?
  2. What are some strategies parents can use to regulate their children's screen time without causing conflicts?


  1. Electronic devices: Devices that operate using electricity, such as smartphones, tablets, and computers.
  2. Regulation: The act of controlling or managing something, often to ensure it is used appropriately or in moderation.

Round 2

Topic: Watching too much TV

  1. How do you think excessive TV watching affects people's physical health?
  2. In what ways can watching too much TV impact someone's productivity and daily activities?


  1. Excessive: More than what is considered normal or healthy; too much.
  2. Productivity: The measure of how efficiently someone can complete tasks or achieve goals within a given time frame.

Round 3

Topic: Arrogance

  1. What are some behaviors or actions that you would consider arrogant? What are some of the potential consequences of arrogance?
  2. How do you think arrogance affects relationships in both personal and professional settings? Can arrogance be a positive quality in a leader?


  1. Arrogance: An attitude of superiority manifested in an overbearing manner or presumptuous claims.
  2. Behaviors: Actions or conduct exhibited by individuals in various situations or contexts.

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Wednesday, April 24, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed April 24 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 3 English Class
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English Class

Topic: Adjectives and prepositions for the future

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Thursday, April 25, 2024 12:00 PM - Thur April 25 - 2024 - 12 PM - Week 67 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Sweets and candy

  1. What's your favorite type of candy or sweet treat, and why do you like it?
  2. Can you think of any cultural differences in the types of sweets people enjoy around the world?


  1. Sweets: Confectionery or sugary treats, often enjoyed as desserts or snacks.
  2. Candy: Small, sweet confectionery made with sugar, flavorings, and sometimes chocolate or fruit.

Round 2

Topic: Board games

  1. What's the most memorable board game you've played, and what made it special?
  2. Do you prefer strategic board games or ones that are more luck-based, and why?


  1. Board games: Games played on a board with counters or pieces that are moved according to specific rules, often involving strategy or chance.
  2. Strategic: Relating to a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal, often involving careful planning and decision-making.

Round 3

Topic: Podcasts

  1. What's the most fascinating podcast episode you've listened to recently, and why did it capture your interest?
  2. How do you think podcasts have changed the way people consume information and entertainment compared to traditional media like radio or TV?


  1. Podcasts: Digital audio files available on the internet for downloading or streaming, often covering various topics such as news, storytelling, interviews, or education.
  2. Captivate: To attract and hold the interest and attention of someone.

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Thursday, April 25, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur April 25 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 67 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Adultery

  1. In your opinion, what factors do you think contribute to adultery in relationships?
  2. How do you think society's views on adultery have evolved over time, and what impact does this have on relationships?


  1. Adultery: Voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone who is not their spouse.
  2. Relationships: The way in which two or more people or things are connected, or the state of being connected.

Round 2

Topic: Aids

  1. How do you think education and awareness about AIDS can help prevent its spread in communities?
  2. In what ways can society reduce the stigma associated with AIDS and support individuals living with the virus?


  1. AIDS: Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a condition caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), which attacks the immune system, making the body vulnerable to infections and diseases.
  2. Stigma: Social disapproval or discrimination against a person or group due to characteristics perceived as different from societal norms.

Round 3

Topic: Beer

  1. What cultural significance does beer have in your country, and how is it celebrated?
  2. Can you discuss the process of brewing beer and how different ingredients impact its flavor and quality?


  1. Brewing: The process of making beer through fermentation, which involves steeping grains in water and then fermenting the resulting liquid with yeast.
  2. Fermentation: The chemical process by which yeast converts sugars into alcohol and carbon dioxide, occurring during the brewing of beer.

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Friday, April 26, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri April 26 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 67 - Meeting 6
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Case Study: Transitioning to Renewable Energy in Green Valley

Background: Green Valley is a small town nestled in a picturesque valley, known for its commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship. With rising concerns about climate change and dependence on fossil fuels, the town has embarked on a journey to transition to renewable energy sources.

Situation: The Green Valley Renewable Energy Initiative aims to reduce the town's carbon footprint, lower energy costs, and promote local economic development through the adoption of alternative energy sources. The initiative is a collaborative effort involving government agencies, local businesses, residents, and environmental organizations.


  1. Solar Power: Green Valley receives ample sunlight throughout the year, making solar energy an ideal renewable resource. The initiative plans to install solar panels on public buildings, homes, and businesses to generate clean electricity and reduce reliance on non-renewable energy sources.

  2. Wind Energy: The town's windy climate presents an opportunity for harnessing wind power. The initiative proposes the construction of wind turbines in strategic locations to generate electricity for the community. By tapping into this renewable energy source, Green Valley aims to diversify its energy portfolio and further decrease its carbon emissions.


  1. Renewable Energy: Energy derived from sources that are naturally replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and water. Renewable energy helps reduce greenhouse gas emissions and combat climate change.
  2. Carbon Footprint: The total amount of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, emitted directly or indirectly by individuals, organizations, products, or events. Reducing carbon footprint is essential for mitigating climate change and environmental degradation.

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Friday, April 26, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri April 26 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 67 - Meeting 7
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Case Study: Healthy Eating Habits

Background: The town of Greensville is facing health challenges related to poor dietary habits, including high rates of obesity, diabetes, and cardiovascular diseases. To address these issues, the local government has launched a campaign to promote healthy eating habits and improve the overall health of residents.

Situation: The Greensville Healthy Eating Initiative aims to educate residents about the importance of nutrition and empower them to make healthier food choices. The initiative involves collaboration between healthcare professionals, nutritionists, educators, and community organizations to provide resources and support for adopting healthier lifestyles.


  1. Nutrition Education: The initiative needs to develop educational programs to raise awareness about the benefits of healthy eating and the risks associated with poor dietary habits. These programs should target individuals of all ages and include workshops, seminars, cooking demonstrations, and informational materials.

  2. Access to Healthy Food: Improving access to fresh, nutritious food is essential for promoting healthy eating habits. The initiative should explore strategies to increase the availability of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in underserved areas of Greensville, such as establishing farmers' markets, community gardens, and mobile food pantries.

  3. School Lunch Programs: Enhancing the nutritional quality of school meals is critical for instilling healthy eating habits in children and adolescents. The initiative should work with local schools to reform their lunch programs, incorporating more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while reducing the prevalence of processed foods and sugary beverages.

  4. Public Awareness Campaign: Launching a public awareness campaign can help reinforce messages about healthy eating and encourage behavior change among residents. The initiative should utilize various media channels, including social media, television, radio, and community events, to promote the importance of nutritious eating and provide practical tips for making healthier food choices.

Questions for Discussion:

  1. What are some common unhealthy eating habits that people in Greensville might have, and how can they be addressed through education and awareness?
  2. What barriers might residents face in accessing fresh, healthy food, and what strategies can be implemented to overcome these barriers?
  3. How can schools play a role in promoting healthy eating habits among students, and what changes could be made to improve the nutritional quality of school meals?
  4. What are some effective ways to engage the community in the Healthy Eating Initiative and motivate individuals to adopt healthier dietary habits?
  5. What role can individuals, families, and local businesses play in supporting and sustaining the adoption of healthy eating habits in Greensville?


  1. Nutritious: Containing essential nutrients, vitamins, and minerals necessary for maintaining good health.
  2. Obesity: A medical condition characterized by excessive body weight due to the accumulation of fat, often associated with an increased risk of chronic diseases.

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Saturday, April 27, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat April 27 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 67 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Digital nomad lifestyles

  1. What are some advantages of living a digital nomad lifestyle compared to traditional 9-to-5 jobs?
  2. Can you share an experience or story of someone living as a digital nomad that you find inspiring or intriguing?


  1. Digital Nomad: A person who uses telecommunications technologies to earn a living and conduct their life in a nomadic manner, often traveling from one location to another while working remotely.
  2. Telecommunications: The transmission of signals, messages, or data over long distances using electronic or digital means, such as the internet or mobile phones.

Round 2

Topic: Pranks and practical jokes

  1. What's the most memorable prank or practical joke you've ever pulled on someone, and how did they react? 
  2. Do you think there's a line that shouldn't be crossed when it comes to pranks, or is anything fair game as long as it's in good fun?


  1. Prank: A playful or mischievous trick or joke, typically done to amuse others.
  2. Practical Joke: A trick or joke played on someone, often involving deception or mild humiliation, intended to cause amusement.

Round 3

Topic: When was the last time you.........?

  1. When was the last time you tried something new, and how did it turn out?
  2. Think of some "when was the last time you did something?"questions and ask your classmate.


  1. New: Not existing before; made, introduced, or discovered recently or now for the first time.
  2. Proud: Feeling deep pleasure or satisfaction as a result of one's own achievements, qualities, or possessions or those of someone with whom one is closely associated.

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Monday, April 29, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday April 29 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 68 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Rock climbing

  1. What motivates you to try rock climbing, and what challenges do you think you might face? Have you ever tried it? Would you like to try this?
  2. Can you describe a memorable experience you've had while rock climbing, and how did it make you feel?


  1. Motivates: Provides a reason or incentive for someone to do something.
  2. Challenges: Difficulties or obstacles that require effort to overcome.

Round 2

Topic: Parenting problems

  1. What do you think are some common parenting problems faced by families today, and how do you believe they can be addressed?
  2. Can you share a personal experience or observation of a parenting problem you've encountered, and what was the outcome?


  1. Addressed: To deal with or attend to (a problem or situation).
  2. Encounter: To come across or experience (something).

Round 3

Topic: Watches

  1. What's your opinion on wearing traditional watches versus using smartwatches, and why?
  2. Can you share a memorable experience related to receiving, giving, or losing a watch? Whats your favorite brand or type of watch?


  1. Traditional watches: Timepieces that typically have analog displays and operate mechanically or with batteries.
  2. Smartwatches: Watches with digital displays that offer additional features like notifications, fitness tracking, and app integration.

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Tuesday, April 30, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues April 30 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 69 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Guns

  1. What are your thoughts on gun control laws in your country, and how do they impact society?
  2. Can you describe a situation where you felt guns were portrayed positively or negatively in a movie or TV show?


  1. Gun control: Laws and regulations that govern the possession, sale, and use of firearms.
  2. Society: A community of people living together in a more or less ordered community.
 Round 2
Topic: UFOs
  1. Have you ever heard of any interesting UFO sightings or encounters in your country or around the world? Have you ever witnessed any kind of encounter?
  2. How do you think the existence of UFOs could impact humanity's understanding of our place in the universe?


  1. UFO (Unidentified Flying Object): An object observed in the sky that is not readily identified as a known object or phenomenon.
  2. Encounter: A meeting, especially one that is unexpected or accidental.
Round 3
Topic: Autism 
  1. What are some common misconceptions about autism that you've encountered, and how do you think we can better educate people about this condition?
  2. Can you think of any ways in which society could be more inclusive and accommodating to individuals with autism?


  1. Autism: A developmental disorder characterized by difficulties with social interaction and communication, and by restricted and repetitive behavior.
  2. Inclusive: Including or covering all the services, facilities, or items normally expected or required.

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Wednesday, May 01, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed May 1 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 69 - Meeting 3 English Class
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English Class

Topic: Adjectives and prepositions for the future (part 2)

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Thursday, May 02, 2024 12:00 PM - Thur May 2 - 2024 - 12 pm - Week 69 - Meeting 4
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Round 1

Topic: Bodybuilding

  1. What motivates people to take up bodybuilding as a hobby or profession, and do you think it's primarily about physical health or appearance?
  2. Can you discuss any stereotypes or misconceptions surrounding bodybuilders, and how do you think these stereotypes affect people's perceptions? What's your opinion on bodybuilding for women?


  1. Bodybuilding: The sport or activity of increasing muscle mass and strength through rigorous exercise and diet.
  2. Stereotypes: Widely held but oversimplified beliefs or ideas about a particular type of person or thing.

Round 2

Topic: Exams

  1. How do you typically prepare for exams or tests, and do you find certain study techniques more effective than others?
  2. Can you share any strategies you use to manage test anxiety, and have you ever had a particularly memorable exam experience, either positive or negative?


  1. Exams: Formal assessments or evaluations of a student's knowledge or proficiency in a subject, typically conducted under timed conditions.
  2. Tests: Similar to exams, tests are assessments used to evaluate a student's understanding of a subject, often focusing on specific topics or skills.

Round 3

Topic: Millionaires 

  1. What qualities or habits do you think most millionaires share, and do you believe that anyone can become a millionaire with the right mindset and effort?
  2. If you suddenly became a millionaire, what are some things you would prioritize spending your money on, and how do you think being wealthy might change your relationships or daily routines?


  1. Millionaires: Individuals who possess wealth amounting to one million units of currency (e.g., dollars, euros, pounds), often achieved through successful business ventures, investments, or inheritance.
  2. Lifestyle: The way in which a person or group lives, including their activities, habits, and standard of living.

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Thursday, May 02, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur May 2 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 69 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Planet of the apes

  1. How do you think the "Planet of the Apes" movies reflect or comment on human society, and what messages do you think they convey about topics like power, morality, or social structure?
  2. If you were living in a world similar to the "Planet of the Apes" universe, how do you think you would adapt to a society where apes were the dominant species, and what challenges do you think humans would face in such a scenario?


  1. Planet of the Apes: A science fiction franchise that originated from the 1963 French novel "La Planète des Singes" by Pierre Boulle. It depicts a world where intelligent apes, led by chimpanzees, orangutans, and gorillas, have become the dominant species, while humans have regressed to a primitive state.
  2. Morality: Principles concerning the distinction between right and wrong or good and bad behavior, often based on cultural, religious, or philosophical beliefs.

Round 2

Topic: Success

  1. What do you think are the key factors that contribute to someone's success, and how do these factors vary across different cultures or societies?
  2. Can you share a story about a person you consider successful, and what qualities or actions do you believe led to their achievements?

Round 3

Topic: Artificial intelligence 

  1. How do you envision artificial intelligence impacting our daily lives in the future, and what are some potential benefits and drawbacks?
  2. Can you think of any ethical concerns surrounding the development and use of artificial intelligence, and how do you believe we should address them?


  1. Artificial Intelligence (AI): The simulation of human intelligence processes by machines, especially computer systems, to perform tasks that typically require human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and language translation.
  2. Ethical: Relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with moral principles.

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Friday, May 03, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri May 3 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 69 - Meeting 6
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Case Study: The Influence of Classroom Environment on Student Engagement

Introduction: In the field of education, creating an engaging classroom environment is crucial for facilitating effective learning experiences. This case study explores the impact of classroom environment on student engagement among ESL (English as a Second Language) intermediate learners.

Background: The ESL intermediate classroom is composed of students from diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. These students often face unique challenges in learning English as they navigate through different language proficiency levels. The classroom environment plays a significant role in shaping their learning experiences and overall engagement.

Case Description: The classroom under study is located in a multicultural urban area and consists of 20 intermediate ESL learners aged between 18 and 30. The classroom is equipped with modern technology, including interactive whiteboards, computers, and multimedia resources. The seating arrangement is flexible, allowing for group discussions and collaborative activities. The walls are adorned with colorful posters, student artwork, and educational materials related to language learning.


  1. Physical Environment: The classroom is brightly lit with natural light and has ample space for movement. The furniture is arranged in a way that promotes interaction and collaboration among students. Visual aids and learning materials are strategically placed to support lesson objectives and engage students' attention.

  2. Teacher-student Interaction: The teacher employs a student-centered approach, encouraging active participation and fostering a supportive learning environment. Clear instructions, praise, and constructive feedback are provided to motivate students and build their confidence in using English.

  3. Learning Activities: Varied and interactive learning activities are integrated into the lessons, including group discussions, role-plays, games, and multimedia presentations. These activities cater to different learning styles and preferences, enhancing student engagement and participation.

  4. Classroom Culture: A positive and inclusive classroom culture is cultivated, where students feel respected, valued, and supported in their language learning journey. Cultural diversity is celebrated, and students are encouraged to share their experiences and perspectives.


  1. How do you think the flexible seating arrangement in the classroom contributes to student engagement and collaboration?
  2. In what ways do you believe the teacher's student-centered approach impacts the motivation and confidence levels of ESL learners in the classroom?
  3. Can you identify any specific elements of the classroom environment that may hinder student engagement? How might these be improved?
  4. How do you think incorporating technology into the classroom environment affects ESL students' participation and learning outcomes?

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Friday, May 03, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri May 3 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 69 - Meeting 7
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Airbnb’s Impact on the Traditional Hospitality Industry: A Case Study

Introduction: Airbnb, a popular online marketplace for lodging, has revolutionized the hospitality industry by connecting travelers with hosts who offer accommodations ranging from apartments and houses to unique stays like treehouses and castles. This case study delves into the significant impact Airbnb has had on the traditional hospitality sector and explores its implications for both hosts and established hospitality businesses.

Case Study Overview: Airbnb, founded in 2008, has grown rapidly over the years, disrupting the traditional hotel industry and challenging the dominance of established hospitality chains. Its platform allows individuals to rent out their properties to travelers, providing a more personalized and often more affordable alternative to traditional hotels. As a result, Airbnb has attracted a wide range of hosts, from homeowners renting out spare rooms to property investors managing multiple listings.

Key Questions for Discussion:

  1. How has Airbnb changed the way people travel and experience accommodations?
  2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using Airbnb compared to staying in a traditional hotel?
  3. How do traditional hotels compete with Airbnb in terms of pricing, service quality, and guest experience?
  4. What are the regulatory challenges and controversies surrounding Airbnb's operations in various cities and countries?
  5. How has Airbnb's presence affected the real estate market in popular tourist destinations?


  1. Disrupt (verb): To cause a significant change in the way something is done or operated, often by introducing new methods or ideas.
  2. Dominance (noun): The state of being more powerful, influential, or prevalent than others in a particular field or market.

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Saturday, May 04, 2024 10:00 AM - Sat May 4 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 69 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Freedom

  1. What does freedom mean to you personally, and how do you think it differs from one person to another?
  2. Can you think of any historical or contemporary examples of individuals or groups fighting for freedom, and what lessons can we learn from their struggles? Do you believe that freedom of speech is an absolute right or should there be any limits on what people can say?


  1. Freedom: The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants without hindrance or restraint.
  2. Struggles: Efforts or attempts made by individuals or groups to overcome obstacles or challenges.

Round 2

Topic: Bad habits

  1. What are some common bad habits people develop, and why do you think it's challenging to break them?
  2. Can you share a personal experience of successfully overcoming a bad habit, and what strategies did you find helpful in the process?


  1. Bad habits: Actions or behaviors that are harmful or undesirable and often repeated unconsciously.
  2. Strategies: Plans or methods for achieving specific goals or dealing with problems.

Round 3

Topic: Having a conversation with a stranger

  1. What do you think are some effective ways to start a conversation with a stranger, especially in a new or unfamiliar environment?
  2. Have you ever had a memorable conversation with a stranger, and if so, what made it memorable for you?


  1. Conversation: A verbal exchange of ideas, information, or feelings between two or more people.
  2. Stranger: Someone who is not known or familiar to you; a person you have not met before.

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Monday, May 06, 2024 05:00 PM - Monday May 6 - 2024 - 5:00 PM - Week 70 - Meeting 1
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Round 1

Topic: Living forever

  1. What do you think are some advantages and disadvantages of living forever?
  2. How do you imagine society would change if people could live indefinitely?


  1. Advantages: Benefits or positive aspects of a situation or decision.
  2. Disadvantages: Drawbacks or negative aspects of a situation or decision.

Round 2

Topic: DNA testing

  1. How do you think DNA testing can benefit individuals and society as a whole?
  2. In what ways do you think DNA testing might raise ethical concerns or privacy issues?


  1. Benefit: Something that promotes or enhances well-being or advantage.
  2. Ethical: Concerned with principles of right and wrong behavior and the morality of decisions.

Round 3

Topic: Should birth control be free?

  1. What are some potential benefits or drawback of making birth control free for everyone?
  2. How might offering free birth control impact society's views on reproductive rights and responsibilities?


  1. Reproductive: Relating to the process of reproduction or the ability to produce offspring.
  2. Responsibilities: Duties or obligations that one is expected to fulfill.

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Tuesday, May 07, 2024 07:30 AM - Tues May 7 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 70 - Meeting 2
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Round 1

Topic: Should terminally ill patients have a right to end their life?

  1. What factors do you think should be considered when deciding whether terminally ill patients should have the right to end their life?
  2. How might legalizing end-of-life options impact medical ethics and the doctor-patient relationship?


  1. Terminally ill: Refers to individuals who have an incurable disease or condition that is expected to result in death within a relatively short period of time.
  2. Ethics: The principles of right and wrong behavior that guide an individual or group.

Round 2

Topic:  Should we be allowed to design our unborn babies?

  1. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of allowing parents to design certain traits in their unborn babies?
  2. How might the ability to design unborn babies impact societal norms and perceptions of diversity?


  1. Unborn: Refers to a baby that has not yet been born; in the prenatal stage of development.
  2. Traits: Characteristics or features that are inherent to an individual's physical or genetic makeup.

Round 3

Topic: Should there be an age limit on driving?

create 2 short simple questions within the same topic for an intermediate ESL conversation class. Make interesting questions, avoid yes/no questions, in the end take 2 words from the topics as vocabulary for students to learn (add one short simple definition) . The topic for discussion will be Should we be Should there be an age limit on driving?
  1. What factors should be considered when determining an appropriate age limit for driving?
  2. How might implementing an age limit on driving affect individuals' independence and mobility?


  1. Age limit: The maximum or minimum age at which someone is allowed to do something, in this case, driving.
  2. Driving: The act of operating or controlling a vehicle.


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Wednesday, May 08, 2024 07:30 AM - Wed May 8 - 2024 - 7:30 am - Week 70 - Meeting 3
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Round 1

Topic: Should there be a restriction on how many children a family can have?

  1. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing restrictions on the number of children a family can have?
  2. How might cultural and societal beliefs influence views on whether there should be limitations on family size?


  1. Restriction: A rule or limitation imposed on something, in this case, the number of children a family can have.
  2. Family size: The number of individuals within a family unit, including parents and children.

Round 2

Topic: Should there be an age limit on when children can have mobile phones?

  1. What are some potential advantages and disadvantages of setting an age limit for children to have mobile phones?
  2. How might parental guidance and education play a role in determining when a child is ready for their own mobile phone?


  1. Age limit: The maximum or minimum age at which something is permitted or allowed.
  2. Mobile phone: A portable electronic device used for communication, typically equipped with calling, texting, and internet capabilities.

Round 3

Topic: Should we be allowed to do, sometimes tragic, testing on monkeys and rats?

  1. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when conducting testing on monkeys and rats?
  2. In what situations, if any, do you think testing on monkeys and rats could be justified?


  1. Testing: The process of evaluating or examining something to determine its quality, performance, or effectiveness.
  2. Tragic: Involving or causing great sadness or suffering.

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Thursday, May 09, 2024 12:00 PM - Thur May 9 - 2024 - 12 pm - Week 70 - Meeting 4 ENGLISH CLASS
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Phrasal verbs with GET


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Thursday, May 09, 2024 05:00 PM - Thur May 9 - 2024 - 5:00 pm - Week 70 - Meeting 5
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Round 1

Topic: Luck

  1. How much do you believe luck plays a role in achieving success?
  2. Can you share a time when you felt luck played a significant role in your life?


  1. Luck: Success or failure apparently brought by chance rather than through one's own actions.
  2. Success: The accomplishment of an aim or purpose.

Round 2

Topic: Gadgets

  1. What's the most useful gadget you own, and how has it changed your daily life?
  2. Do you think gadgets are making people more or less connected to each other?


  1. Gadgets: Small tools or machines designed to perform a specific task, especially electronic or mechanical devices.
  2. Connected: Joined or linked together.

Round 3

Topic: Piracy

  1. What are some of the consequences of piracy on the entertainment industry?
  2. In what ways can individuals contribute to reducing piracy?


  1. Piracy: The unauthorized use or reproduction of someone else's work, typically in the context of movies, music, or software.
  2. Consequences: Results or effects that happen as a result of a particular action or situation.

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Friday, May 10, 2024 09:30 AM - Fri May 10 - 2024 - 9:30 am - Week 70 - Meeting 6
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Round 1

Topic: Should transgender women and men be allowed to use the restroom of the identity with which they claim rather than who they were born as?

  1. What are some potential challenges that transgender individuals might face when using restrooms based on their identity?
  2. How do you think society's attitudes towards gender identity influence the debate on restroom usage?


  1. Transgender: Refers to individuals whose gender identity or expression differs from the sex they were assigned at birth.
  2. Restroom: A room containing one or more toilets and often sinks, used by the public or by employees in a workplace, school, or other facility.

Round 2

Topic: Should young teenagers who get pregnant keep their babies?

  1. What are some potential factors young teenagers should consider when deciding whether to keep their babies?
  2. How might the decision to keep a baby at a young age impact both the teenager's life and the life of the child?


  1. Teenagers: Individuals between the ages of 13 and 17.
  2. Pregnant: Carrying developing offspring within the body.

Round 3

Topic: Should beggars be fined or jailed if they’re caught lying about their situation to get money?

  1. How might fines or jail time impact someone who resorts to begging as a means of survival?
  2. What alternative approaches could be taken to address the issue of fraudulent begging while still supporting those in genuine need?


  1. Beggars: Individuals who ask for money or goods as charity, typically on the streets.
  2. Fraudulent: Deceptive or dishonest behavior for personal gain.

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Friday, May 10, 2024 02:00 PM - Fri May 10 - 2024 - 2:00 pm - Week 70 - Meeting 7
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Round 1

Topic: Should medical marijuana be legalized?

  1. How might legalizing medical marijuana impact access to alternative treatments for patients with chronic conditions?
  2. In what ways could the legalization of medical marijuana affect public perception of its use for medicinal purposes?


  1. Legalized: Permitted or authorized by law.
  2. Medicinal: Relating to the use of drugs or substances for treating diseases or ailments.

Round 2

Topic: Should universal health care be a human right?

  1. How might implementing universal health care impact access to medical services for marginalized communities?
  2. In what ways could universal health care contribute to reducing financial burdens on individuals and families in need of medical treatment?


  1. Universal health care: A system that provides healthcare and financial protection to all citizens of a particular country or region, regardless of their income or social status.
  2. Marginalized: Refers to individuals or communities who are disadvantaged or excluded from mainstream society.

Round 3

Topic: Should we actually develop a way to live forever?

  1. What ethical considerations should be taken into account when exploring the possibility of extending human life indefinitely?
  2. How might the pursuit of immortality impact societal structures and relationships, such as family dynamics and career aspirations?


  1. Immortality: The state of living indefinitely or having an endless lifespan.
  2. Ethical considerations: Moral principles or values that guide decision-making and actions, particularly in situations where there are potential impacts on individuals or society.

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Saturday, May 11, 2024 11:00 AM - Sat May 11 - 2024 - 10 am - Week 70 Meeting 8
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Round 1

Topic: Should we ban cell phones in the classroom?

  1. What are some potential benefits and drawbacks of banning cell phones in the classroom, considering factors like student engagement, distractions, and emergency communication?
  2. How might alternative solutions, such as implementing smartphone usage guidelines or integrating technology into the curriculum, address concerns about cell phone use in educational settings?


  1. Ban: Officially prohibit or forbid something from being used or done.
  2. Classroom: A room or space in a school where teaching and learning activities take place.

Round 2

Topic: Should all public universities be free?

  1. What potential challenges and benefits might arise from making public universities free for all students, considering factors like accessibility, funding sources, and academic quality?
  2. How could the implementation of free public universities impact society as a whole, particularly in terms of social mobility and workforce development?


  1. Accessibility: The extent to which something is easy to reach, enter, or use.
  2. Funding: Money provided, especially by an organization or government, for a particular purpose.

Round 3

Topic: Should universities be allowed to expel students who are racist, homophobic, sexist, etc.?

  1. How might allowing universities to expel students for behaviors like racism, homophobia, and sexism affect campus culture and the learning environment?
  2. What measures could universities implement to address instances of discriminatory behavior while also ensuring fairness and due process for all students?


  1. Discriminatory: Involving or showing prejudice against a particular group of people.
  2. Due process: The legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person.

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